

The iCRIS module has been designed to provide external users (Wards, GP's etc.) with fast and efficient access to all relevant Radiological information including electronic requesting. To access the module, you will need a valid CRIS user name and password. Therefore you may need to contact the RIS System Administrator for access.


When you login to the system for the first time, enter the USERID and password issued by your System Manager and press [Return], or click on the [Login] button in order to create your new password.

After logging in for the first time, the user will be asked to choose a site. Select a site from one of the

drop down options. Please Note: to change a site in the future, click the ‘Change Hospital’ text at the top of the screen.

Once the site has been selected, the user will be presented with the ‘Change Password’ screen. This will need to be changed in line with current trust policy. Please Note: to change a password in the future, click the ‘Change Password’ text at the top of the screen.



Having logged into the system, the user will be presented with a welcome screen; from here users can search for patients, view event details and make requests.

Click the [Search Button] at the top of the screen to initiate the patient search screen.

The following fields can be completed in order to initiate the patient search.

Field / Description
Surname / Enter full or part of the patients surname to aid in the patient search.
Forename / Enter full or part of the patient’s forename to aid in the patient search.
DOB / Enter patients ‘date of birth’ to aid patient search.
Identifier Selection. / An alternative to the name search. This field can be changed to CRIS, Hospital, NHS or Chi number. To change the type of search, click the drop down box.
The following will allow users to search for events that have been made at a specific referring location or by a specific referrer
Enter Ward / Type the referring location name or code of the place you wish to search for. Please note: this is an auto complete search field. As you type in the field, the system will show possible matches.
Enter Referrer / Type the name of the referrer or code you wish to search for. Please note: this is an auto complete search field. As you type in the field, the system will show possible matches.

Once you have entered the details shown above, press either [Search], [Search by Ward] or [Search by Referrer] to initiate the search.


Once the search has completed, a list of possible matches will be displayed down the screen.

To load the required patient record, click the blue arrow to the right hand side of the record or click anywhere on the relevant row.

Note that, if the user is a valid referrer, a list of the user’s events will be displayed on the ‘Home’ page. These results will be the same as if this referrer were searched for using the above referrer search from the ‘Search’ page. A record can be selected in the same way as on the ‘Search Results’ page.


Once the record has been loaded, patient demographics will be displayed at the top of the screen, previous and future events will be displayed below.

Event type Overview

Event Colour / Description.
Purple / Purple records are a form of ‘Request’, either received or accepted.
Red / Red records are a form of ‘Waiting’ either waiting, partial booking or a planned follow up.
Green / Green records identify a future appointment.
Blue / Blue records identify an Attendance.
Grey / Grey records identify a cancelled event or patient DNA.
Icon Descriptions
- Verified Report / - Provisional Report


To view an event in more detail, click the arrow button to the right hand side of the event or click anywhere on the relevant row.

The ‘Event Details’ page will load and display all of the information shown in the CRIS system; Referral information, Clinical History, Comments and a complete Status History with Status Comments.


If the event has a report and the user has the relevant permissions, the Report Viewer will open automatically along with the event details. The Report viewer will show all report information, including ‘Reported By’ details, ‘Verified by Details’.

All aspects of the report can be seen in on the following screen.

If the report has not yet been acknowledged and user has the relevant permissions, a button will appear in place of the ‘Acknowledged by’ section towards the top of the screen to allow the user to acknowledge the report.

If the report includes any graphs then these too will be displayed in the Report Viewer.


Whenever a patient is loaded, a ‘Patient Details’ page is loaded in the background, which can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Patient Details’ tab or by clicking anywhere on the patient banner. This page displays full patient details.


If an event has documents attached, a link will appear on the ‘Event Details’ page enabling the user to view the documents. Alternatively, if the event has a report there will also be a link towards the top of the report page. Clicking on either of these links will take the user to the ‘Documents’ page, which displays thumbnails of all the documents.

To see a document in more details the user can click on the thumbnail. This will enlarge the document and there will be options in the top right of the popup to increase or decrease the size or to close the document.


To make a new request for a patient, search and load the patient record. Once you have the events page on the screen, click the [New Request] button. Please note: A licence is required to make requests in iCRIS. If this button does not appear then contact .

Field / Description.
Referral Source / Search field for the Referral Source. As you begin to type, possible suggestions will appear. Press [Enter] to move onto the next field.
Referral Location / Search field for the Referral Location. A selection can be made using the drop down arrow on the right-hand side.
Referrer / Search field for the Referrer. As you begin to type, possible suggestions will appear. Press [Enter] to move onto the next field.
Speciality / Automatically populates the primary specialty of the selected Referrer.
Mobility / Search field for the patient’s mobility. A selection can be made using the drop down arrow on the right-hand side.
Urgency / Search field for the urgency of the request. A selection can be made using the drop down arrow on the right-hand side.
Date Examinations are required / Requested date for the examination to be undertaken on. Dates can be entered in any format. Press [Enter] to move onto the next field.
LMP / The patient’s LMP date if applicable. Must be of the form dd/mm/yyyy. Press [Enter] to move onto the next field.
Exams / Examination search field. Type the name of an exam, as you begin to type the name of the exam, possible suggestions will appear. Select the appropriate one and press [Enter]. Alternatively, double-clicking in the field will bring up the body part and modality selector. Multiple exams can be selected. If you make a mistake and add an incorrect exam, press theto remove the unwanted exam.
Clinical History / Enter all clinical history – mandatory.
Comment / Enter any additional information into this field – optional.
Reason For Examination / Enter the reason for the examination – mandatory.
Clinical Safety Questions / Enter any patient safety questions – optional.
Next / Displays the finish button.
Finish / Saves the request.

