THIS AGREEMENT made this ______day of ______, 2017, by and between UNITED WAY OF ELIZABETHTON/CARTERCOUNTY, INC., TENNESSEE, hereinafter called “UNITED WAY”, and ______,
hereinafter called “AGENCY”:
The Agency desires to participate as a funded agency of United Way in the year 2017. It is agreed between the parties as follows:
- The AGENCY agrees and binds itself:
a.To accept the apportionment of funds made to it by the United Way Allocation Committee and approved by the United Way Board of Directors.
b. In the event the campaign goal is not collected, to accept its proportionate share, as recommended by the United Way Allocation Committee and approved by the United Way Board of Directors.
- To conduct no separate campaigns or solicitations within the area of the United Way for current expenses, capital, or other purposes without prior approval by the United Way Board of Directors if the timing is in conflict with the United Way Campaign High Volume Timeframe (September 15 – November 15) or conflicting in manner of solicitation, collection, and of the specific purposes for which the funds shall be used.
- To maintain a responsible, volunteer Board of Directors which shall meet at least four times a year and shall keep minutes which will list the names of those in attendance at all Board meetings.
- To file with United Way annually a copy of a complete and satisfactory audit or financial review of all accounts and holdings of the agency (depending on the amounts of finances supplied by the United Way and at the discretion of either the Allocation Committee or the Board of Directors, United Way may require that audits be performed by a certified public accountant).
- To submit to United Way, in addition to annual financial statements, reasonable information concerning finances, programs, and other relevant issues, and in such form as the Board of Directors or Budget Committee may require.
- To keep its books open to inspection upon request by United Way.
- To undertake no substantial change of services in the United Way area without notifying and receiving approval of continued funding of altered services.
- To identify itself in every practical manner as a recipient of United Way support through the display of United Way insignia on its property, offices, stationery, publications, and through any other procedure which would be mutually beneficial in the promotion of the United Way Campaign.
- To cooperate actively with the United Way campaign by visible support of the campaign and coordination with other agencies in promoting effective services with efficiency and economy.
- To establish guidelines as outlined below, subject to review by the United Way Allocation Committee, with the following categories not to exceed a total of 25% of the total allocated amount:
(1)membershipdues to state and/or national organizations not to exceed 10% of the total allocated amount;
(2)administrative expenses not to exceed 10% of theallocated amount;
(3)training, seminars or special meetings, including related travel, not to exceed 5% of the allocated amount.
- To never distribute United Way funds allocated to it to any other entity or agency without prior specific approval by the United Way Board of Directors.
- To deposit all United Way-provided funding in a federally insured account.
- To render services, recruit volunteers, select leaders, and hire, fire, and promote personnel without discrimination or segregation with respect to age, sex, handicap, race, creed, religion or national origin.
- To secure and maintain status as a 501(c)(3) corporation under the Internal Revenue code and to observe and comply with all local, state and federal laws which apply to non-profit organizations.
- To attend a quarterly meeting of United Way staff and partner agencies, where all involved speak candidly regarding the issues facing the community; and to submit a quarterly impact report to be used by United Way in its community endeavors.
- To maintain monthly contact with United Way staff and/or board members in regards to activities.
- The UNITED WAY agrees on its part:
- To maintain a responsible, volunteer Board of Directors which meets at least bi-monthly and keeps minutes which will list the names of those in attendance at all Board meetings.
- To keep records of gross disbursements open to inspection by any official of any United Way agency.
- To submit all actions of the Allocation Committee for final approval by the Board of Directors.
- To inform United Way members promptly of special problems confronting United Way when such problems affect the agency members.
- To provide a hearing on any matter at the request of any United Way agency member or group of United Way agency members.
- To respect the autonomy of each United Way agency.
- To promote the identity of each member agency to the public.
- In principal, to permit participating agencies to accept unsolicited funds for capital needs and equipment, to accept endowments and bequests, and not to deduct the amount of such donations from the agency’s United Wayallocation, provided the agency has reported and received approval as outlined above.
- To permit any contributor to United Way to designate his contribution to one or more of the United Way agencies, and to honor said designation as a portion of the total allocation to the Agency.
3.IT IS FURTHER mutually agreed that in all cases not specifically covered by this agreement, the by-laws of United Way, as adopted by, and contained in the minute book of the corporation, shall control, and the applicable provisions thereof, shall be binding upon both parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto caused their names to be signed by their duly authorized offices or officials on the day and date first above written.
President, Chairman of the President, Chairman of the
Board, or Executive Director Board, or Executive Director
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