A guide to health services for educational establishments in Somerset
This guide has been produced at the request of the Somerset Children and Young People’s Compact.
The structure of health services in Somerset
Understanding the structure of health services both nationally and locally can be a challenge. In April 2013, the Health and Social Care Act 2012 came into effect, making sweeping changes to the way in which the NHS is organised. The Act abolished the former Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and in their place divided responsibility for health commissioning amongst a number of bodies with local doctors taking much of the lead through bodies known as Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). Our local body is Somerset CCG.
To understand the complexity of the restructured health service, a number of key principles are important:-
1. It is easy to assume that everyone in the National Health Service (NHS) knows what each other do and that they work collectively. In fact the NHS is not one big organisation. Rather it is a collective name for lots of different and separate organisations, each with their own remits, management structures, budgets and governance. (Fig 1)
2. Within health there is a very clear divide between those organisations that plan and purchase services based on local needs, known as commissioners, and those organisations that they contract to meet these needs, known as providers. (Fig 2)
3. Some aspects of health support for children and young people are provided by organisations outside of the NHS. The Local Authority, children centres and schools themselves have a role to play in ensuring our children and young people grow up emotionally and physically well
Fig 1: Shows the national structure for commissioning health services and what these various organisations are called in Somerset
Fig 2: List of services for children and young people, showing who pays for them, who provides them, which require a referral and where more information can found.
Fig 1: the national structure for commissioning health services and what these various organisations are called in Somerset
* Bristol, N Somerset, Somerset, S Glous
Department of Health / Government department responsible for improving people’s health and wellbeing through its stewardship of the adult social care, public health and NHS systemsPublic Health England / National body responsible for Public Health strategy and national campaigns
Somerset County Council: Public Health / Public Health is now led through local government rather than the NHS. Local Authorities are required to undertake a local needs assessment and contribute to strategic thinking and commissioning that improves the population’s health & wellbeing
NHS England / Regionally structured organisation that commissions a range of community based public health and healthcare services and provides leadership for local GP led Commissioning Groups
Somerset CCG / GP led body that commissions most health services in Somerset
GP Federations / Groups of between 4 and 13 GP practices working together in their area and informing the CCG’s commissioning priorities
GP Practices / Independent businesses providing GP led services. Usually first point of contact for patients.
Health services for children and young people in Somerset
The table below provides a list of the main health services of relevance to children and young people, explaining who pays for them, who provides them and where further information can be accessed. At this stage it is not a full list and does not include some of the more specialist services that children with complex and additional health needs may be accessing. The intention is to build on the list as further areas are identifed. To add to or amend this document please contact Clare Laker : Public Health Coordinator, Children and Young People
Services requiring a referral: Some of the services below will require a referral in order for a child or young person to be seen. Once a referral has been received it will be triaged using service thresholds. Where this is the case it is shown. For further details on how to make a referral or to contact the provider visit the service’s website.
A note about Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Many of the health services for children and young people in Somerset are commissioned from Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. This is an independent provider body which delivers a wide range of functions including public health nursing, CAMHS, Integrated therapy services and contraceptive and sexual health services.
Fig 2: Services for children and young people, showing who pays for them, who provides them and where more information can found (alphabetical order)
Service / Current Provider / Commissioner / Further informationContinence service / Referral required / Paediatric Continence Service
Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / www.sompar.nhs.uk/our_services/childrenandyoungpeople/paediatric_continence
Dental / oral health
Support for schools to deliver universal and targeted messages / Somerset Health & Wellbeing in Learning Programme / Somerset County Council / www.somersethealthinschools.co.uk
NHS Dentists / Various / NHS England Area Team / Dental helpline: 0300 1237691
Health care including GP and hospital care
Children’s primary health care services / Somerset 75 GP practices / NHS England Area Team / www.somersetccg.nhs.uk
Maternity services and routine newborn services / Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / www.yeovilhospital.nhs.uk
Click on services
Elective hospital care / Paediatric services / Referral required / Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / www.yeovilhospital.nhs.uk
Click on services
NHS Continuing Healthcare / Referral required / Multidisciplinary Complex Health Needs Panel decision leading to appropriate referral / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / Continuing Health Care Manager 01935 385231
