Table S4. Summary of soil isolates that complement P. vortex in crossing BLA-containing agar, isolated from soil and identified by 16S rRNA sequencing
Isolate / Identification1 / Selection2 / Source3 / MIC values4 / BL assay nitrocefin5 / Satellite colonies6M1 / Pseudomonas sp. / Mer 2 / R1 / Mer 8 / + / +
M5 / Pseudomonas sp. / Mer 2 / R1 / Mer 16 / - / +
M6 / Pseudomonas sp. / Mer 2 / R1 / Mer 16 / - / +
M15 / Pseudomonas sp. / Mer 2 / R1 / Mer >16 / - / +
M16 / Pseudomonas sp. / Mer 2 / R2 / Mer 8 / - / +
MA / Pseudomonas sp. / Mer 2 / U1 / Mer 8 / - / +
MB / Sphingobacterium sp. / Mer 2 / U1 / Mer 8 / + / +
MD / Pseudomonas sp. / Mer 2 / U1 / Mer 16 / - / +
C1 / Flavobacterium sp. / Ctx 3 / R1 / Ctx >32 / + / +
C4 / Flavobacterium sp. / Ctx 3 / R1 / Ctx 32 / + / +
C11 / Flavobacterium sp. / Ctx 3 / R1 / Ctx 32 / + / +
C12 / Flavobacterium sp. / Ctx 3 / R2 / Ctx 32 / + / +
CB / Stenotrophomonas maltophilia / Ctx 3 / U1 / Ctx 16 / + / +
CC / Stenotrophomonas maltophilia / Ctx 3 / U2 / Ctx >32 / + / +
CF / Pseudomonas sp. / Ctx 3 / U2 / Ctx 8 / - / +
CG / Pseudomonas sp. / Ctx 3 / U2 / Ctx 16 / - / +
1 Identification to genus or species level by 16S rRNA sequencing.
2 Selection for transport by P. vortex on MH agar with 2 µg ml-1 meropenem (Mer, 2 µg ml-1) or cefotaxime (Ctx, 3 µg ml-1)
3 R1, site 1 Rotterdam; R2, site 2 Rotterdam; U1, site 1 Utrecht; U2, site 2 Utrecht.
4 µg ml-1
5 Assay for BL activity by nitrocefin.
6 Assay for BLA-degrading activity by growth of surrounding sensitive E. coli strain as satellite colonies.