2018 IPMA Global Achievement Awards
Application from [Name of Individual]
Category: Project Manager
of the Year/Young Project Manager of the Year (delete which is not applicable)
Please refer to the IPMA Global Achievement AwardSubmission Guidelines whilecompleting the Application Form.
All content must be presented in Calibri font, minimum size 12 point. Indicative page limits are flexible; however total content must not exceed 25 A4 pages including the title and table of contents pages.
Page limit includes all appendices, but not including the English translation of any original documentary evidence provided in a language other than English
Photos should be included at appropriate points throughout the submission. The electronic submission must include a minimum of five and a maximum of ten high resolution photographs in JPG format, including a head-and-shoulders photograph of the individual.
All grey instructions should be deleted in the final Application Form.
Company name:
Project name:
Date of submission:
Table of Contents:
Section 1 General Information
Section 2 Summary of the Project
Section 3Outline of the Project
Section 4Project Outcomes
Section 5Outstanding Achievement and/or Innovation in Project Management best Practice
Section 6Appendixes
Section 7Statement of Applicant
Section 1 General Information
NameDate of birth
Phone / e-mail
City / Country
Name of Company/employer
Name and contact details of the Project Manager’ssupervisor
Phone / E-mail
Name and contact details of the project owner/client representative
Phone / E-mail
Name and contact details of an optional third referee (e.g. project board/committee member, etc.)
Phone / E-mail
Submission Confirmations
Please insert the confirmation or add it as attachment to the Application Form.
Confirmation that consent to use the project has been received from the client/owner.
For example a letter or e-mail from the client /owner granting consent.
Confirmation that consent to use photographs, company logos and other properties used in the submission has been received.
For example a letter or e-mail from an appropriate person granting permission.
Confirmation that the project has an approved plan and budget.
For example a letter or e-mail from an appropriate person stating the plan and budget approval, or a copy of an approved plan and budget (including the approval).
Section 2 Introduction of the Individual
Prepare an introduction of not more than 100 words of yourself (including performance, project outcomes, and project responsibilities). This summary will only be used in any audio-visual presentation compiled by IPMA for the Awards programme.
NOTE: Summaries may be amended at the sole discretion of IPMA to suit the technical requirements of the AV presentation.
Section 3Curriculum Vitae
In this section provide a Curriculum Vitae (this can be an attached file) or detailed summary of the applicant Project Manager (no more than 1000 words), to sufficiently summarise relevant educational and work background, including programme(s)/project(s) undertaken, and any other relevant information.
Section 4Project Context
In order to provide the context in which the applicantProject Manager is/was working, provide a brief outline of the programme/project that is referenced in the narratives in section 5, including purpose, outcomes, and description of what made this project challenging, innovative or complex (not more than 1000 words).
If you need to describe narratives from more than one project or programme, please provide information from all projects/programmes addressed in the narratives.
Section 5Performance Narratives
The narratives should reflect the project management performance of the applicantin achieving or exceeding desired project outcomes through the application of best practices and the demonstration of outstanding achievement and innovation. Submissions are to address FIVE DIFFERENT competences(from the ICB4: two Practice competences,two People competences andone further competence to be chosen from all ICB4 competences (Practice, People or Perspective).
Narratives should be in STAR format (that is: a short description of a specific situation/problem/challenge, of his or her Task, of his or her Actions to resolve the situation/problem/challenge and of the Result(s) of the Actions. Each Performance narrative may describe one or more STARs).
Describe in each Performance narrative how the applicantexhibited excellence and/or innovation in his/her management of the programme/project, and describe how this benefited the achievement of the desired outcomes of the programme/project.
Provide a description of the management competencies/strategies employed and how they were applied within theprogramme/project lifecycle.
Evidence to support the narrative should be included in the form of supporting project documentation.Evidence to support each of the Performance narratives should take the form of referee comments by the applicant’s (your) supervisor or the project owner/client. Referee comments should include the referee’s name and contact details. Evidence in the form of supporting project documentation may also be included.
Performance narrative 1 - Practice competence: [name of the competence]
Performance narrative 2 - Practice competence: [name of the competence]
Performance narrative 3 - People competence: [name of the competence]
Performance narrative 4 - People competence: [name of the competence]
Performance narrative 5 - Practice/People/Perspective competence: [name of the competence]
Section 6Appendices
Appendix 1: [insert name of evidence included in this appendix]
Copies of original documentary evidence is required to support your submission claims. For example, if the innovation you are claiming saved 10% of the project budget, then providing the financials from a business case with a comparison document showing the saving is considered validated. Another example may be that an extract from the original project document be included with a copy of the amended plan again highlighting the difference between what was planned and what actually occurred.Photographs and quotes from clients or managers substantiating claims that you make are also classed as appropriate evidence.
The copies of original documentary evidence may be provided in the original language, but where this is not English, an English translation should be provided. Any pages used to provide such a translation are not included in the application form 25 page limit.
Note: evidence is scored during judging and therefore if evidence is not provided, the judges score for evidence may be zero, and likewise if the evidence is not relevant or considered to be supportive, then the scoring will be commensurate with this.
Appendix 2: [insert name of evidence included in this appendix]
Include evidence for each Practice/People/Perspective Competence covered in section 5. As many appendices as necessary can be provided for each competence, as well as one piece of evidence may be relevant for more than one competence.
Appendix 3: [insert name of evidence included in this appendix]
Include evidence for each Practice/People/Perspective Competence covered in section 5. As many appendices as necessary can be provided for each competence, as well as one piece of evidence may be relevant for more than one competence.
Section 7Applicant Statement
I consent herewith, in the name of the project team and our organisation, to observe the rules in the application process for the IPMA GlobalAchievement Award and to recognise the IPMA assessment organisation’s decisions as absolute.
Iconfirm that the application fulfils the requirements for the IPMA Global Achievement Awards and that all information given in the submitted application and documentation are trueand correct. Iaccept the data protection and confidentiality clauses demanded by the IPMA organisers.
Location / Date / Applicant Signature1