Lesson 1

Kojiua Dance (ko-jew-a)

This is a traditional mi'kmaq dance where people chat/perform a dance for fun around gatherings and social events. The dance has a certain step to it that require students to be on their toes and moving so it is very strenuous. The dance is performed in a circle with the students first walking counter clockwise. Than when the song/ starts with is a simple chant which can be supplemented with any simple chant of fast tempo. The step comprises of 3 steps of one foot in a stomping motion with just your toes touching the floor as fast as you can without breaking your technique. During the stomp the person must also shuffle or hoop forward. You must also swing your arms in unison from front to back. After the three steps repeat on the other foot.This is done while going around in a circle.

Activity one

The challenge is who can do the proper technique without giving up. The process will be like a survivor challenge where the final one is the winner.

Activity two

The dance can also have a challenge where two groups may challenge one another on tenique only. The reason is we do not want to associate faulie to win to challenge on any particular student therefore the teacher will decide which group has executed the dance and award the winner.

Activity three

The Kojiua race. This is the same as the game red light green light. The students stand at the far end of the wall. The teacher or the person drumming must stand at the other side of the wall. The teacher will instruct the students that this is an individual race students must properly do the dance while the chant is sung. When the chat starts the students will race to the teacher. The teacher will start and stop the chant the same as the game red light green light. If the students fail to stop or do not properly do the dance then they have to restart at the starting point. The first person to the teacher that they get to drum and do the chant.This is when the students will take control of their own learning and teaching of students with the teachers supervision.

Materials- drum or some kind of device to do an rhythm.

Outcomes - the social studies outcomes are covered with culture with music and dance, the physical education outcomes are covered with GCO Students will demonstrate competency in fundamental movement skills and movement concepts within dance. SCO

3.O.3.1: Demonstrate the connections between the skills and concepts learned in dance to their life outside of physical education through a presentation to the class (e.g., student-led PAT in class) (COM, CI, PCD)
3.O.3.2: Refine spatial and body awareness, including effort and relationships (area and direction, relationships with objects and with people) (CT)
3.O.3.3: Learn, create and perform, alone or with others, a sequence of fundamental movement skill combinations showing a variety of movement concepts to varying rhythms (CI, PCD)
3.O.3.4: Lead, follow, and mirror dance steps and movements to form dance sequences (CI, CT)
3.O.3.5: Lead and perform rhythmical movement by participating, with respect and sensitivity, in a variety of social and cultural dances, including those of the Acadians, African Nova Scotians, Gaels, Mi’kmaq, and additional cultural groups (COM, CI, CZ)