Understanding Behaviour: Summative Assessment

Select 2 of the following brief case scenarios and provide responses to each of the questions. Remember to correctly format your assignment.

Case Scenario #1:

Lisa is 15 years old and spends most of her school day in a resource room or participating in community-based instruction. She has no formal communication system; however, she points, makes noises or gets objects to communicate. Several times a day she bites her hand – often leaving teeth marks. She often hits her head as well. She usually does this when other student leave the resource room to attend classes, go on field trips or participate in extra curricular activities.

Case Scenario #2:

Nathan is 11 and attends a regular grade six class. He reads and writes at a grade 3 level. Nathan is very verbal. Every day he is frequently reprimanded by teacher of the EA for hitting his classmates (usually after recess and lunch), talking in class (usually during math class) and getting out of his desk while the teacher is instructing (usually during his lectures for social studies).

Case Scenario #3:

Mike is in grade 8. He swears and waves a clenched fist when he is asked to complete Math or English tasks. The resource teacher has determined that he understands the concepts being taught, though his accuracy in Math is low and his reading fluency is low. The teacher usually ignores Mike or sends him to the vice-principal’s office.

Case Scenario #4:

Pria is in middle school. She often comes to school tired on Monday morning. She has a difficult time dealing with class changes and changing tasks. The Drama classroom, the school hallways and school rotunda are places where she often pushes or grabs her classmates. They yell or laugh at her. When the supervising adults confront her she swears at them. She is spending a lot of time at the office and negative notes are going home to her parents. She struggles academically.

  1. Provide a comprehensive hypothesis.
  2. Suggest an intervention plan that includes a minimum of:

3 prevention strategies

2 replacement skills

3 response interventions

  1. What other factors should the team consider?
  2. If this was a situation in which you were working as an EA what would personally challenge you; or what would you need to learn? Why? Write a SMART goal to address this area of growth and development.

Assessment Feedback

Participant’s Name: ______

Scenario # ______

Criteria / Basic / Average / Competent
Hypothesis (include all 3 components)
3 Prevent Strategies
2 Replacement Skills
3 Response Interventions
Other Considerations
SMART goal and rationale


Scenario # ______

Criteria / Basic / Average / Competent
Hypothesis (include all 3 components)
3 Prevent Strategies
2 Replacement Skills
3 Response Interventions
Other Considerations
SMART goal and rationale
