Performance Methods
Communication Studies 3760
Instructor: Dr. Holley Vaughn
Office Hours 320F GAB: MW 10-12 T11-3 Thby appointment
Course Description
COMM 3760 is designed as an extension of COMM 2060. As such, the course furthers the students understanding of the performance of literature and also introduces students tobroader concepts related to textuality and performance. Working under the duel axioms that we are all already performers and performance is central to our everyday lives, this course is designed to ignite critical analysis and creative thinking about performance as a way of being in the world. Students will explore various practices of performance as critical methods of inquiry through which they –hopefully- come to view their increasingly complicated, mediated, textualized world in new and exciting ways. Ultimately, the goal of this course is to open the door to what Robert Scholes would calltextual power. Throughout the semester students will examine the ways in which we read, interpret, and criticize a variety of texts through the means of performance. We will explore four broad themes: performance in everyday life, performance as reading, performance as interpretation, and performance as criticism. In addition to creating performances, students will also engage in several writing assignments in which they critically analyze a variety of texts, assess their own performances, and evaluate the performative work of their peers.
Required Text
Readings posted on blackboard.
Methods of Evaluation
Mid-Term Exam150 points
Final Exam200 points
Performance #1 150 points
Performance #2175 points Performance #3 175 points/Participation/Daily Assignments/ Reading Quizes/Homework 150 points
This syllabus is not a contract. It may be changed at any time at the discretion of the instructor
Grading Criteria
Grading criteria for performances, and major assignments:
Grading scale:
A: (excellent, clearly outstanding) (90-100%)
B: (very good, impressive) (80-89%)
C: (average college-level) (70-79%)
D: (below average, barely passing) (60-79%)
F: (failing) (60% and below)
In order to ensure fairness and avoid grade inflation, I utilize the following guidelines for performances and major assignments. In general, a C grade on a paper or performance means one has met the minimum requirements for that assignment. A grade of A or B means one has gone beyond the minimum requirements in a significant way; and a grade of D or F means one has failed to meet two or more of the requirements (minimum criteria) for the assignment. ***Remember: 1) your enrollment in this course does not entitle you to an A. 2) Completing the minimum criteria for any given assignment does not entitle you to an A. 3) You are in no way entitled to an A. 4) A’s are reserved for exceptional work. I reserve A’s for those papers and performances Iwould rather watch/read than eat chocolate or drink beer. A grade of C represents average, satisfactorywork.
Grading Criteria for Reading Quizzesa.k.a the B.S. policy:
I do not assign readings erroneously. Every single time I assign readings, you should expect a reading quiz. It is obvious when you have not read thoroughly and even more obvious when you entirely neglect to do your reading. One of my biggest pet peeves is when students try to B.S. their way through a reading quiz. To me, that is tantamount to lying. I have far more respect for students who admit to not reading than for those who attempt to B.S. their way through a quiz.
Grading Criteria for class assignments -a.k.a the half-assed policy:
I do not give class assignments erroneously. I expect you to put time and thought into all assignments and I will reward you with full credit if such time and thought is evident. YOU know when you turn in half-assed work. I know half-assed work when I see it. If you choose to turn in half-assed work you will receive a grade of zero for the assignment. Class assignments are due on the date specified. Under no circumstances will I allow you to make up class assignments.
Extra Credit:If you have satisfactory attendance, you can earn up to 30 points of extra credit over the course of the semester. If you accumulatemore than 4 absences then you forfeit the opportunity to participate in any extra credit activities. Moreover, if you fail a workshop or chose to not participate in a workshop then you also forfeit the opportunity to participate in any extra credit activities.I will not round up your final grade unless you have completed all possible extra credit points. There are several ways to earn extra credit:
1)Perfect attendance- If you have perfect attendance- which means you miss zero classes throughout the entire semester- you will automatically receive 30 extra credit points.
2)Outside Performance- In terms of the methods of performance you will be exposed to and tested on throughout the course of the semester, attending performances outside of class can be an exceptional way to sharpen you critical capabilities and increase you understanding of performance. There will be multiple performance events in the Comm. Studies Black Box Theater and I will keep you apprised of any other outside performances/events that relate to course concepts. You may receive up to ten extra credit points for attending an outside performance event and writing a 2-3 page response paper.
3)Additional Analysis: I will provide additional written assignments for each major unit in the course. Additional analysis assignments vary in point value from 5 to 10 points depending on the assignment.
Course Policies
Attendance Policy:Learning is a social process. In order for this class to be successful, your attendance and participation are imperative. I have designed this class to work much like a seminar where both students and instructor perform the roles of teachers and learners simultaneously. In other words, we are constantly learning from each other. This is only possible if everyone shows up, prepares in advance, and fully participates in class. This means: giving thoughtful attention to the assigned readings, assuming a constructive role in class discussions, asking questions, thoughtfully attending to the ideas of others, sharing your own insights etc. Your success in this course is contingent on successful performances, tests, workshops, papers AS WELL AS your participation as an audience member for your classmates’ performances. Make no mistake- I EXPECT YOU TO ATTEND CLASS. I interpret excessive absences as willful and wanton disrespect towards our class community. If you choose not to attend class then your grade WILL BE adversely affected.
I take attendance every day at the beginning of class. If you walk in late it is your responsibility to make sure I mark you as present. You are allowed three absences to use at any time you would like during the semester. The only excused absences are for University-related reasons, i.e., traveling with a University team to compete; absences related to illness or car trouble are NOT excused absences. I strongly suggest you plan on using these three days for any planned events that you know will occur during the semester (i.e. weddings, conferences, trips etc.). After you have used your three absences, you will receive a ½ letter grade deduction from your final grade for each absence over the allotted four. For instance, if you end the semester with 4 absences and you have a final grade of an 83, your grade would be reduced to a 77.
