Latin INōmen ______
Semester Extra Credit
Latin Derivative PosterDiēs ______Pd.______
Your assignment:
- Create a modern usage poster for one Latin word of your choice.
- You will choose one Latin word from the list provided. All students must choose a different word.
- Start compiling a list of Latin derivatives in English. You should have at least 4 derivatives. Some words have many more derivatives than others. One of the considerations for how you will be graded will be on the quality/variety of your derivatives – did you find a variety of derivatives, including ones that have prefixes? Did you find derivatives that are SAT-type words or technical words, or did you just provide the easiest words that you could find?
- You should underline the root of the Latin origin word in each derivative.
- Write a brief definition for each word, and/or an example sentence.
- Find any Romance language words that come from your Latin word. These should be similar looking words in any or all of the Romance languages. To highlight the fact that English is a Germanic language, if you find that the German meaning of your word is similar to the English meaning, you can include that as well.
- Find other modern usage for your word. This should be as many of the following that you can find:
- Usage in law, medicine, technology, outer space, etc.
- Usage in advertisements, business names, product names, etc. Include pictures for these usages if possible.
- Place names around the world.
- These modern usages should come from our country and from other countries as well.
- You will display your findings on a poster. Your poster should be 11x17 in size or larger. I have 12x18 construction paper and oak tag as well as larger sheets of oak tag that you may use or you can use your own poster board.
- Your Latin word should be the focus of your poster and should therefore be the largest print.
- You should have some kind of theme to your poster that has something to do with your word.
- The derivatives of your word should be arranged in a way as to descend from, grow from, or radiate from your Latin origin word.
- You should include pictures on your poster of as many of the modern usages as you can.
- Some words will have many English derivatives while others have more usages in other languages. Some will have many modern business/place/product names using the original Latin word while others will have many modern business/place/product names using the Romance language words. The four derivative and six modern usage requirements can be changed to ten usages total.
- You may type and/or handwrite the words on your poster and you may draw and/or print the pictures on your poster. The print and pictures should be neat, colorful and fill the space of your poster.
Latin Modern Usage PosterPossiblePoints
Grading RubricPointsEarned
English Derivatives:
You included a variety of derivatives along with
definitions and/or usage examples. The amount and quality of
derivatives reflect the number of derivatives that exist for your word.
Non-English Derivatives:
You included derivatives of your word in the modern Romance languages.
Modern Usage:15_____
You included examples of Modern Usage that reflect any and
all variety of modern usage of your word. You either explained what the
modern usages are or you included pictures.
Presentation of Your Findings:5_____
Your poster uses the Latin word as the focal point of your poster.
The derivatives and modern usages are neatly organized. The modern usages
include pictures, either hand-drawn or printed. Your poster has a theme that
represents the meaning of your word. Overall, your poster is neat and well organized
with both pictures and words.
Total Points Possible:20
Total Points Earned:____
(You may choose one of the following common words, or choose any of the words in Stages 1-6. Only one person is allowed to select each word.)
aequus - equal
altus – high/tall
amicus – friend
anima – spirit
annus – year
aqua – water
arbor – tree
argentum – silver
bene – well
bonus – good
campus – field
carnis – meat
centum – hundred
cor, cordis – heart
corona – crown
corpus, corporis – body
credere – to believe
culina – kitchen
culpa – fault
decem – ten
dens, dentis – tooth
deus – god
dexter, dextra – right
dicere, dictus– to speak
dormire – to sleep
duo – two
dulcis – sweet
durus – hard
frater, fratris – brother
habitare – to live
herba – grass/plant
leo, leonis – lion
liber, libris - book
luna – moon
lux, lucis – light
manus – hand
mare – sea
mater, matris – mother
mens, mentis - mind
mille – thousand
mors, mortis – death
multus – many
mundus – world
nomen, nominis – name
novem – nine
novus - new
nox, noctis – night
octo – eight
pater, patris – father
pax, pacis – peace
pes, pedis – foot
portare – to carry
primus – first
quartus – fourth
quattuor – four
quinque – fifth
rex, regis – king
sanus - healthy
scribere, scriptus – to write
septem – seven
sol, solis – sun
stella – star
stare, stedi, status – to stand
terra – land/ground/Earth
tempus, temporis – time
tres, tria – three
unus – one
veritas - truth
ventus – wind
via – way
vita – life
1. English Derivatives2. Romance Language Derivatives
German (if similar to English): / 3. Usage in Advertisements – Product names, Business names, etc.
4. Usage in Law, Medicine, Outer space, etc. / 5. Usage in Place names around the world
List of possible online resources:
Google is a good start. Type your Latin word into the search and see if there are any business, products, other modern usages listed in the search results. PLEASE read the description for each search result to make sure that the usage is school appropriate BEFORE clicking on the link.
This site is a good place to find the Romance language derivatives.
This site has a list of Latin words with their derivatives. They also include definitions of the derivatives.
This is a very long list of derivatives (with no definitions.)
This website has a list of derivatives along with definitions and example sentences.
This is another Latin derivative website.
Visit this site for the definitions of your derivatives
Google Earth
Stay zoomed out in Earth view. Type the Latin word into the search bar. Search results will display possible locations that use your word. It may help to move Google Earth to Europe where many of the Romance languages are spoken. After trying to use your Latin word in the search bar, you may type in any of the Romance language derivatives to see if there are any relevant location names.
If you have a nature, mythological, animal or color vocabulary word, you may be able to find usages in outer space. You may switch to sky view for constellations, moon view or Mars view. See me for help.