The purpose of this document is to provide a template for participants to use when responding to Cornwall Council’s soft market test in relation to Leisure Services.

Please complete the form below and return it by: 5pm on Friday 21 August 2015

The Council will not be liable for any costs, expenditure, work or effort incurred in proceeding with or participating in this exercise, including if the leisure transferprocess is terminated or changedby the Council. The submission of a completed Response Form does not commit an organisation to any actions or form any part of a procurement process. Information provided at this stage will help the Council to shape its requirements and ensure that it puts forward a proposition that is attractive to the leisure market;your candid responses would be appreciated.

1. Your Details
1.1)Full Registered Name and address of the organisation
1.2) / Is your organisation:
(a) / A sole trader? / Yes / No
(b) / A partnership? / Yes / No
(c) / A private limited company? / Yes / No
(d) / A public limited company? / Yes / No
(e) / A charity trading as a company?
Or, if not state number of trustees. / Yes / No
(f) / If other - please specify
1.3) Name and position of single point of contact
1.4) Email address for single point of contact for all correspondence
1.5) Telephone number for single point of contact
1.6) Does your organisation have the skills and capacity to provide leisure services, or would you need to engage with other organisations? If so, how and what for?
2. Your Vision
2.1) The Council believes a whole network approach with the assets transferred to the successful organisation to manage, invest in and develop is likely to be the most viable approach. However this is not fixed and the Council is interested to hear from all organisations and their ideas for a sustainable leisure solution. In conjunction with information/data aboutland values, investment opportunities, financial accounts etc., please indicate which Leisure facilities your organisation is interested in by inserting "Yes" for yes and "No" for no in the boxes below.
Service / Service Delivery / Capital Investment / Development Opportunities
All of the below
Dragon Leisure Centre: Bodmin
Helston Leisure Centre: Helston
Lux Park Leisure Centre: Liskeard
Newquay Sports & Community Centre:
Par Running Track: Par
Phoenix Leisure Centre: Launceston
Polkyth Leisure Centre: St Austell
Princess Pavilions &Gyllyngdune Gardens Complex: Falmouth
Saltash Leisure Centre: Saltash
Ships & Castles Leisure Centre: Falmouth
Splash Leisure Pool: Bude
St Ives Leisure Centre: St Ives
Truro Leisure Centre: Truro
Wadebridge Leisure Centre: Wadebridge
Waterworld: Newquay
2.2) Vision
In no more than 1,000 words please provide your vision for leisure services in Cornwall.
2.3) Benefits
In no more than 1,000 words please describe the benefits of your vision, in particular how it would contribute to active lifestyles, local health and wellbeing ambitions and the economy of Cornwall.
2.3) What advantages could the Council expect to enjoy if leisure services were delivered in accordance with your vision?
2.4) Would the inclusion or exclusion of any specific properties / sites from a procurement process have an impact on whether you would bid? Please comment on which properties would influence your approach and the reasons for your views.
2.5) Continuity
The Council’s leisure contractor currently offers a membership service across its leisure centres along with a swimming programme. If these provisions were required to be continued as part of the service, how would this influence your involvement in any potential transfer?
3. Your Evidence
3.1)In no more than 1000 words please provide an overview of any examples where your organisationis currently delivering similar services, especially delivery of leisure services in rural and/or geographically isolated areas.
3.2)In no more than 500 words please explain how you would collate and examine data and intelligence to help improve the service?
4. Details
4.1)What would you consider to be the minimum acceptable contract duration, and why? Do you have any views on either contract structure or property transfer arrangements?
4.2)The Council would expect existing staff to transfer to the new service provider under TUPE. How do you envisage that afuture leisure servicewould beappropriately managed and staffed?
4.3) What short term support needs / start-up costs would you anticipate being required/incurred, if any? How long would support be needed and how do you envisagethat any costs could be met?
4.4) What aspects would you consider to be attractive in Cornwall Council’s leisure resources strategy?
4.5) What aspects would you consider to be unattractive in Cornwall Council’s proposition?
4.6) Please state any risks that you think are associated with the Council’sleisure resources strategyand how you think they could bemitigated.
4.7) What sort of services, if any, do you see as complementary to the operation of the leisure centres?Do you consider that supplementary servicescould be included in the future if necessary and/or desirable?
5. Combined Leisure and Library service
5.1) The Council recognises the potential for synergies and the development of the market in this area. Accordingly, the Council is interested in whether leisure organisations are looking to expand or diversify their operations into the libraries market. Would you be interested in providing a combined Libraries and Leisure service in Cornwall, whether in the short, medium or longer term? If so, please give details of your proposal below drawing from the requirements detailed within the relevant section of the accompanying Soft Market Test brochure together with the information on the Cornwall Council website:
6. Declaration
In the spirit of openness and transparency Cornwall Council isengaging with suppliers early on in this potential procurement process in helping to shape the Council’s leisure resources strategy. Without prejudice to its obligations under applicable law, the Council will treat as confidential and not discloseany information submitted in this Response Form which is marked as or stated to be confidential.
I / We understand that the information provided may be used by Cornwall Council to inform the implementation of its leisure resources strategy and to prepare its statement of requirements and procurement procedure.

I / We acknowledge that the Council maybe obliged to disclose information provided in this Response Form following a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR). I/We acknowledge that theCouncil may consult with me/us to inform its decision regarding any redactions but shall have the final decision in its absolute discretion whether any of the information is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the FOIA.

Electronic signature:
Print Name:


Please return this formby 5pm on Friday 21 August 2015

By email to:

More information

This Response Form is not part of a procurement process. If a procurement process is commenced, potential bidders will have an opportunity to formally submit their tender submission in accordance with the procurement procedure adopted by the Council.

Cornwall Councilappreciates that you may need support in completing this submission. If you would like assistance, please contact the Council’s procurement team (). The Council will endeavour, so far as is practicable, to respond to all questions through issuing a document listing questions and the response to them which will be published on the Council website weekly. The Council will also endeavour to respond to questions at the Supplier Open Day (4 August 2015) and the Local Provider Open Days (5 and 6 August 2015). However, the Council shall not be obliged to comply with any such request and does not accept liability or responsibility for failure to provide any information requested.