FCS, Inver Office, Dunkeld, Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Present: Bonnie M (FEI Co-ord. Scotland), Penny M (Treasurer), Lynnette B (Sec), Claire H (Chair) & Alice W (PF Project leader on speaker phone!) attended.

1. Apologies – Helen O’Brien, Clive Bowman, Alison Wilson & team, Nicola Thomas, Scott Martin

2. Minutes & Matters Arising

Paper copy of Minutes of the last meeting are in FEI file on record.Bonnie reminded us that these should be loaded onto the Cluster Group webpage, and will have to be in future under new arrangements for funding.

v  Membership :

§  Lynnette has updated membership forms and member database (other than schools). We have 10 new members as a consequence of the Open Action Day and other projects. Alice has a list of teachers from her CPD events who may wish to join.

§  Agreed active Individual membership of teachers should be encouraged, as well as more passive School membership – perhaps add to Schools membership form.

§  People wanted the member database on the webpage, but the Data Protection statement on membership form is only for within Tayside Cluster Group. Agreed to send updated contact list to all members, and have list of members without contact details on webpage.

§  Alice has offered to update website database and any other admin. work needing doing i.e. Group administrator/secretary. We agreed that Alice could be paid for 10 hours work @ £10/hour, and that a basic list of jobs should be drawn up for this and all CG roles.


§  LB to send A all the membership and admin files across; paper file to follow when meet.

§  LB to amend member forms before transfer to match above for schools.

§  AW to put minutes on website and from previous meetings and check what else we should be doing – guidance is on website/ ask Bonnie.

§  AW to keep note of time spent on this task, and let Penny know after 10 hours and invoice. Review when we know how much time everything takes.

Treasurer’s report:

Penny presented an up to date spreadsheet, based on the information/ invoices already received. This was updated by those present. Agreed Penny would produce a final quarterly spreadsheet once all Partnership Fund expenses have been paid out. Bonnie asked for end of year Annual Statement at end of March 2013, FEI are currently changing their accounting year from January - December to April- March.


§  PM is to prepare 2 separate Summary accounts – a normal quarterly account (to end of December) for the Cluster Group, and a separate project only account showing expenditure for the Partnership Fund projects.

§  PM is to prepare a final Annual Statement to 31 March 2013.

§  Alice needs to invoice Penny for CPD events work asap. It was also agreed to pay her travel expenses.

§  Claire will send invoice for £100 for her Storytelling at Open for Action day, and Living Classrooms to get £150.

§  LB to chase - Wolfglen have been reminded to invoice for their remaining £400 due.

Once all paid out, we would think about how to use rest of money on a resource for cluster group members, or hold it in reserve until we know what we need.

Penny has requested a cheque card but may not be possible; in meantime will invoice account for petty cash purposes. All agreed & thanks given.

FEI Update - website, annual report, plans:

§  Bonnie said that the 2011/12 Annual report was ready could be sent out on request. LB reminded her we had ordered 100 and 50 FS and 50FGEI leaflets to be stored at Inver for group. Alice and Claire asked for some to be sent so they could share them in schools and at events – especially leaflets too.

§  The FEI website is now much improved, CGs are expected to keep web pages up to date. Discussion about a summary of PF projects going on – easier to read than reports and with images – asking Alice to develop for CG.

§  FEI Scotland are planning changes – to financial year, to pattern of grant funding – improvements underway.


§  BM to bring 100 reports up to Inver for AGM/social evening ( if back better) and leaflets.

§  BM to send Alice and Claire some copies (20 ish?) for handing out at events, and some leaflets.

§  AW to look at ways/needs of updating the CG website; download some photos onto website with a wee story of the events.

§  AW will write her report of the CPD project, and amalgamate with other 2 reports from Lynnette and Penny.

3. FEI Partnership Fund – Tayside cluster group project update :

v  CPD events – Alice said the events had gone generally really well, and that teachers and schools were inspired and already thinking of own plans for next year. There was seen to be a preference for inset days rather than twilights. The Outdoor learning team are keeping these connections going but their posts will finish on 31March, so how to develop sustainable initiatives in schools to keep Outdoor learning a priority?

She suggested that there is real interest in developing Early Years resources and training.

Geodesic Dome Project – Lynette felt it had gone really well. The dome is made and the cover will soon arrive. Blessed by perfect conditions. About 19 involved through Open Action event. We could have a Spring gathering to celebrate/cascade how to care for/build/demolish & use the dome. Currently parts are stored with TreeCycle in Alyth – but not ideal location for sharing. Storage and maintenance was discussed briefly. Feedback was good from event and Rich and Emma want to build one too!

