Identity, discourse, representation
24-26 November 2010
Venue: University of Évora – Portugal
Keynote speakers – Chris Weedon – University of Cardiff; Two other keynote speakers to be announced
The Centre for the Study of Letters of the University of Évora and the research team of the project ‘Landscapes of the self’ invite scholars, theorists, researchers, and practitioners of autobiography in all media to attend the I International Conference LANDSCAPES OF THE SELF, proposing as its inaugural theme IDENTITY, DISCOURSE, REPRESENTATION.
We envisage to develop discussion and to enhance the appearance of edging theories and practice on the issue.
The conference aims to discuss the tangled web of critical positions regarding the study of autobiographical documents which has, over decades, opened debates about the autobiographical act, as well as about the range, structure and essential features of the autobiography. We would like to encourage reflection on the process of representing the self as a selective and imaginative construction of who we have been and who we are. Autobiographies are positioned within discourses that construct identity and power, and inasmuch as the individual is a discursive formation, autobiography is one of the major discourses through which it is produced. Autobiographical representation is an act of interpretation, where the lived experience is shaped, constrained and transformed.
Representing the self in a filigree of ontological, epistemological and organizational principles of identity, any autobiographical act can be read as geography of the possible (Probyn 1993) where the self is represented by means of several technologies of power, like memory, and several trajectories, materializing itself through discourse. To represent the self through an autobiographical discourse can be considered a political act where the autobiographer chooses to draw a map of meanings of his life and of his/her self, a self that is multiply coded in a range of discourses and conditions and represented by means of several metaphors and modalities, asserting the right to speak rather than to be spoken for.
To read autobiographies as landscapes of the self is to understand them as a canvas where the images of the self are represented; it is to understand autobiographies as a space of communication, where author and audience articulate meanings – where the audience has to make sense of the identity of the author in a simultaneously produced and productive relationship; a relationship which is constitutive of communication as a social practice, and in which the audience has to understand to whom the author is creating, why, how and when.
This conference invites 20-minute papers addressing the topics of identity, discourse and representation from a wide range of interdisciplinary critical perspectives, as well as self-referential works in all media. Although other topics may be considered, we welcome papers dealing with, but not being limited to, issues such as the following:
Discourse Analysis;
Autobiographical Studies;
Referentiality vs. fiction;
The invention of the self;
Construction/representation of identity;
Individual and collective representations of the self;
Gender studies;
Post-colonial studies
The self and the other(s);
Social and cultural identities;
Human geography;
Visual arts/visual culture;
Identity/Representation and genre;
Political Discourse/Political identity;
Ethnical issues;
The self in literature;
Autobiographies in translation;
Theorizing identity and representation in life writing;
The emergence of the self in the social context,
The self and history
Papers may be presented in English, French or Portuguese
Conference Convenors
Ana Clara Birrento
Maria Helena Saianda
Olga Gonçalves
Deadline – 15th June 2010
SUBMISSION OF FULL PAPERS – 30th September 2010
EARLY BIRD – Until 30th July 2010 – 150 Euros
AFTER 30th July 2010 – 250 Euros
Members of the University of Évora/CEL – 75 Euros
Students – 25 Euros (document needed)
Useful links
Évora City Council Tourist Guide -
Portugal Virtual - Evora -
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