Excursions are seen as an integral part of the school curriculum as they enable students to explore, extend and enrich their learning and their social skills development, in a non-school setting. Excursions complement, and are an important aspect of the educational programs offered at the school. An excursion is defined as any activity beyond the school grounds.
- To reinforce, complement and extend the learning opportunities beyond the classroom
- To develop an understanding that learning is not limited to school, and that valuable and powerful learning takes place in the real world.
- To provide a safe, secure learning experience for students in a venue external to the school.
- To further develop social skills such as cooperation, tolerance, communication, individual and group interaction.
- To further develop problem solving and life survival skills.
- To extend understanding of their physical and cultural environment.
- All excursions must be approved by the Principal or his nominee(s)
- The Principal or their nominee(s) will ensure that all excursions, transport arrangements, emergency procedures and staffing comply with Department of Education and Early Childhood Developmentguidelines. Refer to: DEECD Excursion Policy.
- Once the excursion has been approved all relevant documentation must be completed. This is available from the Principal or their nominee(s). The Teacher in Charge will complete the ‘Notification of School Activity’ at three weeks prior to the excursion departure date, and ensure relevant details are entered on the term planner. The email receipt must be emailed to the school email account (). (Refer to Appendix 1)
- School Council is responsible for the approval of:
- Overnight excursions
- Camps
- Interstate visits
- International visits
- Excursions requiring sea or air travel, weekends or vacations
- Adventure activities
- The Principal or his nominee is responsible for the approval of all single-day excursions other than those that must be approved by school council as mentioned above.
The Department’s requirements and guidelines relating to preparation and safety will be observed in the conduct of all excursions.
The Principal or their nominee will ensure that full records are maintained regarding the camp/excursion.
The Principal or their nominee will ensure that adequate pre-excursion planning and preparation, including the preparation of students, takes place.
Satisfactory arrangements will be made to provide continuous instruction for the students remaining at the school during the absence of staff accompanying an excursion.
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) will not be involved in any expense associated with the conduct of excursions. The school may choose to subsidise some excursions or some student’s expenses.
Prior to conducting a camp or excursion, the approval of the School Council or the Principal will be obtained. Council must approve overnight or adventure activities. The Principal must approve these and other activities.
Only children who have displayed sensible, reliable behaviour at school will be invited to participate in camps or excursions. Students and their parents/carers need to be made aware that acceptable standards of behaviour will be expected during a camp or an excursion.
The emergency management process of the school will extend to and incorporate all camps and excursions.
All DEECDrequirements and guidelines that apply to the conduct of excursions are alsoapplicable to all overseas and interstate (domestic) camps/excursions.
Prior to conducting a camp or excursion, the Department’s requirements and guidelines relating to camps or excursions, will be rigorously observed.
Consideration in planning should include:
- Safety, Emergency & Risk Management , including Bushfires
- Student Preparation
- Student Medical Information
The Principal or their nominee will ensure that full records are submitted to School Council regarding the camp/excursion well in advance of the starting date of the event and that no camp/excursion occurs unless all the formal record keeping has been completed and approved.
Prior to conducting any camp, the formal approval of the School Council and Principal will be obtained. In approving a camp or excursion, consideration will include:
- the contribution of the activity to the school curriculum
- the adequacy of the planning, preparation and organisation in relation to the school policy and the guidelines and advice provided by DEECD
- information provided by community groups and organisations that specialise in the activity proposed
- appropriateness of the venue
- the provisions made for the safety and welfare of students and staff
- the experience and competence of staff relevant to the activities being undertaken
- the adequacy of the student supervision
- the high risk nature of some activities
- emergency procedures and safety measures
- staff-student ratios
- student experience
Students not attending a camp or excursion will be placed in another class and have an appropriate learning program provided by the class teacher.
Prior to the camp or excursion parent/carers are to be made aware that DEECD does not provide student accident cover and that they need to make their own arrangements for cover.
Arrangements for payments
- All efforts will be made not to exclude students simply for financial reasons. Parents experiencing financial difficulty, who wish for their children to attend an excursion, are invited to discuss alternative arrangements with the Business Manager. Decisions relating to alternative payment arrangements will be made by the Business Manager in consultation with the Principal, on an individual basis.
- All families will be given sufficient time to make payments for excursions. Parents will be provided with permission forms and excursion information clearly stating payment finalisation dates. Children whose payment have not been finalised at least 24 hours prior to the departure date will not be allowed to attend unless alternative payment arrangements have been organised with the Business Manager or at the discretion of the Principal or nominee.
