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Health Professions Recommendation Committee

Individual Recommendation Form

This form should be used if the student is applying in a future cycle, not the current cycle.

To The Student: Please fill in all the fields in this section and then send both pages electronically to your Recommender.

Legal Name: / Tufts ID:

(Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

Year of Graduation: / Degree/Major:
Permanent Email:

(Used twelve months per year)

Recommender Name: / Dept. or Position:

Check and sign either (a) or (b) below:

(a) Waiver of Access: I hereby voluntarily waive my right of access (granted under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) to this letter of recommendation. By entering my Name and Tufts ID# below I agree to the above statement and acknowledge the information I am submitting is correct.

Legal Name: / Tufts ID: / Date:

(b) Retaining Access: I retain my right of access to this letter of recommendation. By entering my Name and Tufts ID# below I agree to the above statement and acknowledge the information I am submitting is correct.

Legal Name: / Tufts ID: / Date:


To the Recommender:

The person named above plans to apply to medical or dental school in a future year. They request an evaluation from you which will be part of the Health Professions Recommendation Committee composite letter sent to health profession schools on his/her behalf. The composite letter will include quotes from individual letters such as yours submitted on the student’s behalf.

In your appraisal, please describe in what context you know the student. Also please comment, if able to do so, upon the student's intelligence, attitude, humanitarianism, thoroughness, work ethic, integrity, ability to follow directions, ability to get along with others, and other qualities that will help assess the candidate for consideration by health professions graduate programs. Please note this will be used in writing a composite letter of recommendation requested by health professions schools. Your letter will only be sent to health professions schools and military scholarship programs in conjunction with the composite letter. Letters cannot be forwarded to third parties including but not limited to employers and other educational programs.

Please note all letters are assumed to be confidential unless this Recommendation Form, stating otherwise, is returned to us.

Please: Write your letter on official/personal letterhead. At the top of your letter, please type “Re:” and then the name of the individual you are recommending. Also please be sure to include your signature.

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Instructions for submitting Letters of Recommendation

Please: Send the letter electronically by May 1. We can only accept letters electronically if:

  • The letter is on official letterhead.
  • The letter includes your signature.
  • The file name format is applicant’s last name, first name and recommender’s initials, e.g. SmithJohnABC.pdf
  • Email the Letter of Recommendation to


Mail the Letter of Recommendation to:

Tufts University

Undergraduate Education-HPRC

419 Boston Avenue, Dowling Hall

Medford, MA 02155