Daniel E. Lee
CURRENT Professor of Ethics and Director
POSITION Augustana Center for the Study of Ethics
Augustana College
Rock Island, Illinois
Member of faculty since 1974. Teaching responsibilities include
courses in business ethics and medical ethics.
MAILING Department of Religion
ADDRESS Augustana College
(September-May) 639 38th Street
Rock Island, IL 61201-2296
MAILING 625 Montana Highway 83
ADDRESS Bigfork, Montana 59911
TELEPHONE (309) 794-7258 (office) or (309) 236-0652 (cell)
FAX (309) 794-7702 (office)
DEGREES B.A., Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, 1967
M.A., Yale University, 1969
M.Phil., Yale University, 1973
Ph.D., Yale University, 1974
(partial listing) Death and Dying: Ethical Choices in a Caring Community. The
Christian Social Responsibility Series. New York:
Division for Mission in North America, Lutheran Church in
America, 1983.
On the Porch and on the Trail. Nashville: Winston-Derek, Inc.,
Hope Is Where We Least Expect to Find It. Lanham, Maryland:
University Press of America, 1993.
Generations and the Challenge of Justice. Lanham, Maryland:
University Press of America, 1996.
Navigating Right and Wrong: Ethical Decision Making in a
Pluralistic Age. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2002.
Freedom vs. Intervention: Six Tough Cases. Lanham, Maryland:
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2005.
Harmony and the Art of Gourmet Cooking. Rock Island, Illinois:
Augustana College, 2005.
Of Clay Made (fiction). Baltimore: PublishAmerica LLP, 2007.
Human Rights and the Ethics of Globalization (co-authored with
Elizabeth J. Lee). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2011 Winner.
Letters from a Sailor: America at War 1917-1918. Lanham,
Maryland: Lexington Books, 2011.
“The Saikewicz Decision and Patient Autonomy.” The Linacre
Quarterly (February, 1980), 64-69.
“The Just Community.” Augustana College Magazine (February,
1981), 13-14.
“La Competencia de Armas: Crisis Moral En un Mundo
Hambriento.” El Pueblo, Arequipa, Peru (17 de Octubre,
1982), 12.
“Kant’s Categorical Imperative.” In The Westminster Dictionary
of Christian Theology, edited by Alan Richardson and John
Bowden, 85-86. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press,
“Lutherans.” In Encounters with Eternity: Religious Views of
Death and Life after Death, edited by Christopher J.
Johnson and Marsha G. McGee, 229-43. New York:
Philosophical Library, 1986. Republished as How Different
Religions View Death and Afterlife. Philadelphia: The
Charles Press, 1991. Second edition, 1998.
“Euthanasia.” In The Encyclopedia of Christianity, Vol. II, edited
by Erwin Fahlbusch et al., 208-11. Grand Rapids,
Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2001.
“Should We Forgive Osama bin Laden and Members of Al-
Qaida?” Journal of Lutheran Ethics 2, no. 1 (January 2002) http://wwwtest.elca.org/jle/articles/contemporary_issues/september_11th/article.lee_dan.html
“Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Conservative Critique.” The
Hastings Center Report 33, no. 1 (January-February, 2003).
“What Are the Forgotten Issues of This Election?” Journal of
Lutheran Ethics 4, no. 10 (October 2004) http://www.elca.org/scriptlib/dcs/jle/article.asp?aid=506
“Social Security: Some Ethical Issues.” Journal of
Lutheran Ethics 5, no. 3 (March 2005) http://www.elca.org/scriptlib/dcs/jle/article.asp?aid=546
“Living Together Faithfully in Community While Disagreeing.”
Journal of Lutheran Ethics 5, no. 8 (August 2005) http://www.elca.org/scriptlib/dcs/jle/article.asp?aid=596
“Academic Freedom in the Middle and Secondary School
Classroom” (co-authored with Jack A. Garrett).
The Clearing House 78, no. 6 (July-August 2005), 27-28..
“Academic Freedom, Critical Thinking and Teaching Ethics.”
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 5, no. 2 (June 2006).
“Ensuring Academic Freedom for Students in the Classroom.”
The International Journal of Humanities 3, no. 2, (2006) 65-70.
“Political Activism, Professionalism and the Classroom: Drawing a
Line of Demarcation.” The Clearing House 80, no. 1 (September-October 2006), 27-28.
“The Erosion of Ethical Standards in Government: Is What It
Takes To Get Elected the Root of the Problem?”
Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table (Summer 2007) http://www.forumonpublicpolicy.com/archivesum07/lee.daniel.pdf.
“Human Rights and the Ethics of Investment in China.”
Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 28, no. 1
(Spring/Summer 2008), 45-66.
“Two Concepts of Forgiveness.” Journal of Lutheran Ethics 8, no.
9 (September 2008) http://archive.elca/jle/article.asp?k=804.
“A Developmental Biology/Medical Ethics Undergraduate
Learning Community: A Novel Approach to Explore Value-Laden Social and Ethical Issues Related to Developmental Biology” (with Kristin R. Douglas, who is the lead author). Developmental Biology 319, no. 2 (July 2008), 319.
