Suitabilities and Limitations for Use

Under this tab are the following soil interpretations:

Building Site Development (corrosion, dwellings, buildings, lawns)

Construction Materials (sand, gravel, topsoil, road fill)

Disaster Recovery Planning (composting, large animal disposal)

Land Classifications (forest, hydric, land capability, productivity index)

Land Management (logging, roads, erosion, fire, seedling mortality)

Military (vehicle trafficability, excavations, bivouac areas)

Recreation (camp areas, trails, picnic areas, playgrounds)

Sanitary Facilities (landfill, on-site waste water for Missouri)

Vegetative Productivity (forest and range land)

Waste Management (disposal of wastewater)

Water Management (embankments, ponds, irrigation, drainage)

1. Click on link above

2. Under the Quick Navigation tab, click on “Soil Survey Area”

3. In State drop down box, select “Missouri”

4. In County drop down box, select “desired county”.

5. In Soil Survey Area list below, click the button of the desired county data.

6. Click “Set AOI” button.

7. Scroll up to the top of the page and select “Soil Data Explorer” tab

8. Under the “Suitabilities and Limitations for Use” tab

9. Select from list of interpretations and then view ratings. Scroll down below map to see tabular data.