Additionally, if you have more than 4 absences you are NOT eligible to participate in any extra credit opportunities.
If you miss a scheduled presentation, workshop, or performance and you have a University Authorized Absence or can provide documentation as to the nature of the emergency that kept you from attending class then I will allow you to make up the missed presentation. You must be prepared to perform whenever you are called upon. You should be prepared to perform first the next time you come to class. You will be permitted only one opportunity for a make up; if you are unprepared when called upon, you will receive a zero. If class time does not permit, you may be asked to perform outside the class. If you have an unauthorized absence on a day when you are scheduled for a presentation, a workshop, or a performance, you will receive a grade of zero for the assignment
Late Work Policy: You are responsible for turning in you work on time. I don’t accept late work.
Tardiness Policy:Please strive to be in class on time. If you arrive late the it is your responsibility to make sure I mark you as present. If you are more than twenty-five minutes late to class, you will receive an absence for that day. If you are late on a day that your classmates are giving performance, you MUST wait by the door until you hear applause. If you walk into class while some else is performing, your performance will be marked down one full letter grade.
Cell Phone Policy:Turn off your cell phone prior to class. I require your full attention during class and it is incredibly disrespectful and distracting to me, and fellow your classmates, if you are constantly fiddling with your phone. If your phone goes off during a one of your classmate’s performances then your performance will be docked one full letter grade.
Format for Papers and Typed Assignments:I refuse to grade papers that do not meet the following criteria:
All assignments must be typed unless otherwise noted. You must use 12 point, Times New Roman font. Your papers should be double-spaced with one-inch margins. Most importantly, your written work must be edited and revised. By edited I mean spellchecked, proofread for grammar, style and content. You must revise your written work. Do not turn in your first draft. Good writing takes time so do not put off your writing assignments until the last minute. Again, I refuse to grade papers that are not thoroughly edited and thoughtfully revised. I posted a folder on blackboard that contains a writing guide for student papers and information about the UNT writing center. Please refer to the writing criteria folder on blackboard.
Policy on Incompletes: An “Incomplete” will be award only in cases where 75% of the coursework has been completed AND the grade is warranted by an excuse (e.g., medical, military). Inability to complete coursework in a timely fashion does not constitute an acceptable reason for requesting or receiving an incomplete. To request an incomplete please set up a meeting with me prior to the final exam.
Academic Conduct: This is a communication course, which means you are required to communicate. I expect you to come prepared and participate in class discussions. I do not shy away from controversial topics in class and neither should you. Remember that the primary goal of this course is to facilitate critical thinking about performance and through performance; therefore I expect and encourage rigorous debate. However, overtly ethnocentric, racist, sexist, and heterosexist comments will not be tolerated. Feel free to make arguments but you must respect your classmates. Ideas can be debated but people may not be defamed.
Code of Student Conduct: One fundamental goal of achieving a university degree is betterment of self; upon obtaining your degree, you should be a more skilled writer and a more analytical thinker. To accomplish this goal and realize your true potential, all work should be uniquely your own in both word and thought. You should document all words and ideas belonging to others according to APA or MLA guidelines. Otherwise, you will not only fail yourself, but the course as well. All persons shall adhere to the Code of Student Conduct regarding academic dishonesty, including acts of cheating and plagiarism.
Cheating. The willful giving or receiving of information in an unauthorized manner during an examination, illicitly obtaining examination questions in advance, using someone else’s work or written assignments as if they were your own, or any other dishonest means of attempting to fulfill a requirement of this course.
Plagiarism. The use of an author’s words or ideas as if they were your own without giving proper credit to the source, including but not limited to failure to acknowledge a direct quotation. Exact wording from a source must be identified by quotation marks and citation of the author. Concepts and ideas from sources should also be identified by citation of the author. Rules for citing quotes and ideas can be found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Essentially, all unoriginal thought should be cited, and the author of the thought should be given credit for their contributions. Depending on the severity of the infraction, punishments for cheating or plagiarism range from a grade of ZERO points on the assignment in question, to failure of the course or expulsion.
Access Policy:The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitations Act of 1973: If you have a disability that may have some impact on your work in this class and for which you may require accommodations, please see a coordinator in the Office for Disability Affairs so that such accommodations may be arranged. After you receive the accommodation letters, please meet with me to discuss the provisions of those accommodations
Don’t Bring Dumb Stuff to School Policy: Do not bring any firearms to school- loaded or unloaded does not matter, permit or no permit does not matter-NO FIREARMS AT SCHOOL!!! Do not bring weapons of ANYkind to school!!!! Do not bring any drugs, alcohol, or drug paraphernalia to school!!! Do not bring live animals to school!!!!
Missed Days:If we ever miss class for any reason, you should keep up with the assigned readings. For example, if we miss Nov 21 due to weather or instructor illness, you should complete all of the assigned reading for the following class on Nov 23rd.
3760 Course Policy Contract
I ______am fully aware of the following course policies. I also understand that failure to adhere to said policies will significantly affect my grade.
- Grading scale and criteria
- Attendance policy
- Tardy policy
- Outline policy
- Cell phone policy
- Cheating/plagiarism policy
- Format for papers and assignments
- Late work policy
- Classroom conduct
- Extra credit
- Firearm/weapon/drug&alcohol/animal policy