Ballydague, Ballyhooly,

Co. Cork, Ireland

International Benchrest Friendly

16th (practise), 17th – 18th April, 2010

Entry Form

Please Ensure:

  • Print your name and Club at the top of each page.
  • List the events you wish to enter on page two.
  • You should ensure that you will be available for the entire weekend.
  • Put the fee in the ENTRY FEE column and calculate total.
  • Print your personal details in the spaces provided.
  • Sign and date the declaration.
  • Enclose your cheque Money Order payable to Fermoy Rifle Club.
  • Return the Form and Payment to the Match Director, Gavin Murphy, 19 Cedar Close, Tanyard Wood, Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland.

Please send your entry form in early. The closing date for receipt of applications will be 29th January 2010. Late entries make squadding and administration very difficult and cause inconvenience and delays particularly for those wishing to import equipment into Ireland for the event.

All competitors are required to wear hearing protection and eye protection is optional. Fermoy Rifle Club will not be liable / responsible for any injury sustained through the lack of appropriate personal protection.

Each class will consist of 3 cards shot over the course of two days (17th / 18th April).

Limited places are allocated for each class – so enter early to avoid disappointment.

The Meeting Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry.

Ballydague, Ballyhooly,

Co. Cork, Ireland

International Team Entry Form

Class: ______

Team events are open to teams of 3 shooters, all of whom must be affiliated to that Country. This must be the Country indicated on the individual entry form. The team entry must be made and the team members declared with your application no later than 29th January 2010.Each country can enter up to 3 teams of 3 shooters per class. The individuals score will carry forward to contribute to the overall team score. All three scores will count. A Team Trophy will be awarded to the winning team in each event.

Team Name:
(A €10.00 fee applies per team per class entered)
Team Captain: Tel. No.
Team Member No. 2
Team Member No. 3

I agree to abide by the Rules of the Organising Committee and of the Meeting. I will accept their decisions as final. The official competition rules will mirror the ERABSF Official Rule Book (2009).

You MUST complete a separate Team Entry Form for each class entered.

Signed: (Team Captain) Date: