Saturday 27th March
8.45 – 9.30 / Registration A79.30 – 10.30 / Plenary Session Room A96
Dr. Susan Wiseman (Birkbeck College, University of London).
10.30 – 11.00 / Coffee Break A7
11.00 – 12.30 / Session One
Panel A. Social Outsiders C1
Alastair Bain (University of Aberdeen)
The Exploitation of Sensory Impairment. Some Case Studies from Early Modern England.
Elizabeth Leslie Black (University of St. Andrews)
Heilan Annie and the Kailyard: Representations of Older People as Outsiders, c.1870-1900.
Iain Hutchison (University of Strathclyde)
Literary Representation of People with Disabilities in nineteenth century Scotland.
Panel C. Language 1. D1
Anthony Banks (University of Sussex)
Derrida and Cixous. Watching from Outside.
Alicia Meseguer (University of Sussex)
‘Vertiginous Music’ - Writing at the Limit.
Vivienne Lim Wen Woon
(National University of Singapore)
(title not yet provided) Outside Linguistics.
12.30 – 1.30 / Lunch A7
11.00 – 12.30 / Session One
Panel B. Scottish Outsiders. C2
Karla Benske (Glasgow University)
Angel or Temptress? The impact of a Jewish exile on a small Scottish community in Stuart Hood's A Storm From Paradise.
Vikki Forsyth (University of St. Andrews)
The Outsider From Within in Samuel Daniel's The Queene's Arcadia.
Andrew Sneddon (University of Stirling)
Picts, Highland Gaels and Outsiders: Ethnicity and Culture in the Novels of Neil M Gunn
Panel D. Exiles and Post – Colonial Outsiders. B2
Gino Fransman (University of Western Cape)
(title not yet provided) Exile as a state.
Bela Gligorova (University of Leeds)
When Memory Beckons: the world of David Albahari's Exile Narratives.
Daphne Grace (University of Sussex)
Lonesome among the lonely: nomads in no-man's land in The Sheltering Sky and The Sand Child.
Susan Penfield (University of Arizona)
Outside In: Outsiders who represent tribal communities inside mainstream culture.
Saturday 27th March
Panel A. Shakespeare and the Outsider. C1
Neil Chilton (University of Bristol)
Through the figured tapestry: Henry James and the creative life of Shakespeare.
Claire Griffiths (University of Liverpool)
Recovering the Outsider: Confession in Othello. "But words are words; I never yet did hear / That the bruis'd heart was pierced through the ear"
Marilynn Loveless (Walla Walla College, USA)
Revisionary Re-reading: A new Critical Direction for The Shakespeare Canon.
Panel C. Gothic 1. D1
Jennifer Bann (University of Stirling)
Living in Gothic Time: a new reading of Dracula
Abi Curtis (University of Sussex)
Absence and the Figure of the Double in the Fiction and Poetry of John Burnside.
Minna Vuohelainen (Birkbeck College, London)
Representations of poverty in the popular fiction of Richard Marsh
3.00 – 3.30 / Coffee Break. A7
1.30 – 3.00 / Session 2.
Panel B. Women as Outsiders. C2
Anna Bogen (University of Sussex)
'A Patchwork of Oddness': the Female Student as Outsider.
Victoria Morgan (University of Liverpool)
'Between the Light and Me-' Emily Dickinson as poetic interloper.
Jennie Tsai (University of Liverpool)
(title not yet provided) Jean Rhys, Anais Nin, Katherine Mansfield
Panel D. Literary Outsiders. B2
Sharae Deckard (University of Warwick)
Artist, Priest and Spy: Graham Greene's Outsiders.
Paul Ferguson (Lancaster University)
Outside the inside: Resisting the Invisible Threads of Bondage in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning.
Martin Randall (University of Gloucestershire)
A Great Emptiness Inside: Dissociation and Detachment in Bernhard Schlink's The Reader.
Saturday 27th March
Panel A. Film and Media. C1
Alison Pierse (Lancaster University)
The Outsiders of Sleepy Hollow
Duncan Robertson (University of Stirling)
The Outsider and Memento
Virginia Small (Sydney, Australia)
(title not yet provided) The politics of media representation.
Panel C. Positioning the female writer. D1
Eadaoin Agnew
(title not yet provided) the position of two female travel writers
Naomi McAreavey (Queen’s University, Belfast)
(title not yet provided). The letters of an Anglo-Irish Woman.
Tracey Rosenberg (University of Edinburgh)
Outsiders From their Own Texts: How Feminists Went Wrong With Fiction.
5. 15 – 5.45 / Plenary Session : Poetry Reading A96
3.30 – 5.00 / Session 3.
Panel B. Alternative approaches. C2
Matthew Davis (University of Dundee)
The Outsider as Historical Source
Mark Frost (University of Southampton)
The Systemae Proserpinae: John Ruskin and the battle for botany
Adam Mason (University of Bristol)
Smollett at Bath.
Panel D. Outsiders? 1. B2
Samir A Abdel-Naim (University of Reading)
The Politically Engaged Literary Intellectual as an 'Outsider'.
Cristina Sandru (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)
Always the Ex-Centric and Still the Enemy: the Eastern European Other.
Ignatius Ticha (University of Western Cape)
The Representation of African Migrants as Outsiders in Post-Apartheid South African Literature
Don’t forget our ceilidh tonight at 8pm at the Management Centre on campus – we look forward to seeing you there!
