Each year, the Safe States Alliance recognizes and honors members for their contributions to Safe States and their commitment to the field of injury and violence prevention. In 2014, during the Annual Meeting of the Safe States Alliance, we will honor members for the association’s prestigious awards including:
Alex Kelter Vision Award
This award was introduced in 2003 as Safe States Alliance’s highest honor and recognizes individuals who have brought leadership and vision to the field of injury and violence prevention.
Ellen R. Schmidt Award
In honor of the vision and outstanding contributions of Safe States Alliance’s first President, this award recognizes a member who has made a significant contribution to the field of injury and violence prevention in one of two ways: (1) by developing and/or implementing an outstanding statewide injury and violence prevention program, or (2) by providing outstanding service to the Safe States Alliance.
Local/Community Prevention Program Achievement Award
This award recognizes a local health department or community-based injury and violence prevention program that has implemented an innovative approach to maintain or grow their program's infrastructure. Nominees must meet at least a few of the core components such as a program infrastructure, evidence of coalition building, surveillance, strategic plan and stable funding.
Partner of the Year Award
This award acknowledges the contributions of an organization or sponsor for furthering the mission of the Safe States Alliance. Such contributions would include, but not be limited to, providing financial support for Safe States Alliance activities or by providing states with injury prevention funding or equipment (e.g., bicycle helmets, child safety seats, etc.), or through significant partnership and collaboration throughout the past year.
Rising Star Award
It is of vital importance to recognize new professionals making strides in the discipline of injury and violence prevention. The Rising Star Award recognizes individuals who have been working in the field for less than five years.
State Prevention Program Achievement Award
This award recognizes a state health department injury and violence prevention program that has implemented an innovative approach to maintain or grow their program's infrastructure. Nominees must meet at least a few of the core components such as a program infrastructure, evidence of coalition building, surveillance, strategic plan and stable funding.
Please return your completed nomination form(s) by April 4, 2014, toAshley Pruett at .
2014 Awards Nomination Form
Nominee’s Information
Phone: / E-mail:
Award Category (Please attach a brief letter of nomination – 500 words or less)
Alex Kelter Vision Award
Ellen R. Schmidt
Local/Community Prevention Program Achievement Award
Partner of the Year
Rising Star Award
State Prevention Program Achievement Award
Nominator's Information
Phone: / E-mail:
I grant permission for Safe States Alliance to inform this person/organization that I submitted this nomination.
Yes No
Nominator’s Signature Date
Please return your completed nomination form(s) by April 4, 2014,to Ashley Pruett at .