KGCOE MSD IVideo Analytics SystemP13571
Conceptual System Design Review
P13571: Video analytics system
Meeting purpose
- Overview of the project
- Confirm customer needs and engineering specifications
- Review concepts
- Propose a design approach and confirm its functionality
- Generate further ideas
Materials to be reviewed
- Project Description and Current System Design Schematic
- Work Breakdown Structure
- Customer Needs
- Customer Specifications
- Concept Development and Proposed Design – Enclosure
- Interface Selection Process
- Concept Development – FPGA Logic Flow
- Concept Development and Proposed Design – Signal Transmission
- Project Plan
- Risk Assessment
Meeting Date: 12/21/2012
Meeting Location: 9-4425
Meeting Time: 4:30pm
Start Time / Review Topic4:30 / Introduction to Project
4:35 / Work Breakdown Structure
4:40 / Customer Needs and Specifications
4:45 / Concept Development and Proposed Design – Enclosure
4:55 / Questions, Concerns, Ideas
5:00 / Interface Selection Process
5:10 / Questions, Concerns, Ideas
4:55 / Concept Development – FPGA Logic Flow
5:00 / Concept Development and Proposed Design – Signal Transmission
5:05 / Questions, Concerns, Ideas
5:10 / Project Plan
5:15 / Risk Assessment
5:20 / Discussion
Project # / Project Name / Project Track
P13571 / Video Analytics System / Printing and Imaging Systems Technologies
Start Term / Team Guide / Project Sponsor
2012-2 / Dr. Adriana Becker-Gomez / D3 Engineering
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KGCOE MSD IVideo Analytics SystemP13571
Video Analytics System
High Definition &High Speed Image Transmission
Video analytics and image processing cover a wide range of applications that include vehicle assist and surveillance systems. The demand for higher resolution images at faster speeds continues to grow as technology advances. The vast amount of data streaming from multi-megapixel image sensors requires an interface capable of supporting its speed, volume, and signal integrity. A fully capable image/video capturing system must address durability, quality, and cost effectiveness.
Project Requirements
Design and develop a weatherproof, miniaturized camera system capable of capturing and transmitting high resolution image data at high speeds, and then transmitting that data over car-length cable distances. The system shall implement high-speed serial communication protocols with state-of-the-art electronics while maintaining an IP67 environmental protection standard.
Issues & risks
- Learning to program new devices
- Meeting dimension constraints
Team Members
- Andy Anthony (EE)
- Stephen Brown (EE)
- Stephen Goss (CE)
- Peter Hood (CE)
- Cameron Staunch (ME)
- Jose Portugal (ME)
Key Objectives
- Support a variety of image sensors
- Transmit across up to 10 meters of cable
- House image capturing system in 1” x 1” x N enclosure
- Maintain IP67 standard
- Support ~2Gbps total data rates
Strategy & approach
The team achieved a low level understanding of several different types of high speed image capturing interfaces. The characteristics of each interface were applied to our customer needs in order to narrow down the list of choices. The selections were made by considering maximum data transfer rate, cabling type, connector type, output/input format, etc. In addition, alternative designs to house the image capturing system were explored, as well as different methods to protect the electronics from the environment. The final design must merge with the appropriate connections to the electronics.
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