BIOL 211 - Cellular and Molecular Biology
Instructors:Dr. Dennis Shevlin; BB 130; x2246;
Dr. Marcia O'Connell; BB 228; x2879;
Prerequisites:BIOL 183/4 and Organic Chemistry I (or currently enrolled)
Texts:Karp, G. Cell and Molecular Biology, 2nd edition
Campbell, N.A. Biology, 4th edition (recommended for background)
Grading:3 lecture exams (100 pts. each)300
1 Final exam 200
About this course: The purpose of this course is to provide students with a working knowledge of the principles of cell and molecular biology and an understanding of how the molecular and cellular components of the living cell are integrated. It provides a basic foundation which will be drawn upon in your upper-division biology courses.
Recitation: Recitation gives students an opportunity to apply the material presented in lecture. Recitation is also the place to ask for clarification of material presented in lectures. Students are expected to prepare for recitation in advance, and are expected to participate in discussions.
Faculty Expectations: For many of you this is your first exposure to a rigorous biology course. Our demands of you will be much greater than those you encountered in General Biology. In addition, the material in this class is more abstract than much of what you learned in General Biology. The best way to succeed in this course is to be prepared and keep up with the material. We recommend that you read background material in Campbell before coming to lecture. In addition, you should read their lecture notes and the assigned readings in Karp and answer assigned recitation questions before coming to recitation. Your active (and prepared) participation in recitation will be the key to success in this course.
Conflicts: No special arrangements will be made for schedule conflicts. If you enrolled in a course which conflicts with either lecture or recitation, you should drop one of the courses. If other activities conflict with the recitation, you should drop the course.
Make-up exams: It is in your best interest to take the exams when scheduled. If you cannot attend an exam, you must notify us within 24 hours of the missed exam.
Academic Integrity: NO violations of the college's Academic Integrity Policy will be tolerated. Any suspected violation will be dealt with immediately, and in keeping with the policy, violations will result in anything from failure on the assignment to dismissal from the college.
Lecture and Reading Schedule
WeekDateLectureLecturerTopicKarp Readings
19/51DSChemical Bonds,31-42
Water and Buffers
9/82MOCProteins I42-43; 51-67
29/122MOCProteins II
9/154MOCDNA & replication69-71;420-425;
519-531; 575-599
39195MOCTranscription, etc.457-483
49/267DSEnzymes I80-98
9/297DSEnzymes II98-103; 111-113
510/39DSCarbs and Lipids42-51; 259-260
10/6EXAM 1 (lectures 1 - 7)
610/1010DSMembranes I122-150;263-283
10/1310DSMembranes II150-165
10/2013MOCReceptors & Ligands655-680
810/24Fall Break
System and Trafficking
1011/7EXAM II (lectures 9-15)
11/1017DSRespiration I104-114
1111/1417DSRespiration II182-222
11/1717DSRespiration III
11/24Thanksgiving Break
1311/2821MOCCytoskeleton344-346; 349-384
12/122MOCExtracellular Matrix253-267;278-286
12/8EXAM III (lectures 17-22)
1512/1224MOCNucleus and Cell515-519;534-537;