To introduce the hospitality students to recent developments and newer trends being followed currently in the hotel industry.


To create a club within the college for the benefit of the students in house. Prominent guest speakers from the industry will be invited to elaborate on developments and expected changes in the hospitality and tourism sector. The club is to be setup on the lines of ‘The Breakfast Club’ from a university in New Zealand. The club meetings are to happen over tea or coffee and some cookies. Post discussion there will be a period of speaker member interaction. The speakers would range from the Vice President to the CEO’s of high profile multinational companies.

It is the first time that such a concept has been undertaken in the hospitality institutes and it will benefit a lot of young professionals in the making.


4 – 5 times a year or more

Timings – (depending on availability of a suitable venue, mostly post college hours & may be holidays/ weekends)


Tea, coffee,soft beverages and snacks provided after the talks.


Formal attire (Uniform only)


Bottles of water, glasses, and a few candies placed at the centre of the table.


Highly motivated and interested students who keenly wish to listen to the speaker and keep themselves updated with recent happening relevant to their industry. The members can enroll their names a few days in advance for the meeting so that appropriate seating arrangements may be made at the venue.


Membership to the club is extended to all 3rd year students and the 2nd year students after their industrial training. Students from the 2nd year who haven’t completed their training can join the club on getting a reference from at least 2 senior staff members. All applications will be screened before approving membership.

The screening process will be based on academic excellence and previous attendance records, etc. The most important factor being the interest and motivation.

There will be no membership fee.


Core team

  • Mr. Yean Fai Liu (Chairman)
  • Ms. Supriya Agarwal (Club Secretary)
  • Mr. Ojas Deshpande

Communication and Marketing

  • Mr. Supriya Agarwal
  • Ms. Rachel George
  • Mr. Nishant Philip
  • Mr. Balraj Ghai

Event managing team

  • Mr. Yean Fai Liu
  • Mr. Lalit Vijay
  • Ms. Pooja Vora
  • Ms. Mudita Singh
  • Mr. Vikrant Parshurami
  • Ms. Slesha Nambiar

IT team

  • Mr. Mayank Rajan
  • Mr. Siddhesh Namugade


Core team

  1. Decision making with respect to the guest to be invited in consultation with the college management.
  2. Looking into the overall functioning of the club
  3. Co – coordinating with college departmental heads and faculty for smooth flow of event.
  4. Ensure that event is appropriately handled.

Communication team

  1. To ensure a communication cascade within the college to all areas for the success of the club.
  2. Spread the information regarding future meetings and guest speakers.
  3. Create appropriate write ups to post on the college website.
  4. Send invitation letter to the Guest Speaker.

Event managing team

  1. Smooth flow of the event itself.
  2. Coordinate between all areas – for the tea, coffee, and cookies setup, laptop and projector with screen if needed.
  3. Arrange the venue beforehand.
  4. IT team will ensure video and photographic coverage of the entire event and assist the speaker with the projector if necessary.