<TreeView>.Insert (Function)

In french: <Arbre>.Insère

Inserts a leaf into a TreeView control at a specific position. This insertion is performed in relation to an existing "sibling" element.

Example of TreeView control:


// Insert the "Cakes" leaf on the same level as
// the "Ice creams" leaf in the "TREE_RecipeTV" TreeView control
// The "Cakes" leaf will be inserted before the "Ice creams" leaf
Res = TREE_RecipeTV.Insert("Recipes" + TAB + "Desserts" + TAB + "Ice creams", ...
"Cakes", tvDefault, tvDefault, Null, tvBefore)


<Result> = <TreeView control>.Insert(<Path of sibling node> , <Leaf name> [, <Collapsed image> [, <Expanded image> [, <Leaf identifier> [, <Add mode> [, <Tooltip text>]]]]])

<Result>: Boolean

  • True if the leaf was inserted into the TreeView control,
  • False otherwise.

<TreeView control>: Control name

Name of TreeView control to use.

<Path of sibling node>: Character string

Full path of "sibling" node of leaf that will be inserted into the TreeView control. This sibling node must exist. This parameter has the following format:

"<Name of root>" + TAB + ["<Name of 1st node>" + TAB + ...
["<Name of 2nd node>" + TAB + [...]]]"<Leaf name>"

In case of duplicates on a path element, this path can contain the element identifier (specified at the end of its name by TreeID).

<Leaf name>: Character string (with quotes)

Name (caption) of leaf to insert.

<Collapsed image>: Character string (with quotes) or optional constant

Image associated with the inserted element. This image is displayed when the element is a collapsed node (see the Notes). At run time, the caption of a collapsed node is preceded by "+".
This parameter corresponds to:

  • the name and full (or relative) path of image. A UNC path can be used.
  • the constant:

(Default value) / Default image (closed folder):
Null / No image

<Expanded image>: Character string (with quotes) or optional constant

Image associated with the inserted element. This image is displayed when the element is an expanded node (see the Notes). At run time, the caption of an expanded node is preceded by "-".
This parameter corresponds to:

  • the name and full (or relative) path of image. A UNC path can be used.
  • the constant:

(Default value) / Default image (opened folder):
Null / No image

<Leaf identifier>: Character string (with quotes) or optional integer

Character string or integer associated with the inserted element. This parameter corresponds to an empty string ("") by default. To associate an identifier with an element that is already created, use <TreeView>.Modify.

<Add mode>: Optional constant

Position of inserted leaf in relation to the "sibling" node in the TreeView control.

(Default value) / The leaf is inserted after the specified "sibling" element.
tvBefore / The leaf is inserted before the specified "sibling" element.

<Tooltip text>: Optional character string (with quotes)

If this parameter is specified, its content will be displayed in a tooltip when the element is hovered by the mouse cursor. This parameter corresponds to an empty string by default. If no tooltip is associated with the element, the tooltip associated with the TreeView control will be automatically displayed.


"Sibling" node

The insertion is not performed if the "sibling" node does not exist: <TreeView>.Insert returns False.


<TreeView>.Insert does not check the duplicates when an element is inserted.

To easily manage the duplicates, a specific identifier should be used to identify the level where the insertion must be performed. See Managing duplicates in the TreeView controls for more details.

Format of collapsed/expanded images

The following image formats are supported in Windows:

  • Bitmap (*.BMP)
  • Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif)
  • Joint Picture Experts Group (*.jpg ; *.jpeg)
  • Kodak Photo CD (*.pcd)
  • PaintBrush (*.pcx)
  • Adobe Photoshop Format (*.psd)
  • TrueVision TARGA (*.tga)
  • Tagged Image File Format (*.tif ; *.tiff)
    Note: the "tiled tiff" option of tiff 6.0 standard is not supported. In this case, we advise you to save the image in tiff 5.0 standard.
  • Portable Network Graphics (*.png)
  • Windows MetaFiles (*.emf ; *.wmf)
  • Icons (*.ico ; *.icw)
  • HQ display (High Quality) available.
  • Management of sheets in transparent BMP format (32 bits).
  • Cursors (*.cur)
  • Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg)
  • WINDEV images (generated by the image editor, *.WDPIC).

The recognized image formats are as follows: BMP, JPEG, GIF or ICO.

The recognized image formats are as follows: GIF, JPEG, PNG or SVG (depending on the browsers).

Type of collapsed/expanded images

The images used can be:

  • image files,
  • "Binary Memo" items of a HFSQL data file containing an image.
  • drawings created by the functions for handling graphic strings.

The specified image is proportionally resized to 16 x 16 pixels: in most cases, the height of the image corresponds to the height of TreeView row.

Only the image files can be used. These files must be found in the "<ProjectName>_WEB" directory. These images are not transformed when the page is saved. There is no need to use fWebDir to specify the image path. This path is relative to the "<ProjectName>_WEB" directory.

Note: The size of images should be set to 16 x 16 pixels (size of small icons).