Urgent and emergency care including A&E, Minor Injury Units (MIUs), ambulance services and out of hours primary medical services / Accident and Emergency
Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Minor Injury Units – provided by Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Great Western Ambulance Service
Out of hours primary care/111 service / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / CCG info www.somersetccg.nhs.uk
NHS Choices website www.nhs.uk/Pages/HomePage.aspx
Minor Injuries Units
Infant and child immunisation / Delivered through primary care (GPs) / NHS England Area Team / Direct enquires to
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) / School Nursing Service
Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / NHS England Area Team / Direct enquires to
Looked After Children Health Services / Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / Based at: Maltravers House, Petters Way, Yeovil, BS20 1SP LAC Nurses:
Telephone: 01935 848 140
Medical Equipment:
Integrated Community Equipment Service / Medequip
Southern Care / Somerset County Council
Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / http://www.medequipuk.com/
Wheelchairs / Exeter Mobility Centre / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / Exeter Mobility Centre – 01392 403649
Approved repairers for servicing / maintenance / problems: 01392 403663
Mental health
Mental health promotion, mental illness prevention and suicide prevention / Somerset Health & Wellbeing in Learning Programme / Somerset County Council / www.somersethealthinschools.co.uk
Child Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) / Referral required / Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / www.sompar.nhs.uk/our_services/childrenandyoungpeople/camhs
Deaf Children, Young People and Family Service (National Deaf CAMHS) / Referral required / Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / http://www2.sompar.nhs.uk/children__young_people/national_deaf_camhs.aspx
Obesity / Healthy Weight
Local programmes to address physical inactivity and promote being physically active / Somerset Health & Wellbeing in Learning Programme
Active Lifestyle Officers to support individuals and families plus a broad range of leisure providers. / Somerset County Council / www.somersethealthinschools.co.uk
National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) / NCMP – carried out by School Nursing Service
Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset County Council / Email:
Paediatric dietetics / Referral required / Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset County Council / www.sompar.nhs.uk/our_services/specialist_services/dietetics
Occupational (Paediatric) Therapy / Referral required / Integrated Therapy Service (ITS)
Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / www.sompar.nhs.uk/our_services/childrenandyoungpeople/integrated_therapy_service/
see Fact File for advice on supporting children and young people without a referral to the ITS
Physiotherapy (Paediatric) / Referral required / Integrated Therapy Service
Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / www.sompar.nhs.uk/our_services/childrenandyoungpeople/integrated_therapy_service/
see Fact File for general advice
Public Health Nursing
Health Visitors / Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / NHS England Area Team (up to 2015 then Somerset CC / www.sompar.nhs.uk/our_services/childrenandyoungpeople/HealthVisiting
School Nurses / Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset County Council / www.sompar.nhs.uk/our_services/childrenandyoungpeople/school_nursing
New born and infant screening / Delivered by Health Visiting Service / NHS England Area Team / Direct enquires to
Vision and hearing test / Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust / NHS England Area Team / Direct enquires to
Sexual Health
Relationships and sex education support / Somerset Health & Wellbeing in Learning Programme / Somerset County Council / www.somersethealthinschools.co.uk
Contraception and sexual health
services - CASH (over and above standard GP contract). / Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset County Council / www.somersetcsh.co.uk
Click here to visit the app store
Emergency hormonal contraception / Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Community Pharmacies / Somerset County Council
Somerset Chlamydia Screening Programme / Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset County Council
Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, sexual health advice, prevention and promotion / Genito Urinary Medicine services:- (GUM) Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset County Council
C Card (condom scheme) / Somerset Targeted Youth Support / Somerset County Council
Termination of pregnancy / Various providers & central booking service / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / One Call Pregnancy Advice Line on 0845 872 5503
HIV treatment / GUM Services (see above) / NHS England Area Team / See above
Sexual assault referral services / The Bridge / NHS England Area Team / www.turntothebridge.org
Speech and language / Referral required / Integrated Therapy Service
Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group / www.sompar.nhs.uk/our_services/childrenandyoungpeople/integrated_therapy_service/
see Fact File for advice on supporting children and young people without a referral to the ITS
Substance Misuse
Support for schools to deliver universal and targeted messages re smoking, alcohol & drugs / Somerset Health & Wellbeing in Learning Programme / Somerset County Council / www.somersethealthinschools.co.uk
Drug and alcohol targeted support / Somerset Targeted Youth Support / Somerset County Council / www.somersetdap.org.uk
Drug treatment services / Referral required / CAMHS – Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / Somerset County Council
Somerset Stop Smoking Service / Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, some GPs, pharmacies and dentists / Somerset County Council / www.somersetstopsmoking.nhs.uk