2013 Culture Change Coalitions Accomplishments
The following accomplishments were reported to Pioneer Network by coalitions as of March 3, 2014.
Alabama Culture Change Coalition
- Developed and deployed a 2013 Strategic Plan and a performance metrics dashboard.
- Launched new re-designed website, new branding/stationary .
- Hosted a statewide conference-“A New Age of Culture” featuring nationally recognized speaker, Carmen Bowman.
- Collaborated with Pioneer Network and AQAF (Alabama QIO) on a series of statewide Pioneer Network educational webinars for nursing home providers on Using the MDS 3.0 as the Engine for High Quality Individualized Care.
- Ended the year committed to partnering with the Alabama Nursing Home Association, the Alabama State Survey Agency, the State Ombudsman/Network, Dr. Daniel Potts, Dan Cohen, B&F Consulting, AQAF (QIO) and provider/consumer representatives to organize, plan, charter and seek funding for a statewide “Alabama Partnership to Improve Dementia Care” special project highlighting the use of music and expressive arts to improve person-centered care for people living with dementia. The first organizational meeting to charter the project is scheduled for February 21, 2014.
- Collaborated with the AL (QIO) to pilot a series of CMS Hand-in-Hand trainings for direct caregivers. The ACCC is collaborating with the QIO and churches to extend this training to family caregivers in 2014. A family-caregiver and ACCC board member is participating as a trainer.
Arkansas Culture Change Coalition
- Hosted Karen Schoeneman to introduce the Hand in Hand Toolkit to our State. Followed it up with introduction of the Hand in Hand toolkit in regional settings around the state.
- Worked with the State Long Term Care Ombudsman in developing the “Home Thermostat Tool”
- Sponsored an exhibit at the AR Health Care Association Spring tradeshow called: “To Boldly go where No Nursing Home has gone before”at which we promoted the “Basic Blueprint for Implementing Culture Change Toolkit” and the “Home Thermostat Tool” Change).
- Conducted Conference Calls featuring various Culture Change speakers and topics.
- Monthly updates to the blog.
- Provided culture change speakers to various stakeholder events around the state.
- Provided intensive onsite coaching and support to homes working on culture change ideas around the state.
- Developed “Honoring Resident Choice and Desires” document to be used as a QAPI tool for person-centered care.
- Held a statewide workshop on culture change called “Defining and Creating the Culture Around You.”
- Held two regional trainings with CNAs as the target audience called, “The Heartbeat of Care, Arkansas’ CNAs”. Topics included, “Team Building” and “The Value of the CNA as a Care Partner to our residents.
California Culture Change Coalition
- Submitted a Civil Monetary Penalty grant request to CMS and was granted $500,000 over a two year period of time for the program titled “California Partnership to Improve Dementia Care and Reduce Unnecessary Antipsychotic Medication Drug Use in Nursing Homes”. This grant was given to the State of California to consider as a non-compete contract. Currently, this contract is moving through the appropriate State departments and is scheduled for a March 2014 approval.
- Received a grant of $25,000 from the California HealthCare Foundation to “Bridge” the grant application given to and approved by CMS and subsequent contract request from the California Department of Public Health. This grant titled, “Improving Dementia Care in California Nursing Homes” is for a 6-month period of time. The deliverables include, but are not limited to, the following: in-person meetings, conference calls, establishing and convening four workgroups, documenting all proceedings, and continuing to pursue the CMS grant/State contract to continue the same work, but with an expanded scope of responsibilities.
Seminars/Conferences & Presentations
- Presented at the LeadingAge California annual conference. The presentation was titled, “Asking the Right Question – Expand Person-Centered Care and Reduce Use of Psychotropic Medications”.
- Presented best practice updates in Northern and Southern California regarding the Improving Dementia Care Project funded by the California HealthCare Foundation.
- Regional Forums were conducted in the Bay area with several nursing homes participating and discussing best person-centered care practices and sharing of success stories.
- Presented two sessions at the Patient and Family-Centered Care (PFCC) annual conference. One presentation titled, “A Culture of Person-Centered Care in Nursing Homes – A Commitment to Quality” and the other titled, “Continued Engagement through the Progression of Dementia”.
- Re-established qualifications and information to continue offering CEU’s for Nursing Home Administrators (NHA), the Board of Nursing (BRN) – RN’s, and also for Certified Nursing Assistants.
