CSE126 – Introduction to Computer Programming
Instructor: Ezekiel Maier
Office: Jolley 526
Office Hours: MWF 10-11 AM or by appointment
Lecture Time: MWF 9-10 AM
Class Room: Lopata 101
Lab Hours: W 1-2:30, 2:30-4, 4-5:30 PM
Lab Room: Sever 201
Course Website:http://students.cec.wustl.edu/~ejm3/
Final Exam: Friday May 1, 8-10 AM
Teaching Assistants
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Java Version, Version 4.1). Allen B. Downey. (Yes, it’s free!)
- I have many other Java texts which can be checked out on a first come first serve basis.
There will be two exams, a midterm and a final, to evaluate your understanding of the topics covered in lecture and assigned reading. Part of each exam may include writing a small amount of code and there will be an in class review session before each exam. 6 in class announced quizzes will be given during the semester, with your top 5 quiz scores counting toward your final grade. Finally, we will have 10programming homework assignments throughout the semester for which time will be given in lab. These assignments will be due during lab meetings, with late assignments incurring a 10% penalty per week late.
Midterm Exam:15%
Final Exam:15%
Grading Scale95+ / A+
90-95 / A
85-90 / A-
80-85 / B+
75-80 / B
70-75 / B-
60-70 / C
50-60 / D
0-50 / F
Topics Covered
- Computer Architecture Basics, Programming Logic and Java
- Control Structures, Methods, File I/O
- Objects and Object Oriented Programming
- Recursion and Iteration
- Arrays, Lists, and Sets
- Graphics
- Stacks, Queues & Maps
- Current Topics
Course Communication
All course announcements will be posted on the website; therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to check the course website several times a week. Furthermore, all reasonable effort to also make all announcements in class will be made. Additionally, students may receive occasional emails for the instructor and/or teaching assistants. Finally, the instructor will be using Telesis so a current snapshot of your grade is available online at any time.
Academic Honesty
(From Undergraduate Programs catalog, p. 16) You are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and refrain from the forms of misconduct spelled out in the University Academic Integrity Policy, which is published in full in Bearings and elsewhere. Violations will lead to disciplinary action and may result in suspension or expulsion from the University.
Students and faculty have an obligation to uphold the highest standards of scholarship. Plagiarism or other forms of cheating are not tolerated. When a student has violated the standards of the academic community, an instructor may recommend that the student be brought before a disciplinary committee. These are the most frequent areas of violation:
- failure to use adequate means of documentation in written reports or essays, resulting in plagiarism
- unpermitted use of either prepared notes or the work of other students while taking a test
- alteration of test materials that are submitted for regarding
- collaboration with other students in preparing assignments, when not approved by the instructor.
Findings of academic misconduct may result in a written reprimand, failure of an assignment or course, disciplinary probation, withdrawal of merit-based scholarship support, or other sanctions. Severe or repeat offenses may be referred to the University Judicial Board for consideration of suspension or expulsion.
Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities or suspected disabilities are strongly encouraged to both bring any additional considerations to the attention of the instructor and make full use of the University's Disability Resource Center (http://disability.wustl.edu).