As youobserve theMoon over amonth,younoticeit changes.Sometimestheright side is in sunlight;other timesit’s theleft.Sometimesyouseeit atnight; sometimesyou see it during daytime.
ThisWebQuest will helpyouunderstand whytheMoon changesshapethroughoutthe month.
You will need to read theinformation availableon thewebpagesyouvisit.Allanswers canbefoundon oneormoreofthewebsites.Your taskis to read and find the information.
In thespacebelow,summarizethemythThe Girl Who Married The Moon by watching the video or reading the story (inyourownwords!).
Read the Myth:
Watch the Myth:
You shouldknow eightimportant phasesoftheMoon. Using thelinks below, completethe
tablebelow.In thetopof eachsquare,write thephaseof theMoon. In thecircle, draw apicture of whatit lookslike.
Watch the Following Videos:
Website Links:
How do the phases get their Names?
Phases of the Moon:
Phases of the Moon-What can you see Tonight?:
TheSecondTask– Moon Vocabulary
To understand science,youneed to understand thewords thatare used. Thereare
three important terms youneedto know and usewhen discussing phasesof theMoon. Define thesethreewords.
Glossary of Terms: Click on the link to the Lunar Dictionary on the left side
Waxing –
Waning –
Gibbous –
Whatwasthephaseof theMoonthedayyouwere born? Goto thewebsite and find out. Fill in thecircleand identify thephaseof theMoon.
Mybirthdate ______My birthday in 2015______
MoonPhase ______Moon Phase in 2015______
Birthdate Moon Birthday 2015 Moon
TheFourth Task-MoonOveraMoonth
Star Date Online-Phases of the Moon:
Thisgives youachanceto seehowtheMoon changesover amonth. Gotothewebsite, selectthecurrent month,and completethetablebelowbycoloringin theappropriate portion of theMoon.
1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th5th / 6th / 7th / 8th
9th / 10th / 11th / 12th
13th / 14th / 15th / 16th
17th / 18th / 19th / 20th
21st / 22nd / 23rd / 24th
25th / 26th / 27th / 28th
29th / 30th / 31st
Theposition of theEarth,Moon,and Sun areresponsible for thephasesof theMoon. As theMoon revolves aroundtheEarth,differentpartsoftheMoon’s surfaceare in sunlight. Completethediagram below byidentifying thecorrect phaseateachnumber. Click on the titles below to go to the websites
Interactive Animation of Lunar Phases / Lunar Phase Simulator: / The Moon’s Phases Simulation:
TheFinal Tasks – Moon Challenge
Take the Lunar Cycle Challenge:
Using thewebsites, answerthefollowing questions.
1. Thephasesof theMoon are produced by…
a.thespin of theEarth.
b. varying amountsof sunlight reachingtheside of theMoonthatfacesEarth.
c.varying amountsof sunlight reachingtheside of theMoon thatfacestheSun. d. theorbit of theEartharound theMoon.
2. At full Moon…
a.theside of theMoon facingEarthreceives no sunlight. b. theside of theMoon facingEarthreceives full sunlight. c.theMoon is between theEarthand theSun.
d. none of these.
3. At newMoon…
a.theside of theMoon facingEarthreceives no sunlight. b. theside of theMoon facingEarthreceives full sunlight. c.theMoon is between theEarthand theSun.
d. A and C
e.noneof theabove.
4. In thefirst halfof thelunar cycle,the"growing" partof theMoon appearson the
side. After full Moon when themoon is waning, theilluminated part of theMoon appears on the side.
a.right,leftc.right,right b. left, rightd. left, left
5. Whatphaseis shownin thediagram?(Remember, theMoonrevolves
b. First Quarterd. LastQuarter
6. Whatphaseis shownin thediagram?
b. First Quarterd. LastQuarter
7. Whatphaseis shownin thediagram?
b. First Quarterd. LastQuarter
8. Whatphaseis shownin thediagram?
b. First Quarterd. LastQuarter
9. Whatphaseis shownin thediagram?
b. First Quarterd. LastQuarter
10. Whatphaseis shownin thediagram?
b. First Quarterd. LastQuarter
11. Whatphaseis shownin thediagram?
b. First Quarterd. LastQuarter
12. Whatphaseis shownin thediagram?
b. First Quarterd. LastQuarter
13. Whatphaseis shownin thediagram?
b. First Quarterd. LastQuarter