Faculty MeetingMinutes
Florida A&M School of Architecture
Andrew Chin, Ron Lumpkin, Enn Ots, Mike Alfano, Olivier Chamel, Valerie Goodwin, Deborah La Grasse, Beth Lewis, Arleen Pabon, Roy Knight, Lalo Robles, Craig Huffman, Tim White, Bob Goodwin
Laser Cutter training (Monday Dec. 9) by Andrew Chin
Faculty planning to attend the workshop shall provide Valerie with a pdf file of their name or signature
Shop Clean-up by Andrew Chin
Students need to remove materials and projects by Friday, Dec 13, as the shop will be cleaned up in preparation for the spring semester.
Thesis: How Is It Done at Other Schools by Arleen Pabon
-Most schools have their thesis across 3 semesters instead of 2
-UNC at Charlotte proposes a choice between a design project (no written part) and a written thesis
-The role of the thesis chair and committee is evolving
-Some schools have a graduate design project only
-Most schools seem to be moving away from a two-part thesis with both written and design project. They tend to have either a written assignment or design project.
NAAB Response: Integrated Building Course by Enn Ots
- ProfessorsOts, Huffman and Chamel will be coordinating the Integrated Building Course, Design 6.2 and Design 5.2 in the spring in order to address concerns from the NAAB review and implement the changes recommended by the 2012-13 Graduate Council.
Recruitment: Reaching out to High Schools and Community Colleges by Andrew Chin
A series of high schools have been identified through FAMU SOA alumni as potential participants in the upcoming STEM challenge. It will include assignments developed by the division of architecture and engineering technology. These challenges are aimed at creating relationships between the SOA and a number of high schools. The SOA is also in the process of reaching out to community colleges.
Motion to approve the Graduate Council’s committee’s charges as assigned by the Interim Dean(by Valerie Goodwin)
1. Review the list of graduate Design Studio Topics (Tim to spearhead)
2.Assign the graduate Design Studio Topics to the M.Arch courses (Tim to spearhead)
3.Clarify the role and AOR % for the Thesis Studio teacher and Thesis Chair (Arleen to spearhead)
4.Participate in the Spring 2014 Portfolio Review process (All committee members)
5.Implementation of the Spring 2013 curriculum recommendations of last year's Grad council that were approved by the faculty at the end of the Spring semester. (Valerie to spearhead)
6.To continue last year’s review of the 3.5 professional program in architecture with the goal of re-thinking, revising and clarifying the curriculum. (LaVerne to spearhead)
Motion seconded
Motion passed
Motion to approve the Tenure/ Promotion committee’s charges consisting in reviewing the tenure and promotion guideline for the SOA and reviewing the tenure application of current candidate (by Roy Knight)
Motion seconded (by Beth Lewis)
Motion passed
Motion to approve the Undergraduate Council’s committee’s charges(by Mike Alfano)
1. Propose a logic/themes/parti for the undergraduate program
2. Review the list of undergraduate design studio topics
3. Assign the undergraduate Design Studio Topics to the B. Sci and B. Arch courses
4. participate in the spring 2014 porfolio review process
Motion seconded (by Lalo Robles)
Motion passed
Motion to approve the Master of Science committee’s charges(by Enn Ots)
Motion seconded
Motion passed
Meeting adjourned.