- Meeting Called to Orderat 3:33PM.
- Roll Call – See Secretary’s records.
- Approval of Minutes (with corrections)
- 2.12.13
- Motion by Nicole S, Second by Travis
- All in favor, Motion passes.
- Guests
- Theresa Acardi
- Director of Career Development Center
- Goal is to create a buzz on campus and get more students into the Career Development Center.
- Services are free!
- Upcoming events (see handout) – please do your best to attend!
- Career Month beginning March 7th!
- Life coach coming in to speak on leading skills for life.
- Spring Career Fair coming up on April 5th.
- Please spread word of center to other clubs on campus.
- Resume Review Workshop also coming soon.
- Career Fair Prep Workshop on March 21st!
- Open to suggestions, please stop in with suggestions!
- Cody Snapp
- Please like/follow the various social media outlets.
- Spread the word to other students!
- Please use the hashtag “#MolloyLife”
- Committees – No dates to report.
- Priorities & Planning (P&P)
- Financial Resources
- Undergraduate Academic Policies & Programs Committee (UAPP)
- Community & Campus Life
- Alumni Association
- Legislative Officer Reports
- Residence Hall
- No update
- Public Relations
- No update
- Community Service
- St. Baldrick’s Day
- Working on donations for raffles.
- If you’re interested in joining the committee please let Kerri or Gemma know.
- Everyone please do your best to help out with the event and sign up on the signup sheet via
- Each MSG member is required to bring in one baked good
- Academic Board
- No change
- Class Officers
- Seniors
- Class meeting
- March 7th at 4PM.
- Juniors
- Toga party
- April 4th
- $2 non-Molloy, Free for Molloy
- Beer with Seniors.
- PR on Facebook almost 100 confirmations already
- Flyers and posters will be up soon.
- Dressing up in Togas handing out invitations two weeks prior to the event
- Motion for $1,200 including decorations, food, DJ, Toga costumes for PR, sidewalk chalk, etc.
- Motion by Connor, Second by Juliana
- All in favor, Motion passes.
- Kanjam
- Tentative date waiting for confirmation with Janine (April 18th at 3:30 PM).
- Thinking about doing it on the day of Boxtown right before the events
- $10 per team to enter (between 20 and 30 teams)
- Prizes are gift cards to the bookstore, Molloy sweatshirts, and possibly getting two reserved parking spots on Molloy campus for the winners.
- Amanda recommends scheduling a raindate.
- Motion for $400 for pizza and prizes
- Motion by Connor, Second by Jess
- All in favor, Motion passes.
- Sophomores
- Bachelor auction
- March 6th at 6PM
- PR will be up by Friday as will the application.
- Price for dinner still in works, will motion next week.
- Class Meeting
- 5PM Today.
- Freshmen
- Freshman class open forum
- Wednesday February 20th 5:30pm
- H.O.P.E.
- No update
- S.A.A.C
- Thank you for attending White Out!
5.Executive Board Reports
- President
- St. Baldrick’s Day- E-Board has been organizing and moving forward on St. Baldrick’s Day to assist Community Service
- Special elections
- There are vacant spots (2 Community Service and Sophomore Class Historian)
- Check emails for more info.
- Vice President
- Constitution
- Thank you for concerns and suggestions
- Constitution will be drafted the week after Spring Break so it will be ready before elections for next year.
- Treasurer
- Budgets and Fundraised – Numbers are current.
Budget / Fundraised
1. / MSG / $32, 369.84 / $ 22,750.34
2. / Programming / $17, 335.41 / -
3. / Seniors / $5, 485.81 / $1,590
4. / Juniors / $ 2,734.00 / $1,323
5. / Sophomores / $ 2,930.72 / $1,407
6. / Freshmen / $ 2,045.05 / $ 331.00
- Student Activities Coordinator
- No change
- Programming Coordinator
- Stuff-A-Bear
- $553 raised for National Marfan Foundation in Port Washington
- Approximately $70 dollars in donations.
- Thank you for your help everyone!!!
- Secretary
- Constitution Quote
- Old/Unfinished Business
- Motion for $1,000 for the remaining money needed for Gala Photos
- Motion by Nicole, Second by Joe
- Abstaining: Craig, Liz
- Motion passes
- Amanda has resigned from Community Service due to Academics but she will attend meetings and events and plans on running in April.
- Regarding the Smart Board being placed in the Information Commons (from Student Forum) Mike L has a meeting tomorrow regarding
- New Business
- Video Game Tournament being planned by Senior Class with LEAD and Anime club.
- Fundraised money will be donated to a charity for disabled gamers.
- Blizzard of Bucks – TONIGHT @ 8PM in Madison Theater
- Home Basketball Games – Saturday, February 23, 2013 @ 12PM & 3PM
- MSG Hangout – Friday, February 22, 2013
- Room and time will be sent out ASAP
- Movie/Game night!
- Orientation Leader Applications are due soon – please apply!
- Sign up for Relay for Life!!! (April 19th 7PM-7AM)
- Adjournment
- Motion to Adjourn meeting at 4:11PM
- Motion by Anthony, Second by Connor
- All in favor, Motion passes.