Open for Action Day – Penny felt she had not had any real ownership of the project and had come onto it at too late a stage – lesson to be learnt by CG. Promotion of/ number of participants at event disappointing, and poor from schools (feedback from AW that they too struggle) but no lack of interest from those attending. Partly due to venue on back of Kinnoull Hill and poor signage. We briefly touched on future events being at different location, linked to bigger events such as Falkland Big Tent gathering, or local outdoor events/galas etc to showcase what we do. Also it was felt important to create events that bring to life what skills and resources our cluster group can offer and share.

Report - State & Submission – Agreed to use proforma on website to write up each of the 3 parts of the project, and submit together – clearly labelled. Penny and Lynnette almost written up – forward to Alice who will complete hers and compile with image library. Then need to submit with final account sheet, images and DIY Guides before Christmas.

Main Outputs & Outcomes –We have a load of keen teachers who we need to nurture – Alice at present supporting; a dome needing used y people within the Cluster Group and 2 DIY Guides on how to build and put up/care for dome, needs and annual maintenance meet; new members from the Open Action event to nurture, and confidence we can repeat such events with success. Thanks should be recorded to all the organisers for their time and efforts.


§  LB and PM to send reports and images through to Alice asap.

§  AW to complete her report and liaise with LB about sending all off to FEI office/Rachel Lucas; copied all to Bonnie asap.

§  LB to supply unique project number asap.

§  BM to enquire about possible storage solutions at Inver – dome, tools, games etc.

§  Group to consider having gathering around putting up dome in the spring.

4 FEI Small grant & Partnership fund – future submissions:

Minuting of Ideas:

Bonnie confirmed that the closing date for the Small Grants was at the end of the week, and was trying to find out what ideas were coming forward from Tayside. Deadline for Partnership Funding application is mid-DECEMBER. LB had been contacted by Scott Martin but no one else about grants, although Alison Wilson is happy to help with events.

Scott Martin is developing an application for Almondbank School (young people with behavioural problems) for funding for tools from the Small Grants fund, to support woodland activities and a Forest School. Support for staff training unlikely to be successful. Contacted during the meeting and sending form through to Bonnie by Friday – last day for this grant. Condition that the tools can be shared with other FEI members when not in use at school.

Helen O’ Brien and Rebecca Logsdon, with Cath Leitch are putting together an application proposal for funding for employing a leader for their Nature Kindergarten project – large project, not sure how far advanced, or which funding sources now being sought. On record, but suspect no further action.

Alice Warren offered ideas for a Partnership Fund 2013 application – following on from CPD events 2012:

a) Organise & run Early Years CPD sessions on Outdoor learning.

b) Create resources kit for Early Years

c) Hold Resource making days for Early Years with Woodland play and Learning. She will work these up in the next week or so and circulate.


§  LB & BM to encourage Scott to complete & submit form before Friday

§  Alice to work up ideas ready to circulate & ready for AGM and second record on minutes.

§  Hold AGM before deadline

5 Way forward and Future CG Gatherings:

Working structure & office bearers

§  Discussion relating to the success of the PF projects as a focus for different people to become involved and contribute/share skills within CG – need to sustain such projects or activities meeting peoples’ needs/aspirations.

§  Discussion relating to realistic/effective organisation of a group like this – suggestion for a small management group (like today) getting the business done, freeing up other dates/gatherings for doing/sharing around the geographical area.

§  It was agreed we need to hold an AGM to elect office bearers. Both Lynnette and Claire wish to stand down, Penny is prepared to keep on as Treasurer. Lynnette would be happy to continue a small job e.g. Minute secretary, if Alice will take on administration role.


§  AGM will be at Bonnie’s house at 6.30pm on Thursday 13th Dec – Pot Luck Supper – bring something tasty to share. We would like to encourage people along who have been involved in the projects to show some photos of events, and gain ideas for next year.

Please let Bonnie know if you are coming.

v  Website/database admin – Bonnie confirmed that there would be funds to support this in the near future. In the meantime Alice agreed to take over this task from Lynnette and Penny – see item 1 above. Review when we know how much time tasks take.

v  Future gatherings/events : Bring ideas to AGM – so far include

§  Shave horse course at Clive’s?

§  Tool/ Dome/ Game care day?

§  Early Years activities Sharing event? Who/What/When/Where?

§  Practical Wild Stories /Growing up with Stories resource for teachers – seasonal theme based activities connecting stories to environment ….. Claire/Penny & Alice?

§  CPD for FEI members on Storytelling linked to environment/seasons etc. Booklet above could be used as a resource for workshop.

§  How to put up/take down Dome and put on cover – instruction required by anyone wishing to borrow it in future.

6 AOCB - none

7 Date, time place of next business meeting – decision at AGM after new office bearers appointed.

Claire Hewitt & Lynnette Borradaile

3 December 2012