Curriculum Committee Minutes for Friday, 27APR12

Present: Barnaby, Angela L.; Bethka, Paul L.; Cummings, Terri A.; Dermody, Sean B.; Fowler, Lynn M.; Goyette, Carey L.; LaDuke, Patricia L.; Mitchell, Cathy P.; Reagan, Cheryl A.; Thomas, Lee Ann

Guests: Alphonso, Angela; Buffett, Scott; Drennan, Christopher; Jeskanen, Sami; Parmeter, Diane; Seymour, Cheryl

Meeting called to order at 1205 HRS.

Minutes of 23MAR12: Angela moved and Lynn seconded. Committee unanimously voted to approve.

Items of action:

BIO228 (Course Revision): Angela moved and Lynn seconded. Committee unanimously voted to approve. BIO204 (Course Revision): Angela moved and Lynn seconded. Committee unanimously voted to approve.
HIS181 (Topics Course): Information only.
WTT201 (Course Revision): Angela moved and Lynn seconded. Committee unanimously voted to approve.
MAT096 (Course Revision): Angela moved and Lynn seconded as amended (typo corrected). Committee unanimously voted to approve.
MAT098 (Course Revision): Angela moved and Lynn seconded as amended (typo corrected). Committee unanimously voted to approve.
MAT104 (Course Revision): Angela moved and Lynn seconded as amended (effective date changed). Committee unanimously voted to approve. Motion is to be effective Spring 2013.
MAT105 (Course Revision): Angela moved and Lynn seconded as amended (effective date changed). Committee unanimously voted to approve. Motion is to be effective Spring 2013.
HUM280 (New Course): Angela moved and Lynn seconded. Committee agreed the department cannot have New and Topics Courses with the same course numbers. Therefore, the Topics course below was removed for consideration.

Motion to amend original motion to change Course Number and Course Title to HUM285 International Experience. Angela moved and Lynn seconded. Committee unanimously voted to approve.

Committee unanimously voted to approve amended original motion.
HUM280 (Topic - China): Removed from agenda.
HPE124 (Course Revision): Angela moved and Lynn seconded as amended (minor wording change). Committee unanimously voted to approve.
ACC285 (Course Revision) Angela moved and Lynn seconded. Committee unanimously voted to approve.
Payroll Certificate Revision: Angela moved and Lynn seconded. Committee unanimously voted to approve.
Payroll Certificate Revised Worksheet: Information only. Angela praised Terri for her Word table. ☺
Financial Services Certificate Deactivation/Discontinuance: Information only.

Angela asked the committee if a May meeting needed to be scheduled. Committee unanimously agreed the time could be better spent preparing for finals and/or final grades.

☺The Curriculum Committee most thoroughly thanked Angela for a wondrous year of leadership and dedication. We strongly feel we would not be where we are without her hard work and enthusiasm. ☺☺☺☺

The last Curriculum Committee meeting of 2011-2012 adjourned at 1300 HRS.