Let's Eat! - Digestion and What Can Go Wrong

CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Assignment #1: Digestion Vocabulary Emersion / All vocabulary defined correctly and questions are answered with a high level of detail and thought. Examples are relevant and show complete understanding / All vocabulary terms are defined correctly and questions are answered but lack depth and examples. / The vocabulary terms are defined but lack depth and questions are answered but lack detail and examples. / Lacking vocabulary terms and or incomplete or missing questions.
Assignment #2: Digestion Diagram / Diagram or model has all of the following: -structures present -materials are creatively linked to the original structure -final product is neat and well organized - shows thought and a clear understanding of the digestive process / Diagram or model has 3 of the following: -structures present -materials are creatively linked to the original structure -final product is neat and well organized - shows thought and a clear understanding of the digestive / Diagram or model has 2 of the following: -structures present -materials are creatively linked to the original structure -final product is neat and well organized - shows thought and a clear understanding of the digestive / Diagram or model has 1 of the following: -structures present -materials are creatively linked to the original structure -final product is neat and well organized - shows thought and a clear understanding of the digestive
Assignment #3: Happy Meal Digestion - Narrative / -Narrative has all structures and appropriate enzymes and digestive juices explained correctly -Creative -Focused on assignment story -Clear organization -Excellent Spelling and Grammar (score x2) / -Narrative has structures and appropriate enzymes and digestive juices explained with few errors or omissions -Creative -Focused on assignment story -Organized - Few errors in spelling and Grammar (score x2) / -Narrative has structures and appropriate enzymes and digestive juices explained with errors or omissions -Assignment narrative lacks focus on story -Lacks organization - Errors in spelling and Grammar (score x2) / -Narrative has structures and appropriate enzymes and digestive juices explained with numerous errors or omissions -Assignment narrative lacks focus on story -Lacks organization - Multiple errors in spelling and Grammar (score x2)
Assignment #4: Problems with the Digestive System / -Source information is clear for all content -Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance Glog -Covers topic in depth with details and examples -Subject knowledge is excellent -Met all requirements and exceeded -Excellent Spelling and Grammar (score x2) / -Source information collected for all content with few errors -Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance Glog -Covers topic and subject area knowledge appears to be good -All requirements are met -Few spelling and grammatical errors (score x2) / -Source information collected for all content with some errors -Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but some distract from Glog content -Covers topic and subject area with a few errors -One or two requirements are not met -Few spelling and grammatical errors (score x2) / -Very little or no information collected for all content with many errors -Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but some distract from Glog content -Covers topic and subject area with a few errors -Two or more requirements are not met -Multiple spelling and grammar errors (score x2)
Assignment #5: A Day in the Life - Diary Entry / Narrative has all requirements-Creative -Focused on assignment story -Clear organization -Excellent Spelling and Grammar (score x2) / Narrative is missing one requirements-Creative -Assignment story is apparent -Good organization - One or two spelling and grammar errors (score x2) / Narrative is missing some requirements -Lacks creativity -Assignment story is missing connection to person -Lacks organization - Many spelling and grammar errors (score x2) / Narrative is missing requirements -Lacks creativity -Assignment story lacks empathy - Lacks organization - multiple spelling and grammar errors (score x2)
