NCC Environmental Club

Possible Activities/Projects

Remember to keep it fun and not become overwhelmed. The environment needs our help but we don’t want to burn out. We have the freedom to revise our plans/goals as we go. Our members must find participating in our club fun and fulfilling. Activities should allow for interaction among members, getting to know one another and making friends. Leaders should ensure that everyone knows where and how they fit in; each member should have a purpose and something they wish to achieve; a personal mission that harmonizes them with the group.

Political Action

Letter writing (including post cards and emails)

Meeting with politicians


Phone calls

Perhaps we can push for something specific like a bike path along the Meadowbrook Parkway

Organize/participate in protests, boycotts and rallies

Environmental Protection

Maintain a bird sanctuary here on campus

Wildlife rehabilitation

Habitat restoration


Plant trees

Work on specific environmental issues

Education (ourselves and others)

Have a table at various events (on and off campus), give out information and talk to people – raise awareness and let people know what they can do.

Host or co-host speakers/conferences or concerts

Write articles, book reviews or summarize what’s going on with respect to specific environmental issues for the Vignette or other newspapers, our website, create environmental radio & TV ads/messages, something for YouTube.

Help make our website a valuable resource for the environmental community

Raise awareness in general – make up bumper stickers/magnets, t-shirts, pins, ball caps, pens, mugs, etc. Themes: Recycling, green living, etc.

Request specific books for the library

Show movies like “An Inconvenient Truth,” “Who Killed the Electric Car,” etc.

Wilderness first aid training, CPR, etc.

Learn about living in harmony with the environment

Put up posters and signs; perhaps focus on a specific theme like recycling

Create library displays for our school library as well as public libraries around Long Island

Talk to others, particularly non-environmentalists, about environmental issues to learn about and understand how others think and feel and why – it can be very educational to interact with people don’t think like we do.

Trip to Albany to learn about our state government

Trip to Washington D.C. to learn about our Federal Government

Trip to Mineola to learn about the Nassau County Government

Trips to NYC for educational or recreational purposes

Explore/Enjoy the Environment (clean up as we go)

Hiking (we can even go for walks here on campus)





Skiing (downhill/cross country)


Snow shoeing

Orienteering (map and compass skills)

Create/maintain a garden


Have a table at events

Set up a table somewhere on campus (no event)

Talk to your friends

General Publicity for our club


Signs around campus

NCC radio ad


Interact/collaborate with other environmental organizations; other college environmental clubs for example.

Go to local meetings of national environmental clubs and organizations (like the Sierra Club)

Join outside environmental clubs and organizations – great sources of information and resources plus it’s a great education. Being an environmental crusader shouldn’t end when you graduate. Now is a good time to explore some options.

Hold a theme dance – get pledges from attendees to take some kind of action and have petitions, letters, postcards, etc. available for everyone to sign and the club will mail them.


Create a club banner/display for tabling, fairs, etc.

Write up procedures/what we did for next semester and those who will follow

Convert a vehicle to run on an alternate fuel

Try to encourage positive changes on campus – green roof project, grow ivy on the buildings, convert campus vehicles to run on alternate fuels, plant trees, reclaim waste water, get more efficient lighting, etc.

Fund raising

Bike maintenance and repair

Compose and play/record environmental music

Help out with various environmentally related events around Long Island/service trips

Host a Clothing Swap

More ideas are most welcome!