Curriculum Vitae
University Address
Office of the DeanOffice: (817) 272-3387
College of BusinessFax: (817) 272-2073
The University of Texas at ArlingtonEmail:
Arlington, TX 76019-0377
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Analysis; December 1989
TexasA&MUniversity; College Station, Texas
Major: Production and Operations Management
Minor: Industrial Engineering/Management Science
Dissertation: Impact of Seed Machines on the Cell Formation Decision in Cellular Manufacturing
Committee: Norman Gaither (chair), Benito Flores, Frank Buffa, David Olson, Gary Hogg
Master of Business Administration; December 1985
TexasA&MUniversity; College Station, Texas
Emphasis in Business Computing Science
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; May 1984
TexasA&MUniversity; College Station, Texas
Aug1997—present: TheUniversity of Texas at Arlington – Information Systems and Operations Management Department,College of Business.
Sep 2014—present: Associate Dean for Faculty and Research,College of Business
Apr 2013—Aug 2014: Chair,Information Systems and Operations Management Department
Sep 2012—Mar 2013: Interim Chair,Information Systems and Operations Mgmt. Department
Jan 2010—Aug 2012: Interim Chair, Marketing Department
Sep 2008—present: Professor of Operations Management
Jan 2005—Oct 2009: Director of Ph.D. Programs in Business
Sep 2000—Aug 2008: Associate Professor of Operations Management
Sep 2000—Aug 2002:Director of MBA Programs
Aug 1997—Aug 2000: Assistant Professor of Operations Management
June 1999—Aug 1999: Harvard University – VisitingTeaching Faculty, Harvard Summer School, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Taught two Economics courses.
Sep 1990—July 1997: University of Oregon – AssistantProfessor of Production/Operations Management,DecisionSciences Department,LundquistCollege of Business.
Jun--Oct 1996: The Boeing Company – FacultyFellow, Seattle, WA. Worked on cost management project in Boeing’s engineering organization within its Commercial Airplanes division.
Jun 1986--July 1990: TexasA&MUniversity – Business Analysis & Research Department, College of Business Administration
Aug 1989--July 1990:VisitingAssistant Professor of Production/Operations Management
Jan 1987--July 1989: Assistant Lecturer- Production/Operations Management
Sep 1986--Dec 1986: Graduate Assistant– Business Analysis & Research Department
Jun 1986--Aug 1986: Graduate Assistant– Marketing Department
Jan--Mar 1986: McMasters Office Supplies – Manager,Pasadena, Texas. Responsible for liquidating inventories and closing accounts while store was going out of business.
Jun 1984--Dec 1985: TexasA&MUniversity – Graduate Assistant in Marketing Department. Assisted with marketing research and statistical analysis (using SAS and SPSSX).
Prior to that:Superior Oil Company as an engineer trainee; and Farmers State Bank as a computer operator responsible for processing and clearing checks.
25. Jie Zhang and Gregory V. Frazier, “Strategic Alliance via Co-Opetition: Supply Chain Partnership with a Competitor,” Decision Support Systems, v51, n4, 2011, 853-863.
24. Pamela J. Zelbst, Gregory V. Frazier, and Victor E. Sower, “A Cluster Concentration Typology for Making Location Decisions,”Industrial Management & Data Systems., v110, n6, 2010, 883-907.
23. Bin Jiang, Revenor C. Baker, and Gregory V. Frazier, “An Analysis of Job Dissatisfaction and Turnover to Reduce Global Supply Chain Risk: Evidence from China,” Journal of Operations Management, v27, n2, 2009, 169-184.
22. Alan R. Cannon, Pedro M. Reyes, Edmund Prater, and Gregory V. Frazier, “RFID in the Contemporary Supply Chain: Multiple Perspectives on its Benefits and Risks,” International Journal of Operations and Production Management, v28, n5, 2008, 433-454.
21. Brad Masters and Gregory V. Frazier, “Project Quality Activities and Goal Setting in Project Performance Assessment,” Quality Management Journal, v14, n3, 2007, 25-35.
20. Bin Jiang, Gregory V. Frazier, and Daniel Heiser, “China-Related POM Research: A Literature Review and Suggestions for Future Research,” International Journal of Operations and Production Management, v27, n7, 2007, 662-684.
19. Pedro M. Reyes and Gregory V. Frazier, “Goal Programming Model for Grocery Shelf Space Allocation,” European Journal of Operational Research, v181, n2, 2007, 634-644.