Once the request details have been completed and the [Next] button pressed, a list of questions may appear. These will need to be answered before the request can be finalised. Please note: Questions can be added and changed as needed. Contact for more information.

The user may also be prompted for a site against which to store the event. Select a site from the drop down list and click [Finish].

4. Changing and cancelling requests.

Requests created by the current user may be cancelled or changed as long and they have not gone beyond the request stage. If a request is able to be cancelled or changed, associated buttons will appear at the bottom of the ‘Event Details’ page.

To cancel a request, click on the [Cancel Request] button. This will bring up the ‘Cancel Request’ page which asks the user to select a cancel reason and gives the option to add a comment. Once a cancel reason has been selected and any comments added, click the [Cancel Request] button to finish cancelling the request.

To change a request, click on the [Change Request] button on the ‘Event Details’ page. The ‘Request’ page will be reloaded with the current event information. Any changes can be made and the request can be saved in the same way as when creating a request.


There are various parts of the iCRIS module that can be configured, based on the user’s requirements. These include additional safety questions covering Obstetrics, Contrast anything else relevant.

Security Settings.

Additional security settings can be added into existing CRIS security groups to allow users access, the ability to make requests and more, please refer to the table below for a description.

Security Setting / Description
GENERAL.CREATE_EVENT / Required to create a new Request using the iCRIS Module
GENERAL.CREATE_EXAM / Required to create a new Request using the iCRIS Module
VIEWS.REPORT / Required to view Reports on the iCRIS Module
REPORT.UNVERIFIED_REP / Required to view unverified reports on the iCRIS Module.
REPORT.VIEW_RESTRICTED / Required to view restricted reports on the iCRIS Module.
REPORT.CLINICALACK / Required to acknowledge reports on the iCRIS Module.
RECEPTION.VIEW_RESTRICTED / Required to view restricted patient details on the iCRIS Module.
APPOINT.APPT_OVERLMP / Required to override LMP warning messages when requesting on the iCRIS Module.

Please Note: Security Settings may already have been loaded into the group you are trying to configure.

Format Editor

iCRIS configuration is mainly undertaken within the Format Editor. Listed below is a description of changeable options for the iCRIS module.

Format Name / Configuration option
iCRIS.MOD / Message of the day. Please Note: This can be configured the same as the CRIS message of the day.
<center<div<h1<b>WELCOME TO iCRIS</b</h1</div</center>
iCRIS.Settings/ iCRIS.Settings.trust / Overall settings, these can be changed as needed. Please Note: Changes to these settings will affect all users of iCRIS system/trust wide.
InactivityTimeout=560 / Sets the number of seconds before the user is logged out because of inactivity. Default is ‘180’.
PrintingAllowed=Yes / Specifies if users can print from iCRIS. Default is ‘no’.
DefaultSite=HSS01 / Sets the default Hospital new requests will be saved to. Default is none.
PasswordReuseDays=7 / Sets the number of days before an old password can be reused. Default is ‘0’.
PasswordExpiryDays=100 / Sets the number of days until a new password will expire. Default is ‘55’.
PasswordDictionaryCheck=yes / Sets whether or not to ensure a new password is forbidden from including a dictionary word. Default is ‘no’.
PasswordAlphanumericCheck=yes / Sets whether or not to ensure a new password contains at least one letter and one number. Default is ‘no’.
MinPasswordLength=4 / Sets the minimum number of characters for a new password. Default is ‘8’.
SignOnName=ROWTHsignon / Sets the signon name. Default is ‘ROWTHsignon’.
AVDATATypes=REQCARD,MRI / Sets the types of documents the user can view. Can be any combination of REQCARD, REFERAL, MRI and PREGNANCY. Default is none.
ReportWarning=WARNING - Not to be filed in the medical record / Sets a warning to be displayed on the page when printing a report. Default is ‘Not to be filed in the medical record.’
lrLogSingleView=yes / Sets whether or not to create audit records for when a patient is viewed. Default is ‘no’.
NumPreviousDays=15 / Sets the maximum number of days old an event can be for it to be displayed in a referrer or ward search or on the ‘Home’ page. Default is ‘7’.
MaxNumResults=50 / Sets the maximum number of results to be displayed in a referrer or ward search or on the ‘Home’ page. Default is no maximum.
LoginAttempts=4 / Sets the maximum number of allowed failed login attempts. Default is ‘3’.

Please Note: There are other tables within the format editor that are used for the iCRIS module. These should not be changed under any circumstances unless in agreement or with guidance from the HSS support department. For more information, contact

Document Control

Title / RIS_CRIB299E_02 09 10_iCRIS_v1.1 doc
Author / Julia Paul / Date Created / 23/02/2011
File Ref. / CRIB271
Approval Sign-off
Owner / Role / Method of approval / Date
Approver / Role / Method of approval / Date
Change History
Issue / Date / Author / Editor / Details of Change
1.0 / 22/07/2010 / DC / First Issue
1.1 / 24/02/2011 / Julia Paul / Updating document due to changes in iCRIS for version 1.01
Review Date

Last Updated: Julia Paul 24/02/2011 Healthcare Software Systems – Commercial in Confidence Page 7 of 9