Birmingham Theological Seminary
2200 Briarwood Way
Birmingham, Alabama 35243
Montgomery Extension
Young Meadows Presbyterian Church
5780 Vaughn Road
Montgomery, AL 36116
Fall 2017 Tuesdays, 5:30-7:30 PM
PT 5602 Biblical Principles of Christian Education Work Phone: 334-285-4031
Professor: Brannon BowmanCell Phone: 912-713-0008
Class Hours: 2E-mail
Course Description:
A study of biblical applications to challenges in administration, teaching, procedures, and curriculum in Christian Education.
Topics include biblical and theological foundations of educational ministries; children, youth, and adult discipleship; learning theories and styles; educational methods; curriculum evaluation and planning; and educational administration.
1.The students will be able to name and describe the theological foundations of Christian education.
2.The students will be able to articulate the role of Christian education in a local church.
3.The students will be able to define the teaching ministries of the local church.
4.The students will be able to discuss learning styles and effective teaching methods. REQUIRED FOR; M.DIV., M.A.B.S, M.A.M., C.M.CE.
Required Reading:
LeFever, Marlene D. Learning Styles. Colorado Springs, Co: Cook Ministry Resources, 1995.
Parrett Gary A., Kang, Steve. Teaching the Faith, Forming the Faithful: A Biblical Vision for education in the Church. Westmont, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2009.
Part 4, Reading not required for Certificate Students
Berkholf, Louis, Cornelius Til, and Denis E. Johnson. Foundations of Christian Education: Addresses to Christian Teachers. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co. 1990. Reading not required for Certificate Students
Hendricks, Howard. Teaching to Change lives: Seven Proven Ways to Make
Teaching Come Alive. Sisters, Ore: Multnomah, 2003.
Reading not required for Certificate students.
Course Requirements
Certificate Students will be required to do half of the assigned reading and also half of the assignments.
- Class attendance and participation. Absence without professor’s permission for more than two classes drops the final grade one letter grade.
- Completion of all reading assignments on time. The assigned books for this class are to be read in their entirety. The readings are divided in chapters to help students digest their content and to keep students current with the lecturers and discussion each week. Students will write one page (per chapter) summary of the assigned reading and hand them over to the professor every week. The summary will include; introduction, the main idea(s), and reflection (your thoughts) or conclusion.
- Four two to three page papers. The papers should be short, concise and precise. This assignment is not only about content, but should demonstrate competency in written communication which is an essential skill for the ministry (Certificate students are not required to write papers 1 and 3).
Paper 1. Read, summarize and reflect on; Teaching to Change lives: Seven Proven Ways to Make Teaching Come Alive by Hendricks, Howard, 2003.
Paper 2. Describe how Acts 2:42 (“They devoted themselves to apostles teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer) illustrates the entirety of the church’s holistic curriculum that the church is called to educate and form its people (Use at least three sources).
Paper 3. In relation to Erik Erikson’s developmental theory, what is the ultimate goal of the human learner? How does this goal change depending on the age of the learner and thus his/her “psychological issue”? How would you theologically assess Erikson’s proposed goal? (Use at least three sources).
Paper 4. “Knowledge of the four basic learning styles would help me train Sunday school teachers in my local church” Discuss (three sources).
- Develop an eight week curriculum for a Sunday school class (identify the age group) in your local church. The paper should include; a brief introduction of the curriculum, the progression of the lessons(step 1; step 2,…), the eight biblical topics to be covered, considerations of learning styles, and the teaching methods appropriate for each learning style (see LeFever, Marlene, 1995, Learning Styles, pgs. 79-94).
Each student will have 10 to 15 minutes to present his/her project to the class.
Note: Certificate students will be required to write a six to eight page project.
The assignments and exam total 100%
1. Completion of reading and summaries 15%, class participation5% totaling to 20%.
2. Four short papers worth 10% each for a total of 40%.
3. Project 20%
4. Final Exam 20%
BTS Format and Style Standards
BTS uses the Turabian style for formatting as standard for papers. However, should regard individual professor's preference if they communicate any variance in outlining their requirements for papers. In this technological age, information is readily available; make sure you understand about giving reference sources the proper recognition. Please refer to the BTS Student Handbook on plagiarism for guidance.
Proper planning and timely completion of assignments is crucial: All assignments to be submitted before or on their due date. Late submission may result to one letter drop on the final grade.
Reading (Read and Summarize) Assignments
Week 1 (9/5) – Introduction (No advanced reading assigned)
Week 2 (9/12) - Foundations of Christian education
Masters - Berkhof- part 1 and Part 2 chapters 3 - 4.
Certificate – Parrett & Kang, chapters 1-2
Week 3 (9/19) -The doctrinal foundations of Christian education
Masters –Berkhof- chapters 5-7. Assignment Due- Paper 1
Certificate – Parrett & Kang, chapters 3-5
Week 4 (9/26) - The purpose of Christian Education
Masters – Parrett & Kang, chapters 1-5
Certificate – Parrett & Kang, chapters 6-7
Week 5 (10/3) - People: Of Teachers and Learners
Masters – Parrett and Kang, chapters 6-9.
