Morro Bay High School Photography
MS. Moore/ Rm 704 * Contact Liz Moore at /
Photo Course has required online participation at, Use student MBHS login
This is an introductory course in digital photography. We will use the book, The Photographic Eye Learning,to see with a Camera by Michale F O’Brien and Norman Sibley as well as Photo Course, an interactive Multimedia etext.The student will learn photo history, digital camera parts and functions, lighting, importance of resolution and printing techniques along with the principles of photography which include line, texture, shape, light, motion and perspective.
There will be critiques and shows in which the photo student is expected to participate. Photographing school events will be a part of this class.
The California Content Standards for Visual Art & Career Technical Education will be addressed. You can find them at
Grading is done only once during the unit rotation. When your group is graded you need to be prepared to share/show your complete work from the previous unit. If work is missing for any reason, you have one rotation to make it up. Grading is done only at this time. If you miss two grading stations in a row, make an appointment with the teacher to review your work after school.
The photography student will need:
Notebook paper and 3 ring binder and five dividers
10 plastic sleeves for photo prints * Pen or pencil every day
A flash or jump drive – minimum 512 MB – 1 GB is great
VERY handy for keeping your own photos, but not required. Approx. $20 at Best Buy
Students are encouraged to use their own digital cameras but the school will provide digital cameras for students to share during class time.
Divider sections for photo labbook
1 – Warmup file kept in p-drive - Done at the beginning of the period this section is kept like a journal with date, topic and response. Topic will be on the front board for student to come in and respond to as class gets started. Printed at regular assigned intervals.
2 – Technical Info – Work done with each unit on the technical aspects of photography
3 – Photo history –Work done each unit exploring the influence others have had in the history and current state of photography
4 – Movie – Notes/handouts on movie portion of the unit
5 – Portfolio - Plastic sheets with printouts for portfolio – In this section you will keep your best work to turn in at the end of the semester.
6- Glossary -Keep the glossary of terms here. Use as a study guide.
Photo class comes with added responsibility for equipment and student behavior. There are safety issues at stake. Student’s may not leave class unless they have directly asked Ms. Moore.
Class rules: Respectful learning behavior includes paying attention when the teacher speaks.
1. NEVER leave class without checking with Ms. Moore. You will be counted as absent. Do not ask to go to your car
2. Use of cell phones and electronic listening devices are not allowed during class time. This is according to the MBHS handbook. Parents, please encourage cell phones to remain off during school hours and ipods to stay in backpacks. A warning will be given and the next step is a conduct check with parent notification.
3. Late work is accepted up to one week past due date for excused absences. Semester homework is due from the day it is assigned up until last due date assigned. No exceptions.
4. All work must be school appropriate and computer use must follow guidelines in MBHS handbook.
I have read the attached Photography class policies with my student:
Print name of student ______
Please keep this paper in the front of your binder