Autumn Term (1)
Week / Theme / Key Ideas/Concepts / Festivals / Resources / Grouping / Music / Bible References1 / Friends / Commitment
Friends in need
Fair-weather friends
Friends who help
When friends fail / 1. page 20
1. p21
1. p23
1. p24
1. p25 / School
School / The journey of life
Break out
Mother Teresa’s prayer / Book of Ruth
Books of I & 2 Sam
Luke 15:11-32
Luke 5:17-26
Mark 14:12-31
2 / Forgiveness / We need to forgive and be forgiven. If we are truly sorry God will forgive us when we ask Him / (Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year September 16) / 1. p74
1. p75
1. p76
1. p77
1. p78 / School
School / Spirit of God
The Lord’s prayer
Amazing grace / Matthew 18:21-24
Matthew 26:6-13
Matthew 18:21-35
Luke 19:1-10
3 / Choices / In life we have choices and those choices have consequences / (Yom Kippur Jewish Day of Atonement September 25) / 5. p38
5. p44
5. p47
5. p53
7. p20 / KS2
KS1 / You can build a wall
I’m going to paint
It’s the springs / Romans 1 :24-32
I Samuel 16:17
Proverbs 19:22
Colossians 2:8
Proverbs 10:19
4 / Harvest / Sharing what we have with others / Harvest Festival September 26
(Succoth – Jewish Harvest Festival September 30) / 4. p13
1. p27
2. p116
3. p48
3. p50 / KS1
School / Lord of the Harvest
I planted a seed
Pears and apples / Deuteronomy 16:9-17
5 / Choices / Making the right choices / (Simchath Torah – Jewish – the cycle of the synagogue readings is completed October 8) / 8. p7-15
9. p98 / School
KS1 / Exodus 20:1-17
Matthew 22:36-40
Luke 10:38-42
Autumn Term (2)
Week / Theme / Key Ideas/Concepts / Festivals / Resources / Grouping / Music / Bible References6 / The Bible / A special book which contains the Word of God. / (Ramadan – Muslim – beginning of the month of fasting) / 9. page 80
9. p82
9. p84
9.p87 / KS1 but can be adapted for KS2 / A living song
As suggested in the text / Psalm 119:105
7 / The Bible / The Bible is precious – it is sweeter than honey; it is a hammer; the Bible’s job / 3. p111
3. p112
3. p113
3. p114 / School
School / Father, Your Word is like a light in the darkness / Psalm 119:72
Psalm 119:103
Jeremiah 23:29
2 Timothy 3:16
8 / Saints and Souls / Saints are people who have died and have been recognized by the Church as being extra special examples of Christians / All Saints’ Day November 1
All Souls’ Day November 2 / 12. p155
12. p158
2. p68
9. p112 / School
KS1 / Join with us
O Lord, all the world belongs to you
Colours of day
Peace perfect peace / John 1:5 and John 8:12
9 / Remembrance / Reconciling differences / Remembrance Day November 11
(Diwali – Hindu – Festival of Lights November 12)
(Eid-ul-Fitr Muslim end of Ramadan) / 3. p64
3. p66
3. p67
3. p69
3. p71 / School
School / Shalom
Down by the riverside
Make me a channel
10 / Remembrance / We are accepted by God through Jesus / Accepting ourselves / 3. p68
3. p72
3. p73
2. p63 / School
School / Light up the fire
There are hundreds of sparrows / I Timothy 2:5
John ch. 14
Autumn Term (3)
Week / Theme / Key Ideas/Concepts / Festivals / Resources / Grouping / Music / Bible References11 / Ways of experiencing God / God can be experienced in many different ways / 5. 119
5. 121
5. 124
8. 39-46 Intro a) followed by 2d) / School
School / If I had a hammer
He who would valiant be / Genesis ch.1
Luke 4:38-40
12 / Advent / Meaning of the Sundays in Advent
1 The prophets
2 John the Baptist
3 Mary
4 God’s people/hope / Advent 28 November
St Andrew’s day 30 November / 4. p29
1. p85
1. p86
1. p87 / KS1
School / From the darkness came light
The holly and the ivy
Give us hope Lord / Matthew 1:18-24
Isaiah 9:6-7
Mark 1:1-8
Luke 1:46-55
13 / Advent / A time of preparation / Immaculate conception Dec.8
(Hanukkah – Jewish festival of lights Dec. 8) / 1. p88
1. p89
4. p35
9. p114 / School
KS1 / Standing in the rain
Calypso carol
Christmas, Christmas / John 8:12
Luke 15:8-10
Luke 1
14 / Christmas / Different aspects of the Christmas story / 4. p39
