Present -:
Cllrs. B Blackford (Chairman), S Robinson (SR), Ms N Chadwick (NC), I Inskip (IS), Mrs D Dumpleton (DD), R Vodnik (RV) & Ms E Seward-Adams (ES)
Mrs K Rees (Clerk), PCSO Clapworthy, Mr N Laister & Mr A Howe (Trevella Caravan Park), Nick Marsden (Cornwall Council) & 9 members of the public
13/156 / Apologies: Cllr. Mrs A Thomas & Cllr. L Shuttlewood13/157 / Resolution 133: Approved
Recordable/Non-Recordable Interests: NC – Any discussion relating to Helvas Tearoom
Dispensations: None
13/158 / Minutes:
RESOLVED: Minutes of the meeting held on 09th October were approved & signed.
13/159 / Mr N Laister & Mr A Howe, Trevella Caravan Park:
Nick Laister & Andrew Howe introduced themselves. Trevella Caravan Park will shortly be submitting a substantial planning application for 78 additional static caravans, 56 touring pitches & associated works. This is a long term project which will create jobs. Cornwall Council & the Highways Agency have been consulted & the applicant is currently working on the recommended surveys and reports arising from these discussions. There will be an open day for members of the public to see the plans on 14th November from 12 – 7pm.
13/160 / Mr N Marsden, Cornwall Council
Nick Marsden advised that the data from the housing surveys has now been analysed. 118 surveys were returned, a 25% response rate. The results of the survey were discussed. 14 households would like an affordable home of some type in Crantock, 4 of these were not on the Homechoice register. If the data from the survey & the Homechoice register is analysed together, there is a housing need for a small development of approximately 12 homes. A developer would need to build 24 homes for it to be financially viable. Although the need is justified, any potential site would still have to go through the planning process and may not meet other planning criteria. RESOLVED: Agenda item for December meeting. Clerk to send holding email to developer.
13/161 / Public Participation:
A resident pointed out that the Christmas Lights displayed at the Memorial Hall are used by kind permission of the owner Mr Clark who also organises the display each year.
A resident complained that the Llangurroc Road sign is being obstructed because people are parking in front of it. RESOLVED: Chairman to investigate.
Three areas of the village need cutting – outside the first affordable housing development in Trevowah Road, the top of Halwyn Hill & alongside The Orchard. RESOLVED: Clerk to ask Earthworm to action.
Several complaints have been received about the no waiting signs placed along Beach Road & West Pentire Road. BB read out the explanation from highways as to why they have been installed.
13/162 / Police Report:
PCSO Clapworthy advised that there was no recordable crime in the Parish in October. A comment was made about the noise of the small motorbikes travelling along Halwyn Road. However, if no offence is committed, nothing can be done. The police will continue to keep an eye on the bus shelter in Trevowah Road.
13/163 / Urgent Business Identified After Circulation of the Agenda:
13/164 / Planning:
Applications: None.
Decisions: PA13/09138(Crantock Bay Apartments) – non material amendments approved
13/165 / Cornwall Council Report
The Clerk read out a report from LS. Cormac will be contacting those residents directly who have complained about the installation of the no waiting signs. Trevemper Road will be resurfaced in 2014. There is a huge planning backlog and extra planning committee meetings are being held to deal with this.
13/165 / Cluster/Network Report:
No meetings. A meeting of the Community Trust will take place next week. NOTED.
13/166 / Matters Arising:
(a) Japanese Knotweed: The Clerk has written to Acer who have agreed to cancel the contract However, the October treatment has already been done so there is an outstanding payment. NOTED.
(b) Parish Website/Parish Leaflet: The Clerk has started work on the website (www.parish-council.co.uk/crantock) but it is a work in progress. Photos are required of the Parish. NOTED.
(c) Public Toilets: The transfer of ownership was completed today so the Parish Council is now the owners of the toilets. NOTED.
(d) Village Design Statement Committee: RESOLVED: Agenda item for January.
(e) Crantock Housing Survey: Dealt with under item 13/160.
13/167 / Business Matter:
(a) Crantock Emergency Plan: SR & BB have attended two informative seminars. SR will be organising a meeting in due course with the aim of completing the plan by the middle of next year. NOTED.
(b) Co-Option of New Councillor: No election has been called so Council is free to co-opt a new member. RESOLVED: Clerk to advertise vacancy with a view to co-opting at the December meeting.
(c) Ownership of The Gannel: No further communication with Newquay Town Council. NOTED.
(d) Information Leaflet: RESOLVED: ES & DD volunteered to take over project.
(e) National Trust Beach Car Park Winter Service: A discussion took place as to whether the Council should pay for the emptying of the skip & dog bins in the National Trust Car Park during the winter while the car park is closed. RESOLVED: Chairman to write to the National Trust to advise that Council will no longer pay for the emptying of the skip & ask them to share the cost of emptying the dog bins.
(f) Christmas Lights: RESOLVED: David Eyles to purchase lights for the Round Garden & organise Christmas Tree with Bernard Clark.
13/168 / Highway/Footpath Issues :
(a) Poorhouse Lane (NC declared an interest): This is a recurring issue and following discussions it was RESOLVED that the Parish Council could not do anything further. However, the Parish Council will look to install a ‘no through road’ sign.
(b) Ownership of the Triangle in the Centre of Crantock: The Clerk has contacted BT but has not received a reply. She will now try land registry. NOTED.
(c) Winstowe Terrace: Highways will install wooden posts on the vergez if a source of funding can be found. RESOLVED: Clerk to contact LS to see if there is still grant funding available.
13/169 / Village Hall & Recreation Ground Report
DD have a report with particular reference to the Village Hall website, which is now up and running; the Section 106 money which is still ongoing & the AGM which will be held on 06th Nov. NOTED.
13/171 / Memorial Hall Report
The Clerk read out a report. The pre-refurbishment asbestos survey took place on 5th November. The Christmas Coffee Morning will take place on 14th December. Supporters can raise money by using the Easysearch search engine instead of google & by shopping via the easyfundraising website. NOTED.
12/172 / Finance:
Council: Lloyds - £1353.77 / Santander - £26757.83
RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £1725.58 were approved for payment. £2000 to be vired.
Memorial Hall: Lloyds - £759.55 / Santander - £41698.34
RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £783.00 were approved for payment. £100 to be vired.
13/173 / Correspondence:
The correspondence was read out with particular reference to Hevlas Tearooms (change of use planning application submitted); a complaint about the steps by St. Carantoc Way & Halwyn Hill (Corma to carry out maintenance); rubbish in St. Carantoc Way and the Cornwall Council consultations currently open. NOTED.
13/174 / Public Particpation:
13/175 / Business not requiring a decision at this meeting.: An enforcement issue was reported in Carneton Close. Clerk to report. NOTED.
13/176 / Date of Next Meeting:
The Chairman thanked members for their attendance and advised that the next scheduled Full Council Meeting will take place on 11th December at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, Crantock. The meeting closed at 21.25pm.