- Office staff will be responsible for managing and monitoring the payments made by parents and will provide organising teachers with detailed records on a regular basis.
Teacher Responsibilities:
- A designated “Teacher in Charge” will coordinate each excursion.
- The Teacher in Charge must provide the General Office with a final student list.
- In the case where an excursion involves a particular class or year level group, the organising teacher will ensure that there is an alternative program available for those students not attending the excursion.
- All students must have returned a signed permission note and payment to be able to attend the excursion. Copies of completed permission notes and medical information must be carried by excursion staff at all times.
- The school will provide a first aid kit for each excursion. The teacher in charge is responsible for collecting these prior to leaving.
- The teacher in charge will communicate the anticipated return time with the general office in the case where excursions are returning out of school hours. Parents will be informed prior to students leaving for the excursion, that they can phone the office to receive an updated anticipated return time.
- Parents may be invited to assist in the delivery of excursions.
- Only students who have displayed sensible, reliable behaviour at school will be permitted to participate in school excursions. Parents will be notified if their child is in danger of losing the privilege to participate in an excursion due to poor behaviour at school. The decision to exclude a student will be made by the Principal, and staff, in consultation with the organising teacher. Both the parent and the student will be informed of this decision prior to the excursion.
- Disciplinary measures apply to students on camps and excursions consistent with the School’s policy. In extreme cases the camp or excursion staff, following consultation with, and the approval of, the Principal or their nominee, may determine that a student should return home during a camp or excursion.
In such circumstances, the parent/carer will be advised:
- of the circumstance associated with the decision to send the student home
- of the time when the parents/carers may collect their child from the camp or excursion
- of the anticipated time that the student will arrive home
- of any costs associated with the student’s return which will be the responsibility of the parents/carers
The school’s emergency procedures do include the effects of an emergency on student supervision in the event of excursion staff being required to assist injured students or to go for help.
All excursion staff and, where appropriate, the students will be familiar with the specific procedures for dealing with emergencies on each excursion.
On days of extreme fire danger or total fire ban, the Principal or their nominee may need to cancel an excursion at short notice. Where an excursion is not cancelled, special fire safety precautions will be implemented.
Excursion groups will be equipped with mobile telephones and first aid kits to be used in emergency situations.
This policy will be reviewed as part of the school’s four-year review cycle.
This policy was last ratified by School Council in.... 15-09-2015
Appendix 1:
Mordialloc Beach Primary School
Teacher in Charge
Date of Incursion/
Grade/s Involved: Number of Students Involved:
(Attach list if not all students in grade/s attending)
Departure Time Return to School Time
(Please notify office before you leave) (Please notify office if this time changes whilst en route)
Purpose of Excursion/Incursion/CampDestination/Venue
Phone No.
Incursion/Excursion/Camp Itinerary
(Attach information if required)
Special Requirements(eg full school uniform; lunch;
snacks; drinks; sports wear) /
Full school uniform must be worn on ALL excursions.
Medical Requirements(Are there any specialist medical needs of those attending to be aware of eg Diabetes, Anaphylaxis etc)
Integration Students:
(Are there any Integration students attending the excursion? If so who? Do you require their Integration Aide to attend? – please note Integration Aides may not be included in Staff/student ratios)
Staff Emergency Contact Details
(Staff mobile phone number dedicated for excursion usually teacher in charge)
Supervision Requirementsfor Day Excursions (not involving Adventure Activities): At least one teacher is preferred, a minimum of two adults and a minimum ratio of 1:20. Staff Ratio for Camps 1:10 – with a minimum of 2 adults
Actual STAFF: Student RatioActual ADULT: Student Ratio
Names of Staff Involved / Names of Parents Involved / Police Check Y/NBus / Walk / Private Car / Other (Provide details below)
Mode of Transport
(Please tick box below)
Does this Excursion/INCURSION impact on otherS in the school?
Please tick so office staff can notify people involved.
√ / Office Use / √ / Office Use / √ / Office UseSSSO Therapists / Special Needs / Integration Staff / X
Specialist Teacher LOTE / Specialist Teacher PE / Other
Specialist Teacher Art / Specialist Teacher Music
Mordialloc Beach Primary School
Costs associated with the Incursion/Excursion:
Are payments required prior to or on the day of the excursion? Yes No
If so, please request an invoice from the provider, and forward it to the office at least 1 week prior to the excursion.
Have these creditors been used by the school before? If not, please ask them to provide their
ABN number, payment details & address and ask if the business is GST registered.