Sunday 28th March
9.30 – 10.30 / Plenary Session Room A96
Prof. Robert Miles (University of Stirling).
10.30 – 11.00 / Coffee Break A7
11.00 – 12.30 / Session One
Panel A. Women and the Post – Colonial Outsider C1
Graeme Finnie (University of Dundee)
Literature at the margins. Leslie Silko’s Ceremony and the Southwest..
Nalini Paul (Glasgow University)
A Sense of Be-Longing:: Anna Morgan in Jean Rhys' Voyage in the Dark.
Kate Wright (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)
The Nightmare of Belonging: Demonised and Alienated Women in Calixthe Beyala's Your Name Shall be Tanga.
Panel C. Science Fiction. D1
Caroline Bate (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)
A way out: cyberpunk fiction and the posthuman-ist outsider.
Sinead Boyd (Lancaster University)
Kaleidoscope: Transient characters in Philip K Dick's Dr. Bloodmoney.
James Holden (Loughborough University)
Outside Science Fiction, 'Outside' in Science Fiction.
12.30 – 1.30 / Lunch A7
11.00 – 12.30 / Session One
Panel B. Poetry. C2
Ruth Hemus (University of Edinburgh)
Emmy Hennings: poet 'sans patrie'.
Anna Hewitt (University of Newcastle)
Elizabeth Bishop: The special sensibility of an outsider's poetic vision.
Debora Quattrochi (Middlesex University, London)
Mina Loy, 'Child of Exodus with her heritage of emigration'.
Panel D. Art Outsiders. B2
Ourania Karoula (University of Edinburgh)
The 'New York Intellectuals' and the role of political art: from an active insider to an 'immature and ill' outsider.
Carrie LeBlanc (University of Manchester)
Spots Before Their Eyes: the reception of young British art.
Jenni Quilter (St John’s College, Oxford)
The Mad and the Beautiful: Outsider Art in the Twenty-First Century.
Sunday 28th March.
1.30 – 3.00 / Session 2.Panel A. Political Arts. C1
Mark Brown (University of Strathclyde)
Mercedez Benz Defacement: The 'outsider' aesthetics and politics of the Riot Group.
Martin Dines (Kingston University)
From subterranean to suburban: John Rechy, Dennis Cooper and the tradition of gay outlaw writing.
David Kaufman (University of Stirling)
The representation of Outsiders in the Yiddish Fiction of Issac Bashevis Singer.
Panel C. The Literary Canon 1. D1
Wei Kao (University of Kent, Canterbury)
An Outsider in Ireland: Mary Lavin and her short stories
Karen McGavock (Glasgow University)
The impressiveness of an exiled Scotsman on the make': Sir J.M. Barrie and dilemmas of displacement, exclusion and national identity.
Virginia Sampson (University of Durham)
(title not yet provided) James Beattie and Scotland’s intellectual and literary heritage.
3.00 – 3.30 / Coffee Break. A7
1.30 – 3.00 / Session 2.
Panel B. Travel Writers. C2
Robert Burroughs (Nottingham Trent University)
Peripheral Visions of Colonial Culture.
Corinne Fowler (University of Stirling)
(title not yet provided) ethnographic dilemmas over cross-cultural representation
Churnjeet Mahn (Glasgow University)
Locating Greece: The Guidebook and the Branding of Greece.
Panel D. Language 2. B2
Riley Meredith (University of Sussex)
English: The Ins and Outs of Our Language Barrier.
Pamela Meyers (University of West Florida)
Radical Language Reformation: The New 'Language' in Trilogy.
Belinda Rimmer (Manchester Metropolitan University)
(title not yet provided) Kristeva, language and gender.
Sunday 28th March
Panel A. The Literary Canon 2. C1
Dawn Bellamy (University of Bristol)
'Clothed in the separative glass cloak of strangeness': The War Poetry of Keith Douglas.
Amy Hayes (University of Sussex)
(Re)Claiming the Ninth Art: Comics in Academia
Helen Lloyd (Glasgow University)
'I was a character as well as audience': Authorial position in the biographical representations of Naomi Mitchison.
Panel C. Narrative outsiders. D1
Lynsay Lunan (Glasgow University)
The Anxiety of the Autodidact: The self taught man in Hugh Miller and Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure.
James Riley (Lancaster University)
'I turned myself from serene Jekyll to hysterical Hyde': Outsider / Insiders States and Literary Tension in Jack Kerouac's On the Road.
Behrooz Soltanian (University of Reading)
Insider / Outsider as double consciousness in the detective stories of Arthur Conan Doyle
3.30 – 5.00 / Session 3.
Panel B. Gothic 2. C2
Marilyn Michaud (University of Stirling)
(title not yet provided) I am Legend: the vampire in 1950s American culture.
Kamila Vrankova (University of South Bohemia)
Alienated heroes in contemporary children's literature in English.
Evert Van Leeuwen (Leiden University)
Turning Melville's Gothic outsiders inside out: Pierre, Bartleby, and Bannadonna as unorthodox Associationists.
Panel D. Outsiders? 2 B2
Maria Bittarello (University of Stirling)
Teucer the Trojan as prototype of the exile: outsider or bridge among cultures?
Ieuan Jones (University of York)
Pagans: Postmodern Pioneers.
Jason Roche (University of St. Andrews)
Byzantine literary representations of the twelfth century 'barbarian' crusader.