Using Quotations and Documenting Sources
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In 1998, Time magazine confirmed what many already knew to be true when it named Pablo Picasso the most influential artist of the twentieth century. Picasso, who lived from 1181 through 1973, was one of the first visual artists in history to achieve a mass audience in his own lifetime. By the time of his death at age ninety-one, millions of people around the world knew his name and had seen reproductions of his work (Hughes 72). There were certainly many other talented and innovative artists in the twentieth century, yet Picasso distinguished himself as an adept painter even from the time he was a child; his early paintings show his skill at what some would call the “traditional” art of copying objects and people exactly as they are. However, Picasso was not content to simply continue painting in this style. As he once said about his work, “If you know exactly what you are going to do, what’s the good of doing it? There’s no interest in something you already know. It’s much better to do something else” (qtd in Clark 24). A reason for Picasso’s fame may be the fact that throughout his lifetime, he constantly reinvented himself and his work.
The Works Cited Page
Works Cited
Bradley, Jeff. “Picasso’s Genius as Graphic Artist on Display.” Denver Post 10 June
1998: F1.
Clark, Hiro ed. Picasso: In His Words. San Francisco: Collins Publishers, 1993.
Hughes, Robert. “The Artist: Pablo Picasso.” Time 8 June 1998: 72-77.
Jaffe, Hans L.C. Pablo Picasso. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1983.
McCully, Marylin. “Picasso”. The New Encyclopedia Brittanica. 1998.
“Pablo Picasso”. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. 4th Ed. 1996.
Penrose, Roland. Picasso. London: Phaidon Press, 1991.
“Picasso and Cubism”. Des. Denise Hall. 9 Nov. 1996. University of Texas. 10 March 2001. <
Wold, Henry, et al. An Introduction to Music and Art in the Western World. Dubuque:
Brown and Benchmark, 1996.