Payment Details: pay by BPay, Cash, Eftpos or CreditACTIVITY COSTS
Cost per student/adult / Numberparticipating / GST if applicable / Total Cost
Entrance Fees / $37.54 / 71 / $2665.69
Transport / $78.75 / 71 / $5591.36
Presenter / $ / $
Equipment Hire / $ / $
Accommodation / $114.12 / 71 / $8102.52
Meals / $53.80 / 71 / $3819.80
Incidentals / $4.22 / 71 / $300
Other Costs ( CRT) / $66.96 / 71 / $4754.43
Integ x 5 and CRT x 4 / TOTAL COST: / $25233.80
Total Cost per student / $395 (based on 64 Students)
Venue Name
Presenter Name
Transport Provider
Copy of notices sent to Parents placed in folder in office / Have you placed details on school calendar boardHave arrangements been made for a CRT if necessary?
Mobile Phone Number…………………………………………..…
Have alternative yard duty arrangements been organised
(NOTE- DUTY CHANGES ARE RESPONSIBILTY OF THE INDIVIDUAL TEACHERS) / A school First Aid kit must accompany the excursion
Medication administered form if required must be taken.
Medical plans for students if applicable (Asthma, Anaphylactic)
Have arrangements been made to supervise students not attending?(NOTE- INDIVIDUAL TEACHERS RESPONSIBILITY) / Does any of the staff involved have current First Aid qualifications? / Yes/No
Office to Email DE&T ‘Notification of School Activity’ Form if required (refer to form) (OFFFICE STAFF RESPONSIBILITY) / If ‘Yes’ name the staff member with first aid: …………………………………………………………….………..
If ‘No’ what arrangements are made for the first aid of students?
If Bus Transport
If one or more buses required a copy of student and adults allocated on each bus is required at the office.
If Private Transport:
Car Travel declaration form to be completed by driver.
(INCLUDING COPY OF CURRENT COMPREHESIVE CAR INSURANCE POLICY) / Will the school Local Permission form cover this Incursion/Excursion? – (If so do all students have permission to attend)
If Private Transport:
Car Travel permission forms need to be organised for students. / Signed Permission forms will accompany this
Excursion/Camp. (Signed Permission forms must be completed by parent if excursion includes any sporting or at risk activities. Phone permission will not be accepted.)Original forms must be at the office prior to leavingand teachers take copies on excursion.
Mordialloc Beach Primary School
YES/NO / Copy obtainedDoes the venue have an Emergency Management Plan?
Does the venue have Standard Operating Procedures?
(Safety procedures, guidelines and rules for activities)
(Please list all mobile phone numbers of staff and parentsattending excursion)
Risk Identified
Minimisation of Risks
I believe that all material risks associated with this excursion have been considered and included in this form.
I believe that policies and procedures are in place that minimise these risks to an acceptable level for the safety of all.
I recommend Principal/Nominee approves this excursion
Teacher in Charge: Date:
School Council approval is required for all Overnight and Adventure School Excursions. The minimum approval information to be presented to School Council is this form and the appropriate attachments. In the event that an unforeseen excursion opportunity arises that doesn’t allow for Council approval, this form and the appropriate attachments must be presented to the principal for approval at least one week prior to the excursion date.
Principal/School Council Approval Date:
Mordialloc Beach Primary School
(Office use only)
Initial / DateEmail DE&T ‘Notification of School Activity’ Form if required (
Permission Notification Reports produced for all students attending excursion.
Collate Permission Notification Reports & copy all reports.
(Original forms to go with staff on excursion – copies to be kept at school. After completion of excursion shred copies, originals are to be kept for filing.)
Notify parents who need to pay for excursion/incursion
Collect all money owing for excursion/incursion.
Check school First Aid kit to send on the excursion.
Private Transport for excursion:
Car Travel Declaration Form completed by Driver – including copy of current comprehensive car insurance policy. (Copy to be placed in central file, original to go on excursion)
Bus Transport
Allocation lists of all students and adults when more than one bus.
Car Travel permission forms completed for students
(Original forms to go with staff on excursion – copies to be kept at school. After completion of excursion shred copies, originals are to be kept for filing.)
Print Cases21 Report – SMC21101 Student Medical Report – for activity and send with teacher in charge.
Original’s forms to be collected and archived
(Forms must be kept for 7 years, if an accident occurs its 20 years)
Was the excursion satisfactorily completed?
Administration staff to follow up and report any accidents or incidents.
Copies of forms to be shredded.
Check & restock First Aid Kit.