18. Pedro M. Reyes and Gregory V. Frazier, “Radio Frequency Identification: Past, Present, and Future Business Applications,” InternationalJournal of Integrated Supply Management, v3, n2, 2007, 125-134.
17. Pedro M. Reyes, Gregory V. Frazier, Edmund Prater, and Alan R. Cannon, “RFID: The State of the Union between Promise and Practice,” International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, v3, n2, 2007, 192-206.
16. Bin Jiang, Greg Frazier, and Edmund Prater, “Outsourcing Effects on Firms’ Operational Performance: An Empirical Study,” International Journal of Operations and Production Management, v26, n12, 2006, 1280-1300.
15. Edmund Prater, Gregory V. Frazier, and Pedro Reyes, “Future Impacts of RFID on E-Supply Chains in Grocery Retailing,” Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, special issue on e-Supply Chain, v10, n2, 2005, 134-142.
14. Pedro M. Reyes and Gregory V. Frazier, “Initial Shelf Space Considerations at New Grocery Stores: An Allocation Problem with Product Switching and Substitution,” International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, v1, n2, 2005, 183-202.
13. Khurrum S. Bhutta, Faizul Huq, Greg Frazier, and Zubair Mohamed, “An Integrated Location, Production, Distribution and Investment Model for a Multinational Corporation,” International Journal of Production Economics, v86, n3, 2003, 197-212.
12a. Gregory V. Frazier and Pedro M. Reyes, “Appliquer les Concepts de la Production Synchronisee Pour Ameliorer la Performance OperationnelleDans la Fabrication de Produits High-Tech,” Revue Française de GestionIndustrielle, v20, n3, 2001, 15-22 (reprint of PIMJ 2000 article).
12. Gregory V. Frazier and Pedro M. Reyes, “Applying Synchronous Manufacturing Concepts to Improve Production Performance in High-Tech Manufacturing,” Production and Inventory Management Journal, v41, n3, 2000, 60-65.
11. Patrick R. McMullen and Gregory V. Frazier, “A Simulated Annealing Approach to Mixed-Model Sequencing with Multiple Objectives on a JIT Line,” IIE Transactions, v32, n8, 2000, 679-686.
10. Patrick R. McMullen, Peter Tarasewich, and Gregory V. Frazier, “Using Genetic Algorithms to Solve the Multi-Product JIT Sequencing Problem with Setups,” International Journal of Production Research, v38, n12, 2000, 2653-2670.
9. Patrick R. McMullen and Gregory V. Frazier, “Using Simulation and Data Envelopment Analysis to Compare Assembly Line Balancing Solutions,” Journal of Productivity Analysis, v11, n2, 1998, 149-168.
8. Patrick R. McMullen and Gregory V. Frazier, “Using Simulated Annealing to Solve a Multiobjective Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Paralleling of Work Stations,” International Journal of Production Research, v36, n10, 1998, 2717-2741.
7. Patrick R. McMullen and Gregory V. Frazier, "A Heuristic for Solving Mixed-Model Line Balancing Problems with Stochastic Task Durations and Parallel Stations," International Journal of Production Economics, v51, n3, 1997, 177-190.
6. Gregory V. Frazier and Mark T. Spriggs, "Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Group Technology," Business Horizons, v39, n3, May-June 1996, 83-90.
5. Gregory V. Frazier, "An Evaluation of Group Scheduling Heuristics in a Flow-Line Manufacturing Cell," International Journal of Production Research, v34, n4, 1996, 959-976.
4. Paul C. Jordan and Gregory V. Frazier, "Is the Full Potential of Cellular Manufacturing Being Achieved?," Production and Inventory Management Journal, v34, n1, 1993, 70-72.
3. Gregory V. Frazier and Norman Gaither, "Seed Selection Procedures for Cell Formation Heuristics," International Journal of Production Research, v29, n11, 1991, 2227-2237.
2. Gregory V. Frazier, Norman Gaither, and David L. Olson, "A Procedure For Dealing With Multiple Objectives in Cell Formation Decisions," Journal of Operations Management, v9, n4, 1990, 465-480.
1. Norman Gaither, Gregory V. Frazier, and Jerry C. Wei, "From Job Shops to Manufacturing Cells," Production and Inventory Management Journal, v31, n4, 1990, 33-37.
12. Cristina Gimenez, Pedro M. Reyes, and Gregory V. Frazier, “RFID Attractiveness in the U.S. and Spanish Grocery Chains,” Recent Developments in Supply Chain Management, editors: René de Koster and Werner Delfmann, Helsinki, Finland: Helsinki School of Economics, 2008, 63-81.
