Minutes of meeting held on 13th April 2015


Monday, 13th April 2015



Paul Bradshaw [Chairman], Gary Brace [President], Susan Street [VP], Maurice Blount [Joint Treasurer], Holly Powell [Joint Treasurer], Laura Starrs [Elected Committee Member/Club Safety Adviser], Christine Hughes [Membership Secretary], Martin Lunn [Elected Committee Member], Simon Spiller [Elected Committee Member], Craig Willetts [Elected Committee Member], Sarah Thomas [Captain], Dawn Brace [Secretary]

1.  Apologies

Mary Yee [Communications Officer], Jon Hine [VP]

Minutes of last meeting (3 March 2015)

Agreed as an accurate record: Proposed: MB, Seconded: CH

2.  Actions from previous Committee meetings

Action / Status /
Notice boards / Under consideration by House cttee.
Domain name transfer / Meeting held. PB to report back at May mtg
Implications of registering Club as a Ltd Company / Part of the remit of the Constitution Review Group. Key to any structural change is the protection of members.
Bar tills / Being –put on the back burner due to tax discussion above
Scoping gym work / Will not go out to tender wk beg 2/3/15, as specification for work at least one month behind. Given delays, work might commence in summer after regatta.
Insurance fees / 5 outstanding - PB to chase
Committee minutes / REITERATED:
Committee chairs to ensure minutes go on the web site: ALL cttees
Masters coaching / Rowing Ctee to discuss the reimbursement of travel costs to SDH coaching Masters especially now Hannah Pole had left
The President queried (Feb mtg) whether or not there was a Masters representative on the Rowing Committee, and left this as a question for the Captain. / Rowing Ctee to respond
Treasurer role / HP’s honorarium remains whilst performing/assisting treasurer role

3.  House Committee Report

·  Electrics being upgraded

·  Budget work had begun

·  New launch engine received

·  New sign installed, second to follow

·  Treasurer confirmed budget for gym still available.

Action: SS to contact Info Commissioners Office.

Action: PB to chase architects/Russell.

·  Jim Meah resigned orally 4-6 weeks ago, in writing on 24/3/15, raising several concerns including staff, he finishes on 24/4/15. House Cttee discussed options and experienced person offered services who could start in May.

PB summarised 3 options:

·  Go to external advert

·  Accept offer

·  Accept offer on 3 month trial and revisit

GMC agreed last option subject to discussion with the person and a salary no more than is currently the case. PB stated that the decision of the Bar Options/ Commercial Working Group from 2014 had not been adequately documented and he would reconvene that group to revisit the decision in the light of lessons learned and the concerns raised by Jim, thinking about the direction the club wanted to go in and who the audience was, who to market to etc, and whether the post should include a marketing role.

Action: PB reconvene working group within two weeks

Action: Club manager role agenda for May GMC

Jim had made great strides in his time in the role and achieved a lot in very difficult circumstances, and achieved a profit. The GMC appreciated his contribution. House Cttee to organise handover and stock take handover on 24/4 if possible

2. Chair report


3.  Comms

Mary unable to make web amends

Action: PB to re-emphasise to Hywel that transfer of administrator functions is part of the domain name handover.

4.  Captain’s Report

·  2 Masters Mens 8s, 2 Mens 8s went to Tideway - thanks to those who coordinated.

·  Junior training camp to Henley cancelled due to weather, so held in Cardiff/Monmouth

·  7 juniors went to trials: girls got 2nd /3rd /6th and boys 3rd /4th /8th but all 7 performed well

·  Anticipated 6 Welsh vests for HIR

·  5 juniors going to inter-regionals


·  Waterloo Foundation application for gym equipment (a few thousand pounds)

·  Need to spend successful grant from Rowing Foundation (blades for juniors)

·  Community Chest grant in to pay for 2 coaches’ qualifications and reimburse DB’s Level 2 course

·  Hannah Pole resigned. JMcT agreed to take on 6-8 hours paid coaching to cover all areas/ maintain continuity

·  PB and ST met with Helen Tan WR COO to discuss possible joint venture in coach but in short term the academy coach has been offered. Action: Sarah to confirm costs with WR

Captain wants to employ one of the Cardiff Met coaches for up to 6 hours

Masters to decide which night they would like for Strength Conditioning (eg Wed night before Pilates) especially relevant for those wishing to go to FISA this year

Action: Martin Lunn to gauge interest

Discussion about key aims for women’s and men’s squad:

Vice Captains reported:

·  Low morale

·  Mens VC raised some concerns about communication with Cardiff Met coaches re S&C which captain would feed back. Action: Sarah

·  Men VC also noted they had no training plan and gave feedback in the coaching they has received to date

·  Was felt that a coach is needed to set people off on coaching sessions even if not supervising all such as currently provided for novices and juniors

·  Discussion of development of coaches and how to coordinate/control

·  President felt should be role of the Captain

·  PB requested the discussion be taken back - Action into rowing committee

Joe/Sarah been working on rowing budget 3 year plan, including sale of old riggers as scrap metal.

Rowing Ctee should be: Captain, two VCs, GB for novices/masters, LS for Explore plus ML.

5.  Treasurer’s Report/ Financial/ Budgeting

·  Treasurer discussed management accounts

·  Jim had reduced utility bills through renegotiation

·  Treasurer provided templates for budgets for house and rowing ctee

·  Invoice awaited from Hannah Pole

·  British gas query to sort

Established process to help GMC facilitate prioritisation

Action: House/Rowing Ctees submissions to MB before May GMC

Action: Treasurer to pull budget draft together for June GMC

Landing stage ctee to be reformed to deal with urgent issues before regatta:

Jon, Sarah, Gary, Paul

Action: PB

Action: contacts to be pursued by Chris, Laura and Sarah (via Jack) to report back to GMC

6.  Health and safety

·  List drawn up after safety audit

·  Risk assessment to be completed

·  Capsize drill held (led by Chris, Claire, Dawn)

·  Need for raised awareness of incident reporting procedure (incident book)

7.  Membership

Junior L2 R done, senior one to be held soon (finishes 10/5) – Coaches: Chris, Dawn, Sandra, Claire (others?).

6 approved

Matthew / Singleton / Fitness /
Matthew / Wing / Junior /
Joseph / Vesey / Junior /
Sue / Wing / Parent Social /
Alison / Vesey / Parent Social /
Rosa / Baik / Full /
Stephen / Cox / Monthly /
Elizabeth / Elder / Cox /

Boat ‘man’ entitled to honorarium but had been declined. GMC appreciated the gesture made by Laura Starrs.

8.  No correspondence

9.  AOB

·  Action: Role of committees and posts to be clarified by Constitution Group

·  Need for transparency of committee minutes

·  All GMC to think where email can be used to speed decision-making (not always appropriate)

·  GMC August 3 moved to 10th.

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