Certificate – Parrett & Kang, chapters 8-9
Note: Assignment Due- Paper 2 (all students).
Week 6 (10/10) – No Classes
Week 7 (10/17)
Masters – Parrett and Kang, chapters 10-11
Certificate – LeFever, chapter 1-3
Week 8 (10/24)
Masters –Parrett and Kang, chapters 12-14.
Certificate – LeFever chapters 4-6).
Week 9(10/31) – Understanding Learning Styles
Masters –LeFever, chapters 1-6. Assignment Due- Paper 3
Certificate – Lefever, chapters 7-8
Week 10 (11/7) - Learning Styles and Curriculum
Masters –LeFever, chapters 7-8
Certificate – LeFever, chapters 9-11
Week 11 (11/14) - Seeing, Hearing, Moving Methods
Masters –LeFever, chapters 9-14.
Certificate – LeFever, chapters 12-14
Week 12 (11/21) – No Class
Week 13 (11/28) - Learning Styles: Not Just for Teachers
Masters –LeFever, chapters 15-17
Certificate –LeFever, chapters 15-17
Note: Assignment Due -Paper 4 (All students)
Week 14 (12/5) - Class presentations
Week 15 (12/12) - Final Exam
Note: Assignment Due - Project
Anthony, Michael J. Christian Education: Foundation for the Twenty-first Century. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 2001. (246 pp)
Barna, George. Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2003. (140 pp)
Barrett, Ethel, Storytelling—It’s Easy! Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1960.
Carbonell, Mels. What Makes You Tick: What Ticks You Off. Blue Ridge: Uniquely You, 1997.
Choun, Robert., and Michael S. Lawson. The Complete Handbook for Children’s Ministry: How To Teach and Reach the Next Generation. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1993.
Clark, Robert E., Lin Johnson., and Allyn K. Sloat. Christian Education: Foundations For The Future. Chicago: Moody Press, 1991.
Downs, Perry G., Teaching for Spiritual Growth. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1994.
Dunahoo, Charles H. Making Kingdom Disciples. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: P & R Publishing, 2005.
Eyrich, Howard A. Three To Get Ready. Bemidji, Minn. Focus Publishing, Inc. 1996.
Gangel, Kenneth O., and James C. Wilhoit, eds. The Christian Educator’s Handbook on Adult Education. Grand Raids: Baker Book House, 1997. (358 pp)
Gangel, Kenneth O. 24 Ways To Improve Your Teaching. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1986.
Gangel, Kenneth., and Warren S. Benson. Christian Education:Its History and Philosophy. Chicago: Moody Press, 1983.
Getz, Gene. Sharpening the Focus of the Church. Chicago: Moody Press, 1974.
Getz, Gene. The Measure of a Church. Ventura: Gospel Light Publications, 1975.
Gregory, John Milton. The Seven Laws of Teaching. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1971.
Hendricks, Howard G., and William D. Hendricks. Living by the Book. Chicago: Moody Press, 1991.
Horne, Herman H. Teaching Techniques of Jesus. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1974.
Keirsey, David., and Marilyn Bates. Please Understand Me: Character and Temperament Types. Del Mar: Prometheus Nemesis Book Company, 1984.
Lawson, Michael S., and Robert J. Choun, Jr. Directing Christian Education: The Changing Role of the Christian Education Specialist. Chicago: Moody Press, 1992.
LeFever, Marlene D. Creative Teaching Methods. Colorado Springs, Co.: Cook Ministry Resources, 1996.
LeFever, Marlene D. Learning Styles. Colorado Springs, Co: Cook Ministry Resources, 1995.
Malphurs, Aubrey. Maximizing Your Effectiveness:How to Discover and Develop Your Divine Design. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1995.
Powell, Terry. You Can Lead a Bible Discussion Group!, Sisters, Oregon: Multomah Books, 1996.
Rainey, Dennis. Ministering to Twenty-First Century Families. Swindoll Leadership Library. Chrarles R. Swindoll, ed. Nashville, TN: Word Publishing, 2001. (337 pp)
Richards, Lawrence O. and Gary J. Bredfeldt. Creative Bible Teaching. Chicago: Moody Press, 1998.
Richards, Lawrence O. Christian Education: Seeking to Become Like Jesus Christ. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1975.
Richards, Lawrence O. and Gary J. Bredfeldt. Creative Bible Teaching. Chicago: Moody Press, 1998. (342 pp)
Tobias, Cynthia Ulrich. The Way They Learn: How to discover and teach to your child’s strengths. Colorado Springs: Focus on the Family, 1994.
Towns, Elmer L., A History of Religious Education: Online.
Wiersbe, Warren W. Preaching and Teaching With Imagination: The Quest for Biblical Ministry. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1994.
Wright, Norman. Premarital Counseling: A Guidebook for the Counselor. Chicago: Moody Press, 1982.
Walk Thru the Bible Ministries. 1) Teaching With Style; 2) The 7 Laws of the Teacher;
3) The 7 Laws of the Learner -Videos and workbooks. Box 80587 Atlanta, GA 30366.