6. 43
2. p110 / KS1
School / Go tell it on the mountain
As I went riding by / Luke 2:1-20
Luke & Matthew chs. 1 & 2
Spring Term (1)
Week / Theme / Key Ideas/Concepts / Festivals / Resources / Grouping / Music / Bible References1 / Epiphany / Manifestation of Christ to the gentiles / Epiphany January 6 / 6. page47
6. p53
9. p119 / School
KS1 / As with gladness men of old / Matthew 2:1-12
Luke 15:11-24
2 / King David / David is chosen as King. God is with David. Problems David has with Saul
David’s friend Jonathan / 10. p13
10. p19
10. p28 / KS2
KS2 / The journey of life
My faith it is an oaken staff
One more step
When a knight won his spurs / I Samuel 16:1-13
I Samuel 17:1-58
I Samuel 16:14-23 & 18:6-23
I Samuel 19:1-17
3 / King David / God kept David safe through all of his adventures despite the fact he gave in to temptation / Martin Luther King Day January 17
Week of Christian Unity begins January 21 / 13.p60
10. 43 / School
KS2 / I listen & I listen
Praise the Lord
Break out / I Samuel chs. 22-24
2 Samuel ch.5
2 Samuel 11:1-!2:25
4 / King David / The different aspects of David’s character. To show the link between David and Jesus / Holocaust Memorial Day January 27 / Material from
10. p55
10. p59 / KS2
KS2 / Peace, perfect peace
Family of man
Rise up, shepherd / Psalm 23
Matthew 1:1-17
Luke 2:1-21
5 / People who help us / We need each other / Candlemas
February 2 / 12. p34
8. p29-37 / School
School / Bread for the world
I’m going to paint a perfect picture / Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Psalm 72
Matthew ch. 5
Spring Term (2)
Week / Theme / Key Ideas/Concepts / Festivals / Resources / Grouping / Music / Bible References6 / Lent / How Christians prepare for Easter (some give up things) / Shrove Tuesday February 8
Ash Wednesday
February 9
(Hijrat – Muslim New Year Feb. 10) / 4. Page 73
14. p73
14. p74
7. p52 / KS1
KS1 / Father hear the prayer we offer
Lord of all hopefulness / Mark 4:1-11
John 8:1-11
7 / The life of Jesus / God confirms that Jesus is his Son
Jesus needed helpers as he still does today / St Valentine’s Day February 14 / 11. p13
11. p17
11. p21
11. p33 / School
School / The bell of creation
I was lying in the roadway
I come like a beggar / Matthew 3:1-17
Luke 5:1-11
John 2:1-11
Mark 4:35-41
8 / The life of Jesus / Jesus performs miracles
Teaching of Jesus – this is how Christians should live / Mothering Sunday
March 6 / 11. p37
11. p41
11. p49
11. p53 / School
School / Love will never come to an end
In the bustle of the city / John 3:1-21
Mark 5:21-43
Matthew 12:1-14
John 4:1-42
9 / The life of Jesus / How crowd opinions change / St Patrick’s day
Palm Sunday / 3. p37
3. p40
11. p57
10. p93 / School
KS2 / From the tiny ant
Praise the Lord in everything
Trotting, trotting / Matthew 14:22-32
Luke 19:28-40
Matthew 21:12-17
10 / Holy Week / Jesus was willing to die for us / Maundy Thursday
March 24
(Purim – Jewish celebration March 25)
(Holi – Hindu spring festival) / 10. p97
10. p102
10. p106 / KS2*
KS2* / Jesus in the garden / Luke 22:7-20
Luke 22:54-23:56
John 20:1-29
*Alternatives for KS1 (Creative assemblies) 4. p77; 4. p81 and 4. p85
Summer Term (1)
Week / Theme / Key Ideas/Concepts / Festivals / Resources / Grouping / Music / Bible References1 / The resurrection / Jesus rose from the dead and is alive today / (Navaratri – Hindu festival April 9) / 11. Page 77
11. p81
11. p85
9. p103 / School
KS1 / All in an Easter garden
Now the green blade rises
When from the sky / John 19:39-20:18
John 20:19-29
John 18:15-18 & John 21:1-19
Luke 24:13-49
2 / Faith / Looking at different aspects of faith / 6. p105
6. p108
6. p111
6. p116 / School
School / Bread for the world
Waves are beating / Psalm 150
Mark 5:25-34
Luke 8:41-56
John 8:12
Luke 15:4-7
3 / The journey of life / Decisions need to be made to ‘navigate’ life. / St George’s Day
April 23
(Pesach – Jewish festival of Passover April 24)
