JULY 1, 2018 - JUNE 30, 2019

(Application must be completed and submitted in Fall 2017.)

The University administration has asked for the names of tenured faculty members who intend to apply for sabbatical leave which would occur during any part of the 2018-19 fiscal year. Please notify your Department Chair or Regional Medical Campus Director by September30, 2017 of your intention to submit your application.

A tentative list of those planning to apply for sabbatical leave should be submitted through the Department or Regional Medical Campus to the Dean's Office by October6,2017.

Applications are to be submitted electronically to the Dean's Office to the attention of Lynn Wakefield () by October 20,2017. Applications must include a letter of support from the Department Chair or, in the case of faculty located at a regional medical campus, from the Regional Medical Campus Director. Please see the instructions for electronic submission at If the applicant has previously had a sabbatical leave, copies of the resulting report must be attached electronically to the new application. For questions regarding electronic submission, please contact Christy Cole at 274-4630 or .

Sabbatical leaves for 2018-19 will normally begin between July 1, 2018 and June30, 2019. Any application for an earlier date must be accompanied by a written explanation and request for special consideration. The Board of Trustees ordinarily will not approve sabbatical leave applications until April2018; thus an early date poses special problems for the campus Sabbatical Leaves Committee, the IUPUI Executive Vice Chancellor/Chief Academic Officer, and the Board of Trustees. Applications received too late for evaluation and transmittal to IUPUI will ordinarily not be considered since the IUPUI Sabbatical Leaves Committee meets only once a year.

Sabbatical leaves have been approved at Indianapolis either for a semester (or a five month period for faculty on a twelve month appointment, such as most faculty in the School of Medicine) at full pay, or for the academic year (or a ten month period for faculty on a twelve month appointment, such as most faculty in the School of Medicine) at half pay. The dean will forward only those proposals which will be supported financially if approved at the campus level.

In 1981 the University Faculty Council recommended and the Trustees approved the following addendum to the policy: "A sabbatical leave need not be taken in a single academic year, but may be divided over several academic years." Applications are welcomed in accordance with this policy, but it is suggested that faculty members discuss plans carefully with their respective chairs and/or regional medical campus directors. The following guidelines should be kept in mind.

1. The initial application for a divided sabbatical leave must set forth plans for the total duration of the entire sabbatical leave, indicating when the applicant will take the various leave periods.

2. Any application requesting a divided leave which would include a period of less than half a semester (eight weeks) should provide a well-supported rationale for the shortness of the leave period.

3. A divided sabbatical leave may be taken for a total of either ten months at half pay or five months at full pay, but not for any combination of half and full pay periods.

4. Eligibility rules for a divided sabbatical leave remain the same as those for the conventional sabbatical leave. No part of a leave may be taken before the completion of six years of full-time service in a tenure track position. A leave will not be granted during the tenure probationary period.

5. The policy that all persons who have been on sabbatical leave are obligated to return to their regular positions at Indiana University for at least one academic year also applies to divided leaves.

Within three months of the end of the sabbatical leave, a report describing execution of the work for which leave was granted is to be sent to the Department Chair or Regional Medical Campus Director for signature and then forwarded to the Dean's Office. Report forms are available at

Sabbatical leaves are also discussed on the University Policies website (

May 2017
