Reply to: National Schools Controllers, Glynis Purland/Ian Burford, 11 Warwick Drive, Wallasey, Merseyside. CH45 7PJ
Telephone: 07590608243 E-mail



Any school may enter the plate competition with as many teams as they wish, even if they did not enter or play in one of the Qualifying Zones of the main National Primary Schools Competition.

The competition will be run as an Under 11 event, at each of the Two Day Semi-Final venues. If there are 6 teams or more of both U11/U9 age groups wishing to play, then two separate competitions will be held.

Each team shall consist of 5 players plus one reserve. No more than six children may play for any one team in the plate competition.

The rules of the competition will be the same as that of the National Primary Schools Semi-Final. Both of the Plate Competitions will be completed at their venue.

The entry fee for each team to enter the Plate competition will be £20.00. School teams staying at Pontin’s must book their accommodation through EPSCA on the appropriate form, which will be sent nearer the time.

Each competitor will be awarded a certificate to say that they have played.

The winning team will be awarded a prize.

School: ______

Address: ______

Contact Teacher: ______or Parent Manager ______
Preferred number: ______email: ______

It is essential that both telephone number and email address are supplied and that information sent to these will be received by the Organiser.

Our school would like to enter ______teams in the Under 11 Plate Competition.

Our team is an ** U11 / U9 team.**We would like to play at: PRESTATYN (North Wales) 11/12th June 2016

or CAMBER SANDS (E Sussex) 21/22nd May 2016

I enclose a cheque payable to EPSCA for £ ______as the entry fee for our team(s) for the Plate competition.

** Please delete as appropriate.

Closing date for entries 20th March, 2016