Academy of Holy Angels Community Association
Meeting Minutes for March 2012
Meeting date: March 13, 2012
Minutes submitted: March 14, 2012
Attendees: Debbie Beck, Theresa De Grace, Heidi Foley, Pam McSweeney, Kim Ober, Sandra O’Brien, Candy Rinowski, Kate Roberts, Lisa Sackmaster, Kristin Vanyo
1. Call to order: Meeting called to order by Theresa De Grace; opening prayer led by Kristin Vanyo.
2. Secretary’s report (Kate Roberts): February meeting minutes accepted via email. Have been posted to AHA Community Association web page.
3. Chair report (Theresa De Grace):
· The parent volunteer handbook has been edited to reflect changes in food service policy discussed at last month’s meeting.
· Community Association members suggested several nominees for the annual staff service award. Heidi Foley will ask the AHA administrative team for additional nominations. AHACA generated several for consideration. Nominations will be reviewed at the April Community Association meeting.
4. Volunteer coordinator report (Pam McSweeney):
· An announcement will be sent out to current event chairs right after spring break soliciting 1) their help for another year; and 2) their suggestions of successors if they are unable to continue volunteering.
· An announcement will appear in Star Connections reminding parents that, due to the new food-service policy, food brought to the teachers’ lounge must be purchased rather than homemade.
5. Communications report (Lisa Sackmaster): We have continued to post notices for volunteers in Star Connections. They are paying off—we’ve gotten about five new volunteers.
6. Treasurer’s report (Kim Ober): Report submitted. All payments are current and have been reconciled with AHA records. Payment for Mother-Son/Father-Daughter dances will be submitted to the Millennium Hotel by the April Community Association meeting.
7. Administrative representative’s update (Heidi Foley):
· AHA is currently filling two English teaching positions—Kate Hanson and Kathy Hanley are both retiring this year. Margaret Winter is also retiring; her position will be filled, and it has been helpful to hear from parents how she has helped students.
· Since registration for 2012-13 went very smoothly, staff will be about two weeks ahead of usual in building next year’s schedule. Retention numbers are good this year.
· Grade 9 applications are higher than last year at this time.
8. Committee chair reports (Debbie Beck): Nothing to report this month.
9. Father-Daughter/Mother-Son Dance report (Candy Rinowski and Sandra O’Brien):
· The dances were held March 2-3, 2012, at the Millennium Hotel. Attendance figures: 342 for Father/Daughter dance; 268 for Mother/Son dance.
· Chairs appreciated being able to use school convocation time to advertise the dance.
· The event made a profit this year, due in large part to the use of online invitations.
· Feedback: Parking was a problem this year; there was a long wait for the parking elevator at the Hyatt; the Millennium ramp filled too quickly; the wait staff was not particularly friendly, and the food was average. Several Community Association members had heard comments like these from multiple parents. Chair responses: if we return to the Millennium, we will have to make clearer to guests where they can park. We understand that problems parking can set a tone for the whole evening. Venues have been compared over the years; the Millennium has had the best price point, is centrally located, has an adequate room size, and has a suitable guarantee amount. Another possible solution would be to choose a weekend when downtown venues are less crowded.
· Feedback: Can we consider holding future dances at AHA or at suburban locations where parking will be free? Chair responses: it’s not clear that it would be less expensive to hold dances at AHA, considering the cost of catering, decorations, etc. Next year’s chairs will be asked to do comparison shopping and present several proposals to the Community Association for review.
· There was problematic student behavior this year at the Mother/Son dance. Going forward, we will hire a hotel attendant to staff the bathrooms. Suggestion: Consider hiring a police officer for the evening. Many communities have a pool of reserve police officers who will provide security for free.
Respectfully submitted,
Kate Roberts, Secretary, Academy of Holy Angels Community Association