“Adam Smith and Coffee Farmers in Ethiopia” (co-authored with
Elizabeth J. Lee). The Global Studies Journal 1, no. 4 (December 2008), 51-58.
“Cheating in the Classroom: Beyond Policing.” The Clearing
House 82, no. 4 (March-April 2009), 171-176.
Letter to the Editor (with Lisa Brothers Arbisser). The Hastings
Center Report 39, no. 5 (September-October 2009), 7.
Weekly newspaper column, The Dispatch, Moline, Illinois, 1986-
89, 1991-present and The Rock Island Argus, 2002-present.
“Abortion, Viability: Brain Function Standard Becoming the
Determinant for Life’s Beginning.” The Peoria Journal-`Star (December 30, 1990): A5.
“Moral Issues: Gulf War Renews Debate.” The Peoria Journal-
Star (February 24, 1991): A5.
“Vouchers Could Make Health Care Accessible to All Americans.”
The Chicago Tribune (September 4, 1991): I,11.
“A Better Proposal: National Voucher System Could Make Health
Care Accessible to All U.S. Citizens.” The Peoria Journal-
Star (November 17, 1991): A5.
“Humility Keeps a Firm Hold on Science.” The LaPorte Herald-
Argus (May 26, 1994): 4.
“Debt Almost Nothing Compared to Short-Change.” The
Kankakee Sunday Journal (June 12, 1994): 4.
“Hike Would Be Fair.” The Kankakee Sunday Journal (June 16,
“Consistency Sometimes Bedevils Us.” The Chicago Tribune
(July 23, 1994): 4.
“A War Between Young and Old: Budget Cut Battle Is Brewing.”
The Chicago Sun-Times (January 28, 1995): 18.
“Term Limits: Old Argument Still Valid.” USA Today (March 17,
1995): A18.
“The Senatorial Saucer.” Roll Call (March 27, 1995).
“A Practical Health-Care Plan.” The Journal of Commerce (April
5, 1995).
“First July Fourth Was Real Bomb.” The Chicago Sun-Times (July
3, 1995): 14.
“Agriculture Is Changing to Protect the Next Generation.” The
Cedar Rapids Gazette (August 1, 1995).
“Years Later, Bombs Still Stir Debate.” The Chicago Sun-Times
(August 4, 1995): 32.
“In Search of Better Labor Ties.” The Journal of Commerce
(September 1, 1995): 6A.
“Uneven Political Terrain Ahead: Chances for a Third Party Never
Better.” The Peoria Journal-Star (September 12, 1995):
“Restoring Fairness to Pay.” The Journal of Commerce (June 7,
“Today is National Bill of Rights Day: 10 Amendments Have
Profound Effect on our Lives Every Day.” The Cedar
Rapids Gazette (December 15, 1996).
“Debate Freshens the Tree of Liberty.” The Quad-City Times
(December 15, 1996).
“Cops ‘n’ Guns.” The Chicago Sun-Times (January 19, 1997): 36.
“Police Not Exempt from Domestic-Violence Law.” The St. Louis
Post-Dispatch (January 30, 1997).
“CNAs—Unsung Heroes.” The Daily Interlake (December 17,
“RE: Falling Into the Doughnut Hole” (letter to editor), The New
York Times (October 7, 2006)
“Non-Sense.” Included in 2007 edition of In Other Words: An
American Poetry Anthology, ed. Leslie James. Denver: Western Reading Services, 2007.
“Who Wept for Jimmy B?” Included in 2008 edition of
In Other Words: An American Poetry Anthology, ed. Leslie James. Denver: Western Reading Services, 2008.
WORK Individual Rights and the Common Good
IN PROGRESS “Christianity and Violence: Coming to Grips with the Bloody
Threads in the Garment” (forthcoming in the Journal of
Lutheran Ethics)
When Jeannette Met Jeannette (historical fiction). Partially written
but on back burner while working on other projects.
PAPERS "The Preservation of Human Life in an Age of
PRESENTED Technology," Syracuse University Honors
(partial listing) Convocation, January 30, 1979.
"Incompetent Patients and the Refusal of Medical
Treatment," University of Chicago Divinity
School, May 24, 1979.
"Paul Ramsey's Medical Indications Policy and Quality-of-
Life Criteria," 1980 Annual Meeting of the Society
of Christian Ethics, New York, January 19, 1980.
"The Arms Race: A Moral Crisis in a Hungry World,"
Universidad Católica de Santa Maria, Arequipa,
Peru, October 11, 1982.
"National Voucher System Could Make Health Care
Accessible to All U.S. Citizens," presented at the
Third International Conference on Health Law and
Ethics, Toronto, Canada, July 20, 1993.
“Medicare: Reform or Replacement?” Joint Meeting of the
American Association of Bioethics, the
Society for Bioethics Consultation, and the Society
for Health and Human Values, Baltimore, Maryland,
November 1997.
“Just War Theory and Domestic Public Policy Issues Involving
Coercive Intervention,” 2002 Annual Meeting of the
Society of Christian Ethics, Vancouver, British
Columbia, January 11-13, 2002.
