How the devil has set himself up against YHWH
A 364 day year of exactly 24 hours per day, gives a year of 8736 hours or a total of 524,160 minutes per year. Likewise, a 365 day year of 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds per day gives a year of 8736 hours or a total of 524,160 minutes per year. Likewise a 366 day year of 23 hours, 52 minutes, and 13 seconds per day gives a year of 8736 hours or a total of 524,160 minutes per year - The Day does not change, but their allocation of time changes to create more days.
Major ‘Calender Reform’ began one day when the Egyptians ‘discovered’ a particular star (Sirius) alignment every 1,460 ‘days’ (every four years) and that the Nile flooded the day after that particular alignment (as it did each year). The flooding of the Nile was very important to Egypt (as it determined their livelihood and prosperity), so they begun to define/calculate the year as 1,461/4 (based on that star alignment), which produced a year of 365 ¼ sidereal (star) days. Since Egypt at this time was the world Power, this calendar model then spread through-out the region and into Europe…and was inherited by the Greeks, then Rome, which now still rules.
Scientists now say THIS (365 ¼ Day year) is a solar year (from equinox to equinox) BUT that is not true, because their definition of a solar day is incorrect. Interestingly, this change started about the time that the Hebrews (the unfaithful 10 Tribes) were kicked out of “The land” (about 721 BC) – It was prophesied through Hosea that the Sabbaths and holy days would be taken. The major conversion (to the Babylonian moon and Egyptian Sidereal/star focus) for the rest (Judah and companion) came later during the time of the Greeks (BC – as recorded in the Maccabees), but was further solidified after the 70 AD dispersion and the destruction of The Temple, by Rome.
The year will always have 8736 hours, whether it is a 364 Regular/True Day year of exactly 24 hours per day, or a 365 Sidereal Day year of 23.93425 hours per day, or a 366 Leap Day year of 23.86885 hours per day, and the difference is a reduction in minutes and seconds from a Regular Days, to create these extra days. Because each Gregorian day is NOT one true day, in truth, one true solar day = one true sidereal day - It speaks to the TRUTH written in Enoch: “the sun and the stars brings on the year in perfection in 364 days.” (Enoch 72, 74).
Because they (The Gregori) start the days at midnight (and not sunrise as one should for a solar day) and on GMT, that further complicates things…Additionally, we are made to deal with ‘daylight saving time’ changes (because they must maximize the time of light for gain and profitability); and ‘couple’ all that with the various time zones (not one central time) – Whew! I am by no means a quitter and I don’t think I’m a dummy either (having even taught College Math) but it seems near impossible to reconcile the Gregorian calender and the Enoch calendar together because they are two different calendar systems and there are too many variables. The explanations above are the reasons why people are ending up with extra days at the end of 364 days - ALL DAYS ARE NOTCREATED EQUALLY! STILL.
The TRUTH is that a year (of 364 ‘Enoch’ days) IS perfectly equal to ‘their’ misappropriated solar year. It has been made confusing, because of the sidereal focus. The true, creator’s calendar system is really not complicated – The complication is that we are trying to work with a perfect Calendar system, within the framework of a very flawed/imperfect model; for they “shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws (Daniel 7:25)” - Shall is present continuous tense…And they have been doing so from BC (2 Maccabees 1:41-51, 1 Maccabees 6:7)…