Jane Doe
XYZ Elementary School
Phone: 555-555-5555
Funds Needed by XYZ Elementary School - Butter Braid Pastries and Classic Breaks® cookie dough “Rise” to the Occasion
A well-kept fundraising secret is about to be “let out of the bag” as the XYZ Elementary PTO prepares for its September 2008 fundraiser
September 4, 2008 – West Bend, IA – When Jane Doe – XYZ Elementary PTO president – was deciding which fundraiser to choose this year, she wanted to make sure that it would be something students and parents were happy to sell and something customers were happy to buy. That may sound like an easy task, but for those who have been in the decision-making shoes, it’s not.
“Too many times fundraising products are a disappointment for everyone” said Doe. “Whether it be the quality of the product, the quality of the service or just not meeting our fundraiser goals. But this fundraiser will be different.”
For those who have had the chance to experience a Butter Braid pastry, it’s evident why this fundraiser will be different. For those who have not, that chance will be on September 8th when the fundraiser kicks-off! The sale will continue until September 22nd. Orders can be placed with any student or parent of a student, or at XYZ Elementary School during the sale dates. Students will pick up the product on October 7th and deliver to customers soon after.
XYZ Elementary School is hoping to raise a total of $2,000 to provide the necessary resources and experiences students need to continue their educational and social development. Each student is hoping to sell a total of 10 pastries, so community support is very much needed and appreciated.
Classic Breaks® cookie dough is pre-proportioned, no scooping necessary; simply ‘break off’ the desired number of delicious cookies and bake!
Butter Braid pastries are made with exquisite sweet dough that is hand-braided around mouthwatering fillings such as cinnamon, cream cheese and a variety of fruit fillings. The pastries come frozen allowing consumers to store until ready to prepare. Set out to thaw and rise, then bake for an unforgettable experience.
Butter Braid brand products have been a pillar of quality in the fundraising industry for over 17 years with the mission of helping non-profit groups raise money for worthy causes. Visit the Butter Braid website for more product and/or company details.