(Wesach – Buddhist festival April 24) / 3. p10
3. p12
3. p14
3. p54 / School
School / The best gift
At the name of Jesus
It’s a new day
4 / The journey of life / As Christians we base our decisions on the rules we have learnt in the Bible / Ascension Day
May 5 / 3. p57
12. p81
4. p109
3. p61 / School
School / The wise may bring their learning
The building song / Various passages
Acts 1:6-12
Matthew 8:23-27
5 / The journey of life / Learning about how we can help people in need / Christian Aid Week begins May 8 / 2. p11 alternatively you may
2. p15 wish to use the
2. p78 material produced by
2. p25 Christian Aid / School
School / Carpenter, carpenter
Give me oil in my lamp / Matthew 6:9-13
Summer Term (2)
Week / Theme / Key Ideas/Concepts / Festivals / Resources / Grouping / Music / Bible References6 / The Holy Spirit / The Holy Spirit, given at Pentecost, still is given to us today / Whit Sunday (Pentecost) May15 / 10. Page136
3. p23
3. p25
3. p26 / School
School / Go tell it on the mountain
Spirit of God
You’ve got to move / Acts 2:1-47
John chs. 14-16
Galatians 2:22-25
7 / Trinity / God is three in one; Father, Son and Holy Spirit / Trinity Sunday
May22 / 3. p16
3. p17
3. p18
3. p19 / School
School / The king of love
The best gift
Make us worthy Lord / Deuteronomy 1:31
Psalm 91:4
Luke 12:6-7
8 / The Early Church / The apostles were blessed with the Holy Spirit who healed people through them / 3. p22
10. p140
10. p144
10. p151 / School
KS2 / Join with us
Praise him
If I had a hammer
Lost and found / Acts 3:1-10
Acts 10:1-48
Acts 12:1-19
9 / Messages in various media / ‘The church’ is more than the building. People make up the Church / 3. p76
3. p78
3. p79
3. p80 / School
School / Give us hope, Lord
Rejoice in the Lord
10 / Picture messages / (Shavuot – Jewish festival to celebrate the giving of the 10 commandments)
(Fathers’ Day June 19) / 3. p81
3. p82
3. p83
3. p84 / School
School / A still small voice
You shall go out with joy
I may speak / Genesis 1
Summer Term (3)
Week / Theme / Key Ideas/Concepts / Festivals / Resources / Grouping / Music / Bible References11 / Picture messages / Buildings and artifacts
Convey meaning / 3. p86
3. p88
3. p90
3. p92 / School
School / The building song
All the nations of the earth
12 / Picture messages / Symbols convey messages / 3. p94
3. p96
3. p98
3. p102 / School
School / Lord of the dance
Jesus Christ is here
13 / Life as a race / This is how St. Paul described life. Life is sometimes difficult but as in a race we must never give up / 3. p103
3. p104
3. p106
3. p107 / School
School / Think of a world
He gave me eyes
Travel on, travel on / Philippians 3:12-14
14 / The Bible / Christians carry on the message of the Bible – the news of God’s love for people / 3. p108
3. p116
3. p118
3. p120 / School
School / From the darkness came light
God is love
O Lord all the world belongs to you
1. Assemblies for primary schools – Autumn term / Margaret Cooling / RMEP
2. . The Maximus Mouse Primary Assembly Book / Brian Ogden / Scripture Union
3. Assembly Chains / Diane Walker / Lion OUT OF PRINT
4.Creative Assemblies / Heather Butler / Scripture Union
5. 50 Ready to Use Assemblies for primary and secondary schools / David Burt / Kingsway Communications Ltd
6. The Assemblies Resource Book / Gordon Lamont / SPCK
7. Assemblies for Infants pack of 1,2&3 or single vols / Diane Walker / RMEP
8. Citizenship and Christianity / Clare Richards / Kevin Mayhew
9. Ready Steady Assembly / Helen Franklin and Claire Derry / Scripture Union
10. Year-Round Assemblies / Brian Ogden and Jo Dobbs / Bible Reading Fellowship
11. Seeing Jesus Eyewitness Assemblies / Gill Thorniley / Kevin Mayhew
12 Red Letter Days / Jeanne L Jackson / Stanley Thornes PUB '95
13 The Best of Lives to Inspire / John Godwin / Moorleys
14 Assemblies for Primary Schools Spring Term / Margaret Cooling / RMEP
15 The Complete Come and Praise / BBC