COLONIES in the Americas
We are studying the founding of America by exploring colonies and the different reasons colonies were formed in the Americas.
Everyone will:
- Brainstorm with the class about successful colonies and what you must have to make it work – don’t forget basics – water, food, and shelter - and also consider how certain items make life easier and more enjoyable. Remember that beginning a colony is hard work – who will you take with you and how many to form your colony?
- Everyone will create a:
- Colonymap on the paper handed out. The requirements are in the rubric on the back of this paper. How much and how well you create a colony using information from class discussions, planning and readings will determine your final project grade.
- An informational/reference booklet including the topics on this sheet.
- Your colony may be created anywhere in the Americas discovered/known in the 1600 -1750s. Keep in mind what resources and materials you need to be successful colonizers.
Optional assignments are included for those who wish to go above and beyond the basic requirements. Not everyone is required or expected to do these optional assignments.
Assignment due March 4.
Oral presentations of the colonies will be done during the week of March 7-11 but all materials are due in class March 7
Create a map on the piece of tagboard handed out.
____ (5)Title should be the name of your colony and your name on front of booklet and your map. Titles are always in larger font, but your name should be smaller
____ (12 points) Map – Draw and color a map of your colony including:
- Cities (2 pts.)
- Landforms (2 pts.)
- Minerals and/or natural resources (2 pts.)
- Compass rose giving directions (2 pts.)
- Map Key to identify items (2 pts.)
- Include latitude and longitudes (2 pts)
Create a reference book/informational text book for your colony. These booklets will include 3-5 paragraphs and perhaps illustrations each about the topics:
_____ (10 points) Geography Label it Geography.
- In correctly written paragraph form describe your colony: landforms (mountains, rivers, deserts, etc.), natural resources (timber, water, oil, etc, climate (temperatures, what it is like in summer or winter), waterways and any other item that makes your colony unique. (4 points)
- Where do people live in your colony and why did they choose that spot? (2 points)
- How do people living there change the landscape of the colony or living conditions? What impact do they have on their environment or does the environment have an impact on them? (Think clearing land, overhunting, marshes) (2 points)
- How will your colony get along withnative people in the area? What if natives become hostile? (2 pts.)
_____ (10 points) Flag – create an example of your colony’s flag. Consult the flag books and your atlases for ideas.
- Flag should have at least three colors/symbols to represent you colony. Base your flag on what we discuss in class about American flags and the Indiana flag.(5)
- Write a paragraph explaining the meaning and importance of each symbol/color (5)
______(10 points) Purpose for Forming: All colonies had a reason to be formed.Type a half page about the purpose of your colony. Label it: Purpose for Forming a Colony. (2 points)
- Mention the names of people who started your colony (2 pts.)
- Explain the reason for founding your colony – what made you come to this new country? (4 pts.)
- Jobs – who will you take and why – you don’t want to have the problems Jamestown did, do you? (4 points)
_____ (10 points) Money System – devise a system of money or way to trade/barter.
- Draw or make a sample of the money or describe how your colony barters-who in other colonies will trade with to keep your colony successful? What will you have to give in return
- Include pictures, symbols, or words on the money.
- Write a paragraph explaining the meaning and importance of each symbol/color.
- Or describe in detail your bartering system
______(10 points) Government: Label this section. Your government is ruled by the Queen of the mother country, Kinkeadia, who has appointed governors or allowed you to rule your own colony. However, you may decide the following:
- What will your laws be (create 5-10) that all colonists must obey
- What will you do with people who disagree with you?
- How will your justice system be set? (Trials by jury or the governor or the Queen?)
- How will religion be treated?
- How will you keep the Queen of Kinkeadia happy?
______/67 points plus ______Optional points ______(See Bonus Sheet)
______/10 Oral Presentation grade______(separate rubric)
______/ 10 Grammar & Punctuation Spelling
______/0-4 Your Self Assessed Grade (see points below)
Optional assignments – not required but expected of those who want to earn above a 3. You must complete all the parts for a 3, and then go beyond.
Choose at least one or more of the following to go above a 3.
______(10 points) Write a story or folktale that explains how something came to be in your colony – maybe how a certain person came to be a hero, how a mountain was formed, how someone saved the colony. Make it detailed and exciting. (5 paragraph minimum)
______(10 points) Write and PERFORM for the class a musical piece that is the anthem or write and perform music (a folk song?) that reflects the culture of your new colony.
______(10 points) Write at least three poems that describe the natural beauty of the land; the heroic founders; and one other topic of your choice.
______(10) Create a work of art that is representative of the culture of your new land.
_____ (10 points) Write your own optional assignment. Make certain Mrs. K. approves before you do it.
67 Points – 3
55-66 points 2.5
45-54 points 2
35-44 points 1.5
25-33 points – 1
Below 45should be redone