“Religiously-Based Parental Refusal of Beneficial Medical
Treatment for Children and the Ethics of Intervention,”
2004 Annual Meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics,
Chicago, Illinois, January 8-11, 2004.
“Academic Freedom and the Classroom,” American Association of
Colleges and Universities Conference on Pedagogies of
Engagement, Chicago, Illinois, April 15-17, 2004.
“Ensuring Academic Freedom for Students in the Classroom,”
Third International Conference on New Directions in the
Humanities, Cambridge University, United Kingdom,
August 2-5, 2005.
“Physician-Assisted Suicide,” 69th Annual Conference of the
Association of Lutheran College Faculties, Midland
Lutheran College, Fremont, Nebraska, September 30-
October 1, 2005.
“The Ethics of Investment in China: Do the Sullivan Principles
Provide Useful Guidelines?” 2007 Annual Meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics, Dallas, Texas, January 6, 2007.
“The Erosion of Ethical Standards in Government: Is What It
Takes To Get Elected the Root of the Problem?” Presented at Oxford Round Table Symposium on “Ethical Sentiments: The Waning of Trust in Government,” Oxford University, United Kingdom, August 6, 2007.
“Adam Smith and Ethiopian Coffee Farmers.” 2008 Global
Studies Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 16, 2008.
PROFESSIONAL Member, Society of Christian Ethics
AFFILIATIONS Member, The Hastings Center
Member, Association of Teaching Theologians
HONORARY Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK).
AND HONORS Named “Professor of the Month” by the Augustana Chapter of
Mortar Board (February 2007)
INTERNATIONAL Taught classes in Mexico and Peru that were part of Augustana EXPERIENCE College’s 1976 and 1982 Latin American Fall Terms
Taught a class in Rome and Paris that was part of Augustana
College’s 2002 European Fall Term
Taught a class Spring 2006 that involved completing
the classroom work on campus followed by 10 days
in Rome; course offered again in 2008, 2010 and 2011.
Participated in a study group in China sponsored by Augustana
College in June of 2005
Presented a paper at an international conference at Cambridge
University in the United Kingdom in August of 2005
Member, People to People Ambassador Program Philosophy
Delegation to China, June, 2007. Met with philosophy faculty at six prominent Chinese universities—Renmin University and Beijing Normal University in Beijing, the Jiangsu Institute of Education and Nanjing Normal University in Nanjing, and Shanghai University and Shanghai Normal University in Shanghai.
Presented a paper at an international symposium at Oxford
University in August of 2007
Participated in a seminar in June 2010 entitled “Economic
Development and Urban Transformation” in Shanghai, China, sponsored by the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)
Guest Professor in the College of Philosophy at Shanghai Normal
University November-December 2010 and November-December 2011
Travel outside the United States has included Mexico, Peru,
Canada, China (including Tibet and Hong Kong), Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Norway, England and Scotland
TELEVISION Political Analyst, WHBF-TV4, Rock Island, Illinois, 1996-2004.
COMMUNITY Security and Privacy Committee, Bi-State Metropolitan Computer
SERVICE Commission, 1975-78.
(partial listing) President, Quad-Cities World Affairs Council, Inc., 1977-78.
Executive Board, Rock Island Chapter of the NAACP, 1980-83.
Board of Directors, Visiting Nurse and Homemaker Association of
Rock Island County, 1984-89 (President, 1987-89).
Lutheran Hospital Ethics Committee, Moline, Illinois, 1985-88.
Rock Island Rotary, 1985-99. (Board of Directors, 1986-88;
named Paul Harris Fellow, 1993.)
Moline Rotary, 2000-2008.
Advisory Committee, Quad-City Area Labor Management Council
(QCALM), 1987-2002.
Vision for the Future Labor-Management Relations Task Force,
Lutheran Hospital Institutional Review Board, Moline, Illinois,
United Medical Center Institutional Review Board, Moline,
Illinois, 1989-90.
ILLOWA Lutheran Coalition Housing Task Force, 1994-97.
Board of Directors, Habitat for Humanity—Quad Cities, 1995-99
(President, 1997-98).
Board of Directors, Moline Junior Symphony, 1996-97.
Ethics Committee, Alternatives for the Older Adult, Inc., Rock
Island, Illinois, 1997-2006.
Rock Island City Ethics Commission, 2004-present
MUSIC Have sung Handel’s Messiah at Augustana College for more than ten years and Verdi’s Requiem, Brahm’s German Requiem, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, and Walton’s Belshazzar’s Feast with the Quad Symphony Orchestra as a member of the Handel Oratorio Society. Have sung with Opera Quad Cities in Puccini’s La Bohème, Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutti, Bizet’s Carmen, and Verdi’s Rigoletto.
FAMILY Married Ruth J. (Danielson) Lee June 1, 1968. One daughter,
Elizabeth, born February 23, 1982.
HOBBIES Sailing, gourmet cooking, trout fishing, oil painting, playing guitar
and working on log cabin in mountains of Montana.