11. Norman Gaither and Gregory V. Frazier, Operations Management, 9th edition, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2002 (hardbound).
10. Norman Gaither and Gregory V. Frazier, Production and Operations Management, 8th edition, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2002 (paperbound, Chinese translation).
9. Gregory V. Frazier and Norman Gaither, POM Software Library, version 2.1, copyrighted 2001, distributed by South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, OH (software on CD).
8. Norman Gaither and Gregory V. Frazier, Solution Manual, to accompany Operations Management, 9th edition, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2001 (published on CD).
7. Norman Gaither and Gregory V. Frazier, Instructor’s Teaching Manual, to accompany Operations Management, 9th edition, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2001 (published on CD).
6. Norman Gaither and Gregory V. Frazier, Administração da Produção e Operações, 8aEdição, São Paulo, Brazil: Peoneira—Thomson Learning, published 2001 (paper bound, Portuguese translation).
5. Norman Gaither and Gregory V. Frazier, Administración de Producción y Operaciones, Octavaedición, México: International Thomson Editores, published 2000 (paper bound, Spanish translation).
4. Norman Gaither and Gregory V. Frazier, Production and Operations Management, 8th edition, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 1999 (hardbound).
3. Gregory V. Frazier and Norman Gaither, POM Software Library, version 1.2, copyrighted 1999, distributed by South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, OH (software on CD).
2. Norman Gaither and Gregory V. Frazier, Instructor’s Solutions Manual, to accompany Production and Operations Management, 8th edition, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 1999 (paperback).
1. Norman Gaither and Gregory V. Frazier, Instructor’s Teaching Manual, to accompany Production and Operations Management, 8th edition, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 1999 (published on CD).
Taeuk Kang and Gregory Frazier, “Balancing Acquisition and Sorting Policies in Remanufacturing,” under revision.
Pedro Reyes, Gregory V. Frazier, Edmund Prater, and Kimberly K. Whitehead, “E-Supply Chains: Impact of RFID in Retail Industry,” under revision.
CONFERENCE PAPERS(complete citations listed at end of vitae)
Decision Sciences Institute annual conference (DSI) 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009(2 papers), 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004(2), 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1996(2), 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1989, 1988
Production and Operations Management Society annual conference (POMS) 2009, 2008(3), 2007, 2005(2), 2004, 2003(2), 1999, 1992
International Decision Sciences Institute annual conference 2005
EurOMA annual conference 2006
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2010
Western Decision Sciences Institute annual conference 1997, 1996(2), 1995, 1992
Southwest Decision Sciences Institute annual conference 2014, 2010, 2009, 1999, 1988
INFORMS annual conference 1990
The Fourth International Symposium on Multinational Business Management 2002
Association of Graduate Business Directors annual conference 2001
Ford Foundation Grant, 2013, UTA Service Learning Anti-Diabetes Prevention Campaign, Co-Investigator, $25,000.
UTA Professional Development Award,
-- 2010-2011, UTA, $1,250
-- 2009-2010, UTA, $2,000
-- 2008-2009, UTA, $1,000
-- 2007-2008, UTA, $1,000
-- 2006-2007, UTA, $1,200
-- 2005-2006, UTA, $1,500
Summer Research Grant, 2009, UTA College of Business Administration, $7,500.
TCCD-UTA Service Learning Collaborative Project Grant, Faculty Fellow, 2008-2009, UTA, $2,000.
TCCD-UTA Service Learning Collaborative Project Grant, Faculty Fellow, 2007-2008, UTA, $2,000.
Summer Research Grant, 2007, UTA College of Business Administration, $7,500.
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Companygrant, 2003, $5,000 award to develop course materials for executive development course on project and team-based management.
Research Enhancement Program (REP) grant, 1998-1999 academic year, UTA, $9,694, for research proposal “Implementing Quality Control Charts to Monitor Inventory Record Accuracy.” Grant enabled the development/submission of an NSF grant proposal for $100,974.
Selected to participate in a program funded by a U.S. Department of Education grant to study Asian business practices, 1996, $5000 stipend plus study tour expenses. Attended five months of biweekly seminars at the University of Oregon on Asian culture and business issues, then spent three weeks with a faculty group during July 1996 visiting many companies and organizations in Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong.
Selected to participate in Boeing’s Faculty Fellowship Program for business school faculty, summer 1996, salary and expenses (>$20,000). Worked on cost management project and wrote a white paper on implementing process accounting in Boeing’s engineering organization.
Lundquist College of Business Faculty Professional Development Award, Summer 1995, University of Oregon, $7000 stipend, for research proposal “Application of Quality Control Tools for Inventory Management.”
College of Business Administration Faculty Professional Development Award, Summer 1994, University of Oregon, $7000 stipend, for research proposal “Determining Transfer Batch Sizes in Cellular Manufacturing.”
College of Business Administration Faculty Professional DevelopmentAward, Summer 1993, University of Oregon, $6000 stipend, for research proposal “An Investigation of Group Scheduling in Cellular Manufacturing.”
Distinguished Research Publication Award, 2009-2010, UTACollege of Business
Best Paper Award, 2009, Technology, Innovation and Operations Management track, Southwest Academy of Management conference
Distiguished Professional Publication Award, 2000-2001, UTACollege of Business Administration
Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) member
Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) member
APICS(The Association for Operations Management)
Received CFPIM (Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management) certification from APICS, 1993; Certification Maintenance renewed in 2003, 2008.
Beta Gamma Sigma—national business honor society for AACSB-accredited business schools
Passed the Texas Engineer In Training (EIT) professional certification exam, 1984
Member of Board of Examiners for the Texas Award for Performance Excellence(formerly called Texas Quality Award; follows the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria),
-- 2007-2008, served as Feedback Writer on Award-level team
-- 2003-2004, served on Progress-level team
Developed and taught 2-day management training seminar on Effective Project Mgmt., 2003-2005
Associate Directorof theConstructionResearchCenter, UTA, 1998-2009, 2010-present
Member of Board of Directors for Greater Fort Worth Chapter of APICS, 1997-2003
Area Editor for Operations Management Research journal, 2007-present
Served as ad hoc reviewer for papers submitted to the following 24research journals and1 agency:
-- Journal of Operations Management
-- Decision Sciences
-- European Journal of Operational Research
-- International Journal of Operations and Production Management
-- International Journal of Production Research
-- International Journal of Production Economics
-- Operations Management Research
-- European Journal of InformationSystems
-- International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management
-- Naval Research Logistics
-- IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
-- International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
-- Production Planning and Control
-- Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
-- Computers & Industrial Engineering
-- Computers & Operations Research
-- Annals of Operations Research
-- Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
-- Academy of Management Executive
-- Industrial Management & Data Systems
-- Mathematical and Computer Modelling
-- Management Decision
-- International Journal of Integrated Supply Management
-- Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
-- National Science Foundation
Track chair for DSI 2009 annual conference, New Orleans (MS/OR: Techniques, Models, Apps.)
Track chair for POMS 2000 annual conference, San Antonio (Production Planning & Control)
Organized invited session at 2003 POMS annual conference, Savannah, Georgia
Served oftenas session chair at POMS annual conferences
Served often as session chair, paper discussant, and paper reviewer at DSI Annual Meetings
External reviewer for promotion and tenure, 2009, 2011, 2012
University of Texas at Arlington:
University Service:
Graduate Assembly, 2005-2011, elected 2 terms
-- Chair, Graduate Assembly, 2009-2011
-- Chair Pro Tem, Graduate Assembly, 2006-2009
-- Chair, Committee on Graduate Program Creation, 2006-2009
-- Ex officio member, Committee on Graduate Program Creation, 2009-2011
-- Ex officio member, Committee on Graduate Students, 2009-2011
-- Ex officio member, Committee on Graduate Program Revision, 2009-2011
Undergraduate Assembly, 1998-2003 (elected 2 terms), 2009-2011 (ex officio member)
Program Review Committee, 2007-2013, appointed 2 terms
Program Review Team, for Chemistry and Biochemistry programs, Chair, 2013-2014
Program Review Team, for Criminology and Criminal Justice programs, Chair, 2012-2013
Program Review Team, for Educational Leadership and Policy Studies PhD program,
Chair, 2011-2012
Program Review Team, for Linguistics programs, Chair, 2010-2011
Program Review Team, for Kinesiology programs, Chair, 2009-2010
Program Review Team, for Computer Science and Engineering programs, Chair, 2008-2009
Program Review Team, for CivilEngineering programs, Chair, 2007-2008
Program Review Team, for Political Science programs,Chair,2006-2007
Performance Review Committee for Graduate School Associate Dean, 2010
Performance Review Committee for GraduateSchool Dean, 2007-2008
Doctoral Mentoring Award Committee, 2009, 2010, 2011
Faculty Service-Learning Award Committee, 2009, 2010
TCCD-UTA Service LearningCollaborative Project, 2007-2009
Center for Community Service Learning, Advisory Committee, 2006-2011
Service Learning Teaching Circle, 2006-2007
Tuition Review Committee, 2005-2007
UTA Committee on Committees, 2003-2008
UTA Doctoral Completion and Retention Committee, 2005-2010
Construction Research Center, Associate Director, 1998-2009, 2010-present
UTA Graduate Recruiting Advisory Board, 2000-2002
Faculty Mentoring Program, 2004-2006, 2007-2008
Vice President for Information Technology, Search Committee, 2001
UTA Corporate Partners Committee, 2000-2001
College of Business Service:
Associate Dean for Faculty and Research, College of Business, Sep. 2014-present
Chair, Information Systems and Operations Management Department, Mar. 2013-Aug. 2014
Interim Chair, Information Systems and Operations Management Department, Sep. 2012-Mar. 2013
Interim Chair, Marketing Department, Jan. 2010-Aug. 2012
Executive Council, 2010-present
EMBA Graduate Studies Committee, 2010-2012
Director of Ph.D. Programs, Ph.D. Advisor, Jan. 2005-Oct. 2009
Marketing Dept. Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2009
Ph.D. Graduate Studies Committee, 2000-2009
Director of MBA Programs, MBA Advisor, 2000-2002
-- Nominated for Outstanding Academic Advisor award, 2001, 2002
MS in Health Care Administration Graduate Studies Committee, 2001-2007; Chair, 2003-2007
MS in Logistics Graduate Studies Committee, 2001-present
MS in Engineering Management Graduate Studies Committee, 2001-present
Graduate Programs Council, 2005-2009
MBA Graduate Studies Committee, 2000-2002
Faculty advisor for Beta Gamma Sigma (business student honor society), 2000-2003
Faculty advisor for IGRAD program (MBA program for U.S. Army officers), 1999-present
Faculty advisor for UTA Student Chapter of APICS, 1997-2005
Student Mentoring Program, 2003-2007
Coordinated the MBA/BBA Program Review Report, and was liaison to program review team, 2002
College of Business Website Committee, 2000-2001
Member of College of Business Research Group, 1998-2000
College of BusinessSAP R/3 Faculty Advisory Committee, 1999-2001
College of BusinessScholarship Committee, 1998-2001
Business Week Advisory Committee, 1998-2000
Business Foundation Program Development Committee, 2000
Created and coordinated Advisory Board for proposed Business Analytics program, 2013-2014
Helped to develop proposed Master of Science program in Business Analytics, 2013-2014
Helped to develop Master of Science program in Logistics, 2000
Helped to develop Accelerated (Professional) MBA program, 2000
Helped to develop Executive MBA program, 2001
Helped to revise MS in Health Care Administration program, 2001
Department Service:
Operations Management Faculty Search Committee, Chair, 2010-2011
ISOM Dept. Tenure & Promotion Committee, 2000-2012
ISOM Department Executive Committee, 1997-present
Performance Review Committee for Chair of the ISOM Department, Chair, 2008
Ph.D. Advisor for Operations Management and Business Statistics areas, 2000-2006
Operations Management Faculty Search Committee, Chair, 2002-2003
Curriculum Coordinator for Operations Management major, 2001-2012
Assisted with scheduling of OPMA courses, 1999-2012
Internship coordinator for OPMA majors, 1998-2000, 2006-2007
Coordinated curriculum changes for POMA major, 1998, 2000
University of Oregon:
Ph.D. Program Committee, LundquistCollege of Business, U of O, 1994-1996
Computer Advisory Committee, LundquistCollege of Business, U of O, 1994
Computer Support Specialist Search Committee, LundquistCollege of Business, U of O, 1993
Faculty advisor for student teams competing in International Collegiate Business Policy Competition,
-- 1994 (MBA team) and 1995 (undergraduate and MBA team)
Faculty advisor for incoming MBA students, 1994
Advisor to many undergraduate and graduate students doing independent study projects, 1991-1996
Coordinated and wrote questions for several Ph.D. comprehensive exams, 1992-1995
Academic advisor for incoming business student conference at Texas A&M, 1987-1990
Graduate Student Council member at Texas A&M, 1986-1989