Trousdale County Schools Weekly Lesson Plan

Teacher: Jewell / Pacing Guide Week #: 5
Dates: September 2-6, 2013
Subject: RLA
Reading Literature
RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
Reading Informational Text
RI.1.5 Know and use various text features
Foundational Skills
R.F.1.4 Read on-level text with purpose and understanding.
Speaking and Listening
RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.
L.1.1f Use frequently occurring adjectives.
W.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
SPI(s) to be taught: (Write the entire SPI)
Daily practice activity for citing text based evidence in conversation and/or writing:
I Can Statements :
I can read short e words.
I can identify adjectives for size and shape.
I can list words in alphabetical order. / Student Agenda:
·  Posted daily but NOT included in Lesson Plan
Assessment Strategies (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): Assessment used to determine mastery daily: If a quiz or test is given, include in the Teacher’s Lesson Plan Notebook.
Instructional Materials (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): All instructional materials are to be included in the Teacher’s Lesson Plan Notebook.
Instruction: In outline form, describe each day of instruction. / Formative Assessment:
Day 1
·  Story: Lucia’s Neighborhood
·  Opening Routines – calendar, seat work review of previous skills
·  Listening Comprehension - Read aloud – Painting Word Pictures
·  Oral Vocabulary – canvas, important, rhythm, combinations, row, ease
·  Phonemic Awareness -Decoding – T 301
·  Decoding/Phonics – T 304,T 305 Short /e/, consonants y, w
·  Decodable Reader – Pals
·  Fluency - Vocabulary – my, here, who, does, all, me
·  Spelling /Grammar – short /e/ words, and adjectives
·  Story skills –text and graphic features, question
·  Writing – Narratives
·  Essential Question-Who Can You Meet in a Neighborhood? / Oral questioning, teacher observation, class participation, white boards, thumbs up thumbs down, manipulatives
WB pages 46-59
Day 2
·  Opening Routines – calendar, seat work review of previous skills
·  Phonemic Awareness – short /e/ ; consonants y,w
·  Story – Lucia’s Neighborhood
·  Oral Vocabulary – canvas, important, rhythm, combinations, row, ease
·  Phonemic Awareness -Decoding – T 323
·  Decoding/Phonics – T 323-324 Short /e/, consonants y, w
·  Decodable Reader – Ned
·  Fluency - Vocabulary – my, here, who, does, all, me
·  Spelling /Grammar – short /e/ words, and adjectives
·  Story skills – text and graphic features, question
·  Writing - Narratives
·  Essential Question-Who Can You Meet in a Neighborhood? / Oral questioning, teacher observation, class participation, white boards, thumbs up thumbs down, manipulatives
WB pages 46-59
Day 3
·  Opening Routines – calendar, seat work review of previous skills
·  Phonemic Awareness –Short /e/, consonants k, v, j, y, w
·  Story – Lucia’s Neighborhood
·  Oral Vocabulary – canvas, important, rhythm, combinations, row, ease
·  Phonemic Awareness -Decoding – T 333 - Words with consonants k, v, j
·  Decoding/Phonics – T 333-335 Short /e/, consonants k, v, j, y, w
·  Decodable Reader – Ken and Vic
·  Fluency - Vocabulary – my, here, who, does, all, me
·  Spelling /Grammar – short /e/ words, and adjectives
·  Story skills – text and graphic features, question
·  Writing - Narratives
Essential Question – Why is going to school important? / Oral questioning, teacher observation, class participation, white boards, thumbs up thumbs down, manipulatives
WB pages 46-59
Day 4
·  Phonemic Awareness –Short /e/, k, v, j, y, w
·  Story – Lucia’s Neighborhood
·  Oral Vocabulary – canvas, important, rhythm, combinations, row ease
·  Decoding/Phonics – Short /e/, consonants k, v, j, y, w
·  Decodable Reader- My Pets
·  Vocabulary Strategies-alphabetical order
·  Review story and nonfiction piece – Lucia’s Neighborhood
·  Fluency - Vocabulary – my, here, who, does, all, me
·  Spelling /Grammar – short /e/ words, and adjectives
·  Writing - Narratives
Essential Question – Why is going to school important?
·  TESTS – Vocabulary
·  Comprehension
·  Phonics – Short /e/, Consonants y, w, k, v, j
·  Spelling / Oral questioning, teacher observation, class participation, white boards, thumbs up thumbs down, manipulatives
WB pages 46-59
Summative tests from Grab and go Lesson 4
Spelling Test
Alternate Instructional Interventions: Provide a specific plan for alternate instructional interventions, or re-teaching.
Small group/ leveled reading groups
Targeted tutoring
Teacher conferencing
Instructional technologies to enhance learning: List how each will enhance the effectiveness of the lesson.
united streaming
computer lab