POT Calendar for Deacons 2017-18
Autumn Term
Tuesday5September / Contexts of Ministry
Each deacon will present to the groupa brief portrait of his/her context for ministry. / CDT
19 September / Deacons’ Day at Causton St
An introduction to the people, plans and policies that support the missional work of the Diocese. / Diocesan House
36 Causton St SW1P
10 October / Diocesan Clergy Summit for ALL clergy / Church House Westminster 9.30am-4pm
24 October / Diocesan safeguarding for deacons
Diocesan safeguarding training is compulsory!
NB an alternative date – on a Saturday – will be offered to SSMs / Diocesan House
Causton St
14 November / Worship in (your) context
What works, what doesn’t work? How are the needs of a diverse congregation reflected in the opportunities offered for corporate worship? What assumptions have been challenged so far? / CTD
20 -23 November / Diocesan deacons’ residential / High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, Herts
29November / Bishop Adrian’s Advent Quiet Day with Professor Ben Quash
Professor of Christianity and the Arts
Director of the Centre for Arts and the Sacred
King's College London
NB Stepney curates only: for all his clergy.
Tuesday 12December / Preaching in context
Reflection and discussion on the impact of context on preaching, and how we can best adapt and develop our preaching in response to the challenges of our particular place. / CTD
Lent Term
Tuesday9 January / Patterns of Life
How have your previous patterns and routines been challenged in ministry so far? How do we make sense of “work/life balance” in vocational ministry? / CTD
18January / Diocesan POT study day / St Mellitus College
31January / Cathedral Welcome
The Dean and Chapter welcome deacons to the Cathedral for a reception and tours behind the scenes following Evensong. / St Paul’s Cathedral
8 February / Leading with Style for Deacons and Training incumbents / LDF Causton St
20 February / Funerals
An opportunity to reflect on practicalities and potential pit falls – and the significance of this ministry. It is hoped that you will have had experience of taking at least one funeral by now. / CTD
13March / The Eucharist
How is your understanding of the Eucharist evolving? What theology of Eucharist works for you, and why? What is influencing you and changing you? / CTD
28April / Stepney POT study day on mission shaped ministry / Tbc
9.30am – 2.30 pm ( timings approx – tbc)
There will also be the Bishop’s Lent Quiet Day to fit into February, but no date fixed as yet.
Summer Term
8 May / Preparation for Eucharistic PresidencyAdditional to, and not a substitute for, what you learn with your training incumbent! / CTD
14 -16 June / Rehearsal and Priesting retreat / Buckden Towers
Saturday 16 June / Ordination Service / 4pm
venue tbc
11 July / Summer party / Irena’s house
24 Calabria Rd N5 1JA
*CTD = Centre for Training and Development, St Anne’s Community Hall, Hemsworth St, N1 5LF 020 7033 3446
Diocesan seminars:
Curates in training are required, as are all diocesan clergy, to attend three seminars:
Safeguarding - to be done within the diaconal year - already included in the time table above –alternative date for SSMs:
Inter-faith awareness - to be done as soon as is practicable
Working with difference – to be done as soon as is practicable
Curates are responsible for booking a place on these courses with the diocesan safeguarding team.