Headteacher: Mrs Vivienne Resch B Ed Hons
POST / REQUIRED FOR April 15th 2013 – DEPUTY HEADTEACHERThe Deputy Headteacher receives two days management time each week, which includes PPA.
We have a strong and dynamic Senior Leadership Team, a happy staff team, children who enjoy their learning and supportive parents.
ABOUT THE SCHOOL / Slade School is situated in the centre of Tonbridge near the castle. It has its own large playing field, playground, trim trail, large library, willow dome, allotment, and an early years play area. The school is very well resourced and has an efficient programme of yearly maintenance and development works. ICT is strong in the school, classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and there is a computer suite, 32 i pads and laptops available for class use.
The school has had 4 very successful Ofsted inspections during the last 13 years.
We have 315 pupils on roll and have a Hearing Impaired Unit attached to the school with places for 15 pupils. The Unit has a positive policy of inclusion. The school employs a SENCO for 0.6 of a week.
We value all individuals and encourage all pupils to maximise their potential and to try their best. The school has a positive and caring atmosphere and is a very happy place to work.
The Senior Leadership Team consists of Head, Deputy, KS1/FS Manager, KS2 Manager, SENCO, Literacy Leader and Teacher In Charge of the Department for Hearing Impaired Children.
The school has an efficient Governing Body that supports and appreciates the work of the staff at the school.
A Teaching Assistants are attached to teams to run the provision maps. Some Teaching Assistants work in the school specialising in Communication (Speech and Language), Special Educational Needs, Numeracy and Hearing Impairment. One of our Teaching Assistants also runs a lunchtime nurture group.
Some Teaching Assistants act as cover supervisors for periods of half a day or less. There is a Breakfast Club and an After School Club for child care for up to 32 pupils.
Planning Preparation and Assessment (PPA) time in Key Stage 2 is covered by teachers.
Key Stage Managers receive half a day management time in addition to their PPA time each week.
There are 2 classes. We take 45 pupils into the school each year. The classes are called I1 & I2. Children are part time for the first week and then become full time. Both classes have a teaching assistant.
1 x Year 1 class I31 x Year 1 & 2 mixed class I4
1 x Year 2 class I5
3 x Year 3 & 4 mixed classes
3 x Year 5 & 6 mixed classes
COMPLETING YOUR APPLICATION / · Please complete the application form which can be found on enclosing a supporting letter and return to:
· If your application is short listed we will contact your referees.
· Travel expenses incurred attending for interview will be reimbursed, but please discuss this beforehand.
· Closing date for completed applications is 5.00pm Wednesday 19th December 2012.
· All candidates will be notified of the result of their application after the short listing stage.
· Interviews will take place on, Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd January 2013.
VISITS WELCOMED! / If you would like to visit the school, please telephone the school office on 01732 350354 or e mail .
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