Public Policy
- Participated in meetings with CDPH/OSHPD to review and revise Life Safety Codes to enable and support person-centered care projects.
- Participated on AB 973, a bill allowing CDPH to use CMP funds for person-centered care efforts. This bill did not pass.
- Participated in the “Small House – SB 1228” demonstration project stakeholder meetings.
- Participated in the State OSHPD – Care Delivery and Design Improvement Committee (CDDIC).
Pioneer Network
- Two CCCC Board members attended the Pioneer Network Annual Conference.
- Continued to participate and support the monthly Pioneer Network coalitions networking calls.
- Sponsored and attended the Patient and Family-Centered Care annual conference and participated on the planning committee.
- Participated in the National Provider Network and Dementia Care improvements and education.
- Participated in the National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care.
- Participated in the National Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative.
- Participated in the Health Services Advisory Group (HSAG) (QIO) – Care Transitions Collaborative.
Board Development/Operations
- Elected and expanded a new Board.
- Created and supported four new committees to assist with the California Healthcare Foundation “Bridge” grant titled “Improving Dementia Care in California Nursing Homes”.
- Interviewed, selected and contracted with a “Program Manager” in preparation of State contract approval for the Improving Dementia Care project. This role is scheduled to expand in time and scope in 2014 as funding is secured by the State contract.
- Contracted with a person-centered care consultant/leader to assist with the CMS/CMP grant and other operations.
- Contracted with an administrative assistant for day-to-day functions.
- The volunteer board of CCCC contributed expertise and leadership while assuming operation of the existing program of work which enabledthe coalition to build its treasury and reposition for a strong future.
- Reviewed and updated CCCC website (
Colorado Culture Change Coalition
- Held the 2013 Colorado Accord with over 250 attendees from across the spectrum of long-term care services and supports. The keynote speaker was Lynne Seagle from Hope House in Virginia and Sarah Rowan spoke at the closing ceremony. Net revenue from the event was over $15,000.
- Received a one-year grant from The Colorado Health Foundation of $200,000 to continue our work in 2014. This grant also included money to hire a Fund Development Contractor who started with the coalition in December.
- Developed a sister Consumer Guide to our nursing home and assisted living guide titled, Smart Consumers Guide for Home Health Care, Home Care and Hospice. The guides were designed and written to help people choose person-centered organizations when they need care for themselves or a loved one. The guides have been distributed to providers and consumers and have been very well received. An even greater and more formal distribution plan is being developed for 2014.
- Expanded our technical assistance project in nursing homes to include 10 homes. Continued the contract with Carmen Bowman to help with this project. Every nursing home received quarterly visits and also attended a quarterly educational collaborative. The goal of the project was to show that the implementation of person-centered care principles and practices has a positive outcome on clinical measures, increases census and decreases staff turnover. The project will be moved into assisted living communities in 2014.
- Continued our work with a communications consultant to further progress on our website and increase our social media presence.
- Continued to provide administrative support to the Colorado Nursing Facility Culture Change Accountability Board which helps to distribute Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) Funds for culture change projects.
- Worked throughout the year with the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing to develop the outline for legislation to increase the amount of CMP funds that can be used for culture change. We came to an agreement in the fall and worked to get other stakeholders on board. In 2014, legislation will be introduced to increase the funds and increase the length of the grants to three years.
- Became one of the co-leaders of the Colorado Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes. Our Partnership has now taken on the responsibilities of the LANE and involves a large group of stakeholders. The group has become a prime place to disseminate information and coordinate the different quality initiatives
- Presented and exhibited at various statewide conferences.
Florida Pioneer Network
- Continued coalition activities under the supportive non-profit umbrella of the Senior Resource Alliance (SRA) (Area Agency on Aging for Central Florida).
- Conducted bi-monthly meetings, including conference call access for coalition members unable to attend in person.
- Annette Kelly was succeeded by Sue Crane and Debbie Brazill as Co-Chairs in March.
- Held Central Florida Regional Learning Collaborative reception and hot topics seminar in September. Funding for the CFRLC was May 2012 – Dec 2013 from the Winter Park Health Foundation. Remaining Funds will be used to fund the development and dissemination of a Consumer Handbook.
- Several FPN members attended the Pioneer Network Conference in Seattle. Sue presented at a workshop with Barbara Frank and others that participated in Pioneer Network’s National Learning Collaborative.
- Established a FPN Facebook Page and updated the website.
- Several members participated in the Agency for Healthcare Administration Culture Change Roundtable Calls where issues around culture change and survey were discussed.
- Several FPN members participated in the Florida Health Care Association Culture Change Council.
- Continued as co-convener, along with FMQAI (Florida’s QIO), of Florida’s Local Area Network of Excellence (LANE) for the Advancing Excellence Campaign. Participated in the face-to-face meeting of all LANE partners in July.
- Continued as a partner in the Florida Partnership to Individualize Dementia Care in Nursing Homes – Florida,responding to CMS’ National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care with the goal of reducing the inappropriate use of antipsychotic medications.
- Continued as a partner with the Florida Chapter of SAGE: The Society for the Advancement of Gerontological Environments.
- Continued engagement with the local chapter of Aging in Place.
- Completed participation as a Tier Two Coalition Partner in the Pioneer Network’s National Learning Collaborative. Agreed to participate in Phase II.
- Responded to questions regarding FPN’s grant request to the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration in response to the new Civil Monetary Penalty Funds guidelines issued by CMS. The proposal is focused on expanding the National Learning Collaborative Model to 20 homes in four distinct areas of the state.
- Presented a Webinar on the new Pioneer Network Starter Toolkit to Florida Health Care Culture Change Council
- Continued to promote the New Dining Standards
- Increased Participation by 20 New Members in November.
Illinois Pioneer Coalition
- Continued to work on The Retirement Research Foundation funded Consumer Education Project, “Your Way: How to find Dignity and Choice in Nursing Homes.” Phase one of the project is nearly complete.
- Celebrated IPC’s 10th Annual Summit that was held October 23-25 at the Crowne Plaza, in Springfield, IL. Nearly 300 attendees were present.
- Two 4 hour pre-conference intensives were offered with speakers, Carmen Bowman and Kathy Laurenhue. These were both very well attended. We offered 30 breakout sessions and 3 keynote sessions. Keynote speakers were Karen Schoeneman, Loretta Downs, and Michael Miller. New this year was a school project asking students “What are old people for?” based on the book by the same title by Dr. Bill Thomas. We received several responses that were on display at the summit and had two students present to read their responses during the opening session.
- Two long-term care communities that completed the Artifacts of Culture Change survey discussed their progress at the summit which was very well received.
- Continued to grow our successful membership program. Growth in our membership tends to happen around the time of educational offerings when members receive a discount on registration. Association membership increased 50%, Individual membership increased 50% and Facility membership increased 24% in the first year.
- Sponsored full day training throughout the state in 3 different locations entitled, “Transform Your Organization and Your Bottom Line.”
- Continued to work with Regional Coalitions throughout the state by co-sponsoring local educational events. Examples include: Tales From the Prairie, Caring for All Ages: The Differences in Younger and Older Populations With Alzheimer’s Disease, The Virtual Dementia Tour, and Behavior is Communication.
- Honored our first ever Culture Change Champion of the Year at the Annual Summit. The honoree was Lois Leach, Assistant Director of Nursing at St. Matthew Center for Health, a program of Lutheran Social Services in Park Ridge, IL. Lois was nominated by her staff and chosen by a group of Culture Change experts.
- Continue to maintain an active Speaker’s Bureau. This information is available on our website for anyone that is looking for a speaker for a local event.
- Increased communications with individuals that are interested in culture change through a schedule of notifications through Constant Contact.
- Diversified our Board of Directors with the goal of having representationsfrom several types of elder care communities and the department of public health.
Iowa Person-Directed Care Coalition
- Focus for 2013 was on reorganizing the Coalition in view of overlapping state and national initiatives to more efficiently use our limited resources (including the volunteer services of our Coalition members who serve on committees for several of these projects).
- Hosted Pioneer Network’s Cathy Lieblich who facilitated a strategic planning meeting that helped solidify our purpose and goals. The Coalition continues to work on the action plan that came out of this session to better promote culture change across Iowa in 2014.
Kansas Culture Change Coalition
- Applied and received a Gould Foundation Grant to educate consumers on person centered care.
- Conducted annual meeting with approximately 100 participants attending.
- Hosted Rose Marie Fagan at the coalition’s annual meeting.
- Co-sponsored a culture change conference with Leading Age of Kansas.
- Conference booths with information handouts at Kansas Adult Care Executives, Leading Age of Kansas, Joint Provider Training, Kansas Health Information Medical Association, and Kansas Health Care Association.
- Seven consumer advocacy presentations throughout Kansas and reaching approximately 250 consumers.
- Designed “Ask Sheet” to assist in donation.
- Created capacity to accept online donations.
- Upgraded and enhanced social media to include web page and Facebook presence.
- Presented on person directed care at an Activity Director Association meeting.
- Continued publication of our online quarterly newsletter
- Designed and purchased a banner.
- Recruited and organized participants
- Developed dining guidelines through a nutrition workgroup
LEADER (Louisiana Enhancing Aging with Dignity Through Empowerment and Respect)
- Hosted the Fourth Annual LEADER Summit: Connecting the Dots with Person Centered Care. Over 375 long-term care professionals, ombudsmen, surveyors and policymakers gathered from across the state for two days of networking and information sharing by various national and state speakers. Special guest speakers were David Gifford, MD, MPH, Karen Schoeneman, Christine E. Wright, PhD, LOTR,Lynda Crandall, RN, GPN, andJack York.
- Initiated a new website re-design project that is planned to be launched in January 2014.
- Participated on a Long Term Care Financing Workgroup established by House Resolution No, 185 to look at the financing of all long term care services provided in Louisiana.
- The CMS Partnership to Improve Dementia Care work group conducted workshops across the state for clinicians who play a role in the use of antipsychotics for residents with dementia living in nursing homes. 71 MD's, NP's and Pharmacists attended these sessions.
- 11 nursing homes across the state participated in a Staff Satisfaction project sponsored by Advancing Excellence. These homes conducted surveys of their staff using a tool approved by AE. The nursing homes will be able to use data from the surveys to improve in areas that were identified by their staff.
- Continued to participate in a workgroup led by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to revise the Louisiana Minimum Licensure requirements for nursing homes.
- Continued to participate on a workgroup established by the Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH), Bruce Greenstein. As a result of this workgroup’s discussions, a CMP grant project was obtained and 11 nursing homes were awarded a quality innovation grant.
- Received a $35,000 civil money penalty (CMP) grant from the Louisiana Department of Health Hospitals to support the 5rd Annual LEADER Culture Change Summit. CMPs paid into the Nursing Home Residents’ Trust Fund may only be used to support activities that benefit nursing home residents. Use of CMP funds awarded by the state for projects must be approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
- Selected to participate in a live, interactive broadcast with national experts on Medicare hosted by AARP.
- Selected to participate in the 2013 Strategic Thinking and Planning Session of the Leadership Committee of the Coalition for Choice in Long Term Care Options in Louisiana hosted by AARP.
- Participated in the Pioneer Network National Learning Collaborative as one of the Tier One Coalition Partners. Several nursing homes volunteered to participate and were able to gain new information that they could implement in their nursing home setting.
- Invited to speak on Culture Change in Louisiana at a meeting of the New Orleans Continuity of Care, an educational network of resources for health care professionals.
- Published 3 issues of the LEADER Newsletter featuring news, information and member stories about the culture change journey. The newsletter is distributed to more than 1500 individuals via LEADER’s e-mail list. Issues of the newsletter are available at
Maine Culture Change Coalition/Lane
- Expanded membership and outreach from 90 to 110 individuals representing various roles in nursing, assisted living, independent living and stakeholder organizations.
- Continued work on CCC/LANE goals to enhance resident and direct care staff engagement in culture change efforts. CCC/LANE meetings consistently hosted at nursing homes and “Sharing Best Practices” featured as standing agenda item.
- Development of CCC/LANE website
- Engaged in Round 3 Advancing Excellence/LANE grant project focused on safely reducing hospitalizations.
- First time exhibitor at Maine Geriatrics Conference and second time exhibitor at Maine Health Care Association Fall Conference.
- Planned and provided statewide regional “Moving Towards Person Directed Dementia Care” trainings for direct care staff in collaboration with QIO.
- Facilitated learning circles at each statewide regional training capturing the wisdom of direct care staff across the state.
- Co-Chair of Maine Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes.
- Sponsored First Annual Workshop for Maine Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes.
Maryland Culture Change Coalition