376 N. Main Street

Oneida, Tennessee37841-2507

Kevin Byrd, Principal 423-569-2475 Kelly Posey, Vice Principal

FAX #423-569-5977 423-569-2523

August 2014

Dear Parents or Guardians,

This is an introductory letter to tell you a little about what to expect in 8th grade science this year. My name is Coach (Mr.) Devlin Marcum. I have a wife named Lori and three sons, Grant, Reece and Jonathan. I am an OneidaHigh School graduate and earned my degree at Tenn.Tech.University in Cookeville. I have a Master’s Degree from the University of the Cumberlands. I have taught science for 19 years.

The following is a set of classroom rules, consequences and possible rewards. Whenever the handbook rules are broken they will be handled according to handbook policy.

The entire school district is using rules that follow the following expectations:

Be Respectful

*Respect yourself and others including students, teachers, administrators, and other adults in the school.

*Be kind and courteous to everyone you come in contact within school and school functions.

Be Responsible

* Take responsibility for your actions at school and in extra curricular activities.

* Attend school regularly and be on time for class and ready to work.

Be Prepared

* Come to school with all needed supplies.

* Be ready to learn and work with your classmates and teachers.

Be Cooperative

* Follow instructions of the faculty, staff, and all other adults in the school building the first time they are given.

Classroom Rules

1.Be in class on time and have all materials. (Homework, pencils, paper, etc.)

2. No talking except when recognized (called upon), during selected activities (group work or labs) or during free talk time. Talking during group work and labs should be low and on task.

3.No horseplay. (Keep all hands, feet, and objects to yourself).

4.Follow directions the first time.

5.Show respect and consideration for others.

6. No food or drink in the classroom unless permission is given.

  • I do not allow students to “talk back” to me regarding discipline matters in class. If they feel they need to discuss a discipline matter, they should see me after class or at break.


1.First Offense – Warning

2. Second Offense – Lose a break and write.

3. Third Offense – Lose at least 3 breaks and write.

4. Fourth Offense – Child sent to office if same day. (write up if cumulative for same offense)

Severe – If disruption is severe, the child will automatically be sent to the office.

  • Consequences may be more severe if behavior persists.


  1. Daily praise
  2. Homework passes (on rare occasions).
  3. Class points can be earned daily and can be traded for a movie once the class has accumulated 100 class points. (A maximum of two class points can be earned each day but points can be deducted that day for improper behavior. Once points are awarded they can’t be taken away.) At the beginning of the new year (after Christmas) all totals return to zero & start over. No points can be carried over to second half of the year.

OMS reinstated the science fair a few years ago due to changes in the state science standards. This will be a gradual project but each student is responsible for keeping up with the due dates and working on it a little each week. If a student procrastinates the project becomes overwhelming and the quality suffers greatly. (The grade then also suffers greatly). Those students who choose not to do science fair projects will choose a scientist to research instead & will produce a presentation & will have parts of it due on the due dates of the science fair project. The individual parts will be homework grades. The final projects/presentations will be an extra credit test grade. Those students who do not get their projects in on time or have poor scores on them will get no extra credit. A student will be placed on the break list until the project/presentation is completed.

My grading policy is 60% homework and 40% tests..

Anyone wishing extra credit work must have it approved by me and turned in no later than the end of the next to last week of a grading period. (If they are not working hard, have been Zapped more than twice per grading period or 5 times all year or failed folder tests; I may not allow extra credit. It is not to bail someone out for being lazy.) Before extra credit will be allowed the students must be studying as I ask them to (10 minutes minimum each night unless I have assigned homework. They should also come to tutoring first. Extra practice assignments on skills will be allowed and can replace previous low grades. Science fair parts will attempt to be offered as extra credit. This will be the only extra credit offered for those not participating in the fair.

Your child will need a few things for my class. He/she will need a binder specific for this class to keep all homework, tests, signed papers, and lab safety rules in. There will be a test or 2 each grading period that will depend on your child keeping up with his/her folder and its contents.

Your child will also need several spiral notebooksfor note taking, lab writing and science writing assignments. There will be a notebook check every couple of weeks or right after the chapter test to see if students are taking notes and properly organizing their science notebooks & keeping up with their writings.

The homework binder and the note-taking folder should be brought to class every day. They will also need colored pencils or a pen with green ink to grade some daily work in class. I may provide these in class but it would be beneficial to have some. Also throughout the year your child may be responsible for bringing part of the materials for a group project. He/she will know what he/she need several days in advance.

I will also be using Skyward, a grading program that allows students/ parent’s to check grades & /or assignments at home over the Internet. It also allows me to send a weekly progress report to you through e-mail. In order to send the report I will need a valid email address. Please make sure the email address you give the office is correct and contact the office if you do not get reports.

We will be discussing a wide variety of science topics this year including chemistry, electromagnetism, early solar system theory, & the population change which most of us know as the theory of evolution . I am excited to have your child in class. I can be reached via email at the following address . If you need to talk to me please schedule a time through the Middle School office.

Please sign that you read and understand this letter and return to me no later than one week from the day this is given out to the students.

Thank you,

Coach Devlin Marcum.

Child’s Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______