Board Meeting Minutes-October 15, 2007-Page 5


4 Forge Road, Boiling Springs, PA 17007


October 15, 2007


The South Middleton Board of Directors met in Regular Session on October 15, 2007, in the Board Room of the Iron Forge Educational Center. The President called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


The Secretary called the roll with all members present except as designated:

School Directors

Mr. Michael H. Berk Mrs. Elizabeth A. Knouse

Mr. Derek R. Clepper Ms. Pamela C. Martin

Mr. Joseph F. Fay, Jr. Mr. Paul J. Slifko III

Mrs. Eleanor L. Hartman Mr. Robert P. Winters

Mr. Mark A. Juliana

Administrative Staff

Dr. Patricia B. Sanker, Superintendent

Dr. Sandra J. Tippett, Assistant Superintendent

Janet Adams, Principal

Barbara Alitto, Director of Special Education

David Boley, Assistant Principal

Dean Clepper, Principal

Joseph Mancuso III, Principal

Frederick Withum III, Principal

Student Representatives to the Board

Jayson Schaufert

Jeremy Wallace


See attachment to the minutes.

Board Secretary - (Non Member)

Jeffrey S. Ammerman


Philip H. Spare

Executive Session

The Board went into Executive Session to discuss teacher negotiations at 7:04 p.m. The Board resumed Regular Session at 7:18 p.m.


Mr. Berk made a motion, seconded by Ms. Martin, that the Board accepted the minutes from the following meetings:

September 17, 2007 and October 1, 2007

The motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Clepper made a motion, seconded by Ms. Martin, as follows:


The Board approved a General Fund Bill Payment for August 2007 – Payment of bills represented by checks #30416 to #30722 inclusive, in the amount of $1,167,697.47.

The Board approved a Student Activity Fund Bill Payment for August 2007 – Pursuant to Section 511 of Public School Code, represented by checks #12541 to #12545 inclusive, in the amount of $4,360.55, are enclosed with the financial report.

The Board approved requisitions payable from the Construction Fund (PLGIT) for August 2007, represented by checks #11125 to #11134 inclusive, in the amount of $392,582.85.


The Board approved a General Fund Bill Payment for September 2007 – Payment of bills represented by checks #30758 to #31017 inclusive, in the amount of $1,491,345.67.

The Board approved a Student Activity Fund Bill Payment for September 2007 – Pursuant to Section 511 of Public School Code, represented by checks #12546 to #12570 inclusive, in the amount of $16,272.00, are enclosed with the financial report.

The Board approved requisitions payable from the Capital Reserve Fund (PSDLAF) for September 2007, represented by checks #22107 to #22108 in the amount of $21,879.05.

The Board approved requisitions payable from the Construction Fund (PLGIT) for September 2007, represented by checks #11135 to #11145 inclusive, in the amount of $50,354.19.

The motion passed unanimously.




Ms. Martin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Berk, that the Board approves the agenda of October 15, 2007 with all corrections as indicated. The motion passed unanimously.


Ms. Martin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Berk, that the Board approves the

following personnel items:


The Board approved the following substitute teachers for the 2007-2008 school year:

Name: David Frey

Address: 2401 Deerview Drive

Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Certification: Social Studies

Name: Amanda Eshenour

Address: 115 Kerrs Road

Carlisle, PA 17015

Certification: Social Studies

The Board approved the following substitute teachers under the Guest Teacher Program for the 2007-2008 school year:

Name: Sharon Hayes

Address: 11 Southern Cross Drive

Boiling Springs, PA 17007

Interests: All Subjects, All Grade Levels

Name: Benjamin Jumper

Address: 2131 Longs Gap Road

Carlisle, PA 17013

Interests: All Subjects, Grades: 6-12

Name: Jonathan Terry

Address: 636 Devonshire Drive

Carlisle, PA 17013

Interests: English, Social Studies, Grades 7-12

The Board approved the following extra duty position for the 2007-2008 school year:

Name Position Long Salary

Zilbering, Rachel District Webmaster 0 $1,270

The Board approved Kenneth Stoltz to provide Spanish interpreting and translation services on an as needed basis. The rate for interpreting is $30/hr., and the rate for translations is $.15/word. The fees for these services will be paid for from Title III grant money.

The motion passed unanimously.

Teacher Contract

Mrs. Hartman made a motion, seconded by Ms. Martin, that the Board ratify and approve the tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement between the South Middleton Education Association and the South Middleton School District covering the period of July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2012 and authorize the appropriate officers of the Board to execute the final contract documents. The motion passed unanimously.


Ms. Martin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Berk, that the Board add F & M Trust, 3 East First Street, Boiling Springs, PA, to the list of approved District depositories. The motion passed unanimously.

Library Furniture

Mr. Clepper made a motion, seconded by Ms. Martin, that the Board authorizes purchasing $12,886 of furniture for the High School Library. The motion passed unanimously.

Stadium Renovation

Mr. Berk made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Knouse, to authorize the administration to prepare a land development plan for renovating the existing bleachers and replacing the current lights at Ecker field. The motion passed unanimously.

Executive Session

The Board went into Executive Session at 7:52 p.m. to discuss a legal matter. The Board resumed Regular Session at 8:51 p.m.

More New Business

Tax Collector Resignation

Mr. Berk made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hartman, that the Board accepts the resignation of District Tax Collector, Judy Campbell, effective immediately. The motion passed unanimously.

Tax Collection

Mr. Winters made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Knouse, that given the sudden resignation of the tax collector, the Board authorizes the Administration to take all steps necessary to collect and process real estate taxes for the South Middleton School District. The motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Berk made a motion, seconded by Mr. Fay, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey S. Ammerman

Board Secretary