Leadership Team
June 20, 2012
Jennifer Kirkland
Karen Louis
Lisa Clark
Kay Toombs
Carol Webster
Elizabeth Conwell
Joe Hubbard
Naomi Kaiser
Monique Yates
· Signature pads are working and are being installed. A log it will be put into Unicare to request that version 2012.1 be installed in the Test DB when available.
· Jennifer reported an issue another CSB was having with Dr. First putting and auto stop date for meds and so Medical Services can be aware of this in case it happens to us.
· We had a demo from Atlas, which is a Labcorp interface. Dr. Byrne would like to explore other options before making a decision. Atlas is the only program that works in Pro-Filer.
· Dr. Byrne and Monique still need to meet regarding Medical Services and Pro-Filer. Karen will talk to Dr. Byrne to supply Monique with some dates and times he can meet.
· Assessment Group met yesterday. Programmers from Uni/Care were included. There is another meeting scheduled with the assessment group tomorrow after the Executives Meeting.
· Joe asked about feedback from other places that have used Pro-Filer for a while. Monique will provide Jennifer some contact information for 2 locations that have been using it for over a year.
· ESkills testing trial will take place in the MIS classroom today at 10:30 for those who have volunteered to participate.
Joe Hubbard
· Discussed Exhibit B information. Naomi distributed a draft email to send to staff and a report of information received from District 19 clinics regarding Exhibit B data. This report does not reflect information gathered via the new process LT put in place. This will be included in next quarter’s report.
· Discussed monthly report for Consortium distributed at the Regional Executive Meeting. He expressed that, at minimum, we need to have a review process to ensure we are looking at using other regional programs, such as Rubicon.
· Joe also discussed an RFP for Community Crisis Response and Child Psych Services. He asked that Adult Services and Children’s Services review and be prepared to discuss the RFP details in the next meeting. The due date for the RFP is July 27th.
· Internal Audit responses are due to Joe today by close of business.
· Contract with VA South has been signed and received. Joe thanked Karen and Theoria Nixon for all their hard work on getting this completed. Karen and Dr. Byrne will continue to work on the option of hiring a full time psychiatrist for District 19 before the VA South contract expires.
· Joe would like Rod Tsiptsis to attend a quarterly mental health committee meeting. Joe will provide Carol and Rod the information on this.
· Reviewed conference call that he participated in dealing with issues with Infant Intervention.
· Joe announced the addition of a new CIT Coordinator to the staff. Bonnie Currie will begin July 2nd. She was instrumental in bringing CIT to North Carolina, and has recently moved to Virginia. She has a lot of experience and is very professional.
Lisa Clark
· Performance Contract has been submitted.
· Auditors will be here next Wednesday and Thursday
· There is a new tab on the April Case Management spreadsheet. There were some questions regarding April contacts. Staff need to be sure to look at the information on the second tab and Managers need to respond by Friday.
Karen Louis
· Karen is in the process of obtaining information from several vendors who provide Tele Psychiatry in the event